A. B. Piunovskiy, “Turnpikes in finite Markov decision processes and random walk”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 68:1 (2023), 147–176; Theory Probab. Appl., 68:1 (2023), 123–149
A. Kurushima, A. Piunovskiy, Y. Zhang, “Nowak's theorem on probability measures induced by strategies revisited”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 62:2 (2017), 405–414; Theory Probab. Appl., 62:2 (2018), 328–334
E. A. Feinberg, A. B. Piunovskiy, “On strongly equivalent nonrandomized transition probabilities”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 54:2 (2009), 399–406; Theory Probab. Appl., 54:2 (2010), 300–307
E. A. Feinberg, A. B. Piunovskiy, “On Dvoretzky–Wald–Wolfowitz theorem on nonrandomized statistical decisions”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 50:3 (2005), 594–597; Theory Probab. Appl., 50:3 (2006), 463–466
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A. B. Piunovskiy, “review on the book: Hernández-Lerma O., Lasserre J. B.
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