List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2023 |
1. |
Izv. Math., 87:3 (2023), 421–438 |
2021 |
2. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Ramification filtration via deformations”, Sb. Math., 212:2 (2021), 135–169 |
2017 |
3. |
Victor Abrashkin, “Groups of automorphisms of local fields of period $p^M$ and nilpotent class $<p$”, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble), 67:2 (2017), 605–635
4. |
Victor Abrashkin, “Groups of automorphisms of local fields of period $p$ and nilpotent class $<p$, I”, Int. J. Math., 28:6 (2017), 1750043 , 34 pp.
5. |
Victor Abrashkin, “Groups of automorphisms of local fields of period $p$ and nilpotent class $<p$, II”, Int. J. Math., 28:10 (2017), 1750066 , 32 pp.
2015 |
6. |
V. Abrashkin, “Ramification estimate for Fontaine–Laffaille Galois modules”, J. Algebra, 427 (2015), 319–328 |
2014 |
7. |
V. Abrashkin, “Group schemes of period 2”, Manuscripta Math., 143:3-4 (2014), 317–353 |
2013 |
8. |
V. Abrashkin, “Projective varieties with bad semi-stable reduction at 3 only”, Doc. Math., 18 (2013), 547–619 |
2010 |
9. |
V. Abrashkin, “Group schemes of period $p>2$”, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3), 101:1 (2010), 207–259
10. |
V. Abrashkin, “Modified proof of a local analogue of the Grothendieck conjecture”, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 22:1 (2010), 1–50
2009 |
11. |
V. Abrashkin, “Characteristic $p$ analogue of modules with finite crystalline height”, Pure Appl. Math. Q., 5:1 (2009), 469–494
2008 |
12. |
Victor Abrashkin, Group schemes of period $p>2$, 2008 , arXiv: 0806.2588 |
2007 |
13. |
Abrashkin Victor, “An analogue of the field-of-norms functor and of the Grothendieck conjecture”, J. Algebraic Geom., 16:4 (2007), 671–730
2006 |
14. |
Abrashkin V., “Galois modules arising from Faltings's strict modules”, Compos. Math., 142:4 (2006), 867–888
2004 |
15. |
Abrashkin Victor, “Towards explicit description of ramification filtration in the 2-dimensional case”, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 16:2 (2004), 293–333
2003 |
16. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “An Analogue of the Grothendieck Conjecture for Two-Dimensional Local Fields of Finite Characteristic”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 241 (2003), 2–34 |
2002 |
17. |
Abrashkin Victor, “Ramification theory for higher dimensional local fields”, Algebraic number theory and algebraic geometry, Contemp. Math., 300, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002, 1–16
2000 |
18. |
Abrashkin Victor A., “On a local analogue of the Grothendieck conjecture”, Internat. J. Math., 11:2 (2000), 133–175
1999 |
19. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “The image of the Galois group for some crystalline representations”, Izv. Math., 63:1 (1999), 1–36 |
1998 |
20. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “A group-theoretical property of the ramification filtration”, Izv. Math., 62:6 (1998), 1073–1094 |
21. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “A ramification filtration of the Galois group of a local field. III”, Izv. Math., 62:5 (1998), 857–900 |
1997 |
22. |
Abrashkin Victor A., “The field of norms functor and the Brückner-Vostokov formula”, Math. Ann., 308:1 (1997), 5–19
23. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Explicit formulae for the Hilbert symbol of a formal group over the Witt vectors”, Izv. Math., 61:3 (1997), 463–515 |
1995 |
24. |
Abrashkin V. A., “A ramification filtration of the Galois group of a local field”, Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society, Vol. III, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. Ser. 2, 166, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1995, 35–100 |
25. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Ramification filtration of the Galois group of a local field. II”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 208 (1995), 15–62 |
1990 |
26. |
Abrashkin Victor A., “Ramification in étale cohomology”, Invent. Math., 101:3 (1990), 631–640
27. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Group schemes over a discrete valuation ring with small ramification”, Leningrad Math. J., 1:1 (1990), 57–97 |
28. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Modular representations of the Galois group of a local field, and a generalization of the Shafarevich conjecture”, Math. USSR-Izv., 35:3 (1990), 469–518 |
29. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Modification of the Fontaine–Laffaille functor”, Math. USSR-Izv., 34:3 (1990), 467–516 |
1988 |
30. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Finite group schemes of period $p$ over a discrete valuation ring”, Russian Math. Surveys, 43:4 (1988), 199–200 |
31. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Modular crystalline representations”, Russian Math. Surveys, 43:3 (1988), 195–196 |
32. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Galois moduli of period $p$ group schemes over a ring of Witt vectors”, Math. USSR-Izv., 31:1 (1988), 1–46 |
33. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Honda systems of group schemes of period $p$”, Math. USSR-Izv., 30:3 (1988), 419–453 |
1985 |
34. |
Abrashkin V. A., “Group schemes of period $p$ over the ring of Witt vectors”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 283:6 (1985), 1289–1294
1983 |
35. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Group schemes of period $p$”, Math. USSR-Izv., 20:3 (1983), 411–433 |
1977 |
36. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “$p$-divisible groups over $\mathbf Z$”, Math. USSR-Izv., 11:5 (1977), 937–956 |
1976 |
37. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Good reduction of two-dimensional Abelian varieties”, Math. USSR-Izv., 10:2 (1976), 245–254 |
38. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “2-Divisible groups over $Z$”, Math. Notes, 19:5 (1976), 429–433 |
39. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Moduli of liftings of $p$-divisible groups and of nonsupersingular Abelian varieties”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 31:3(189) (1976), 199–200 |
1974 |
40. |
V. A. Abrashkin, “Determination of the two-class imaginary quadratic fields with an even discriminant by Heegner's method”, Math. Notes, 15:2 (1974), 137–139 |