Gorshkov, Alexey Vyacheslavovich

Total publications: 14 (14)
in MathSciNet: 6 (6)
in zbMATH: 5 (5)
in Web of Science: 5 (5)
in Scopus: 6 (6)
Cited articles: 4
Citations: 16
Presentations: 7

Number of views:
This page:3272
Abstract pages:2215
Full texts:860
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2003)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 5.08.1978
Keywords: Navier–Stokes system stabilization.


Parabolic differential equations, Navier–Stokes system, stabilization.

Main publications:
  1. Gorshkov A.V., “Stabilization of linear parabolic equations defined in an exterior of a bounded domain by a boundary control”, Journ. of Dyn. and Control Syst., 10:1 (2004), 1–9  crossref  mathscinet
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. A. V. Gorshkov, “On the uniqueness solvability of the divergence-curl problem in unbounded domains and energy estimates of solutions”, TMF (to appear)  mathnet

2. A. V. Gorshkov, “Special Weber Transform with Nontrivial Kernel”, Math. Notes, 114:2 (2023), 172–186  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
3. Gorshkov A.V., “No-Slip Boundary Condition for Vorticity Equation in 2D Exterior Domain”, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 25 (2023), 47  crossref

4. Gorshkov A.V., “Stable invariant manifolds with application to control problems”, Mathematical Control and Related Fields (MCRF), 12:3 (2022), 695–707  crossref

5. Gorshkov A.V., “Associated Weber–Orr Transform, Biot–Savart Law and Explicit Form of the Solution of 2D Stokes System in Exterior of the Disc”, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 21 (2019), 41  crossref
6. Gorshkov A.V., “Spektralnoe predstavlenie funktsii rotora vneshnei zadachi Stoksa v tsilindricheskikh oblastyakh”, Trudy NIISI RAN. Matematicheskoe i kompyuternoe modelirovanie slozhnykh sistem: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty, 9:2 (2019), 71–74

7. A. V. Gorshkov, “Invariant manifolds for the burgers equation defined on a semiaxis”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:1 (2018), 90–101  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  scopus

8. A. V. Gorshkov, “Stabilization of the solution to a heat equation in the exterior of a sphere with boundary control”, Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 71:5 (2016), 173–184  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
9. Gorshkov A.V., “Boundary Stabilization of Stokes System in Exterior Domains”, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 18 (2016), 679–697  crossref

10. A. V. Gorshkov, “Stabilizing a solution of the 2D Navier-Stokes system in the exterior of a bounded domain by means of a control on the boundary”, Sb. Math., 203:9 (2012), 1244–1268  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
11. Fursikov A.V., Gorshkov A.V., “Certain questions of feedback stabilization for Navier-Stokes equations”, Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT), 1:1 (2012), 109–140  crossref

12. A. V. Gorshkov, “Stabilization of solutions to parabolic equations in an unbounded domain”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2004, no. 2, 61–64  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

13. A. V. Gorshkov, “Stabilization of a semilinear parabolic equation in the exterior of a bounded domain by means of boundary controls”, Sb. Math., 194:10 (2003), 1475–1502  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

14. A. V. Gorshkov, “Stabilization of the one-dimensional heat equation on a semibounded rod”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:2 (2001), 409–410  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Degenerate Fourier transforms and their applications to mathematical physics
A. V. Gorshkov
The ninth international conference "Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications" (QIPA 2023)
December 5, 2023 16:40   
2. О приложении теории Ходжа для некомпактных многообразий к задачам гидродинамики
A. V. Gorshkov
Differential equations, analysis and control: theory and applications
November 20, 2023 18:25
3. О приложении вырожденных преобразований Фурье к уравнениям математической физики
A. V. Gorshkov
Seminar "Optimal Control and Dynamical Systems"
October 13, 2023 13:00   
4. Разрешимость уравнения Гельмгольца со специальным интегральным граничным условием
A. V. Gorshkov
Differential equations, analysis and control: theory and applications
March 13, 2023 18:25
5. Дефектные преобразования Фурье и граничные условия прилипания для уравнения вихревой динамики
A. V. Gorshkov
Differential equations, analysis and control: theory and applications
October 3, 2022 18:25
6. Интегральные преобразования Вебера-Орра и их приложения к гидродинамике
A. V. Gorshkov
Differential equations, analysis and control: theory and applications
November 15, 2021 18:25
7. Ассоциированное преобразование Вебера-Орра и его приложение к спектральному разложению оператора Стокса во внешности круга
A. V. Gorshkov
Differential equations, analysis and control: theory and applications
December 3, 2018 18:30

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