01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date:
interpolation of operators,
real K-method of interpolation,
independent functions,
Rademacher system,
rearrangement invariant spaces,
orthogonal series,
extrapolation of operators.
Main publications:
S. V. Astashkin, M. Milman, “Extrapolation Stories and Problems”, Pure and Appl. Funct. Anal., 6:3 (2021), 651–707
S. V. Astashkin, The Rademacher system in function spaces, Birkhäuser, 2020 , 559 pp.
S. V. Astashkin, “$\Lambda(p)$–spaces”, J. Funct. Anal., 266 (2014), 5174–5198
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Independent functions and the geometry of Banach spaces”, Russian Math. Surveys, 65:6 (2010), 1003–1081
S. V. Astashkin, “Systems of random variables equivalent in distribution to the Rademacher system and $\mathscr K$-closed representability of Banach couples”, Sb. Math., 191:6 (2000), 779–807
S.V. Astashkin, K.V. Lykov, M. Milman, “Majorization revisited: Comparison of norms in interpolation scales”, Math. Annalen (Published online) https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208- 023-02606-w
S.V. Astashkin, G.P. Curbera, “Symmetric finite representability of \ell^-spaces in rearrangement invariant spaces on [0,1]”, Rev. Mat. Complut. (Published online) https://doi.org/10.1007/023-00464-3
S. V. Astashkin, K. V. Lykov, “On unconditionality of fractional Rademacher chaos in symmetric spaces”, Izv. Math., 88:1 (2024), 1–17
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “On a property of the Rademacher system and $\Lambda(2)$-spaces”, Sb. Math., 215:3 (2024), 291–307
S. V. Astashkin, “On subspaces of Orlicz spaces spanned by independent copies
of a mean zero function”, Izv. Math., 88:4 (2024), 601–625
S. V. Astashkin, “Sequences of independent functions and structure of rearrangement invariant spaces”, Russian Math. Surveys, 79:3 (2024), 375–457
S. V. Astashkin, “On isomorphic embeddings in the class of disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 65:3 (2024), 435–445
S. V. Astashkin, K. V. Lykov, “One property of the multiple Rademacher system and its applications to problems of graph discrepancy”, Russian Math. Surveys, 79:4 (2024), 727–729
S. V. Astashkin, V. M. Ershov, “Two remarks on properties of functions of bounded variation”, Vestnik SamU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 30:3 (2024), 7–16
S.V. Astashkin, “The structure of subspaces in Orlicz spaces lying between L^1 and L^2”, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 303 (2023), 91https://doi.org/10.1007/s00209- 023-03255-0
S. V. Astashkin, “On Lattice Properties of the Lorentz Spaces $L_{p,q}$”, Math. Notes, 113:1 (2023), 10–17
S. V. Astashkin, “Spectral properties of the dilation operator in rearrangement invariant spaces of fundamental type”, Siberian Math. J., 64:1 (2023), 1–12
S.V. Astashkin, P.G. Nilsson, “A description of interpolation spaces for quasi-Banach couples by real K-method”, Rev. Real Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat., 117 (2023), no. 35
S.V. Astashkin, P.G. Nilsson, M. Cwikel, “Arazy-Cwikel and Calderon-Mityagin type properties of the couples (\ell^p,\ell^q), 0\le p < q \le \infty.”, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 202:4 (2023), 1643-1678https://doi.org/10.1007/022-01296-6
S. V. Astashkin, “On Various Notions of Representability of $l_r$-Spaces in Orlicz Function Spaces”, Math. Notes, 114:3 (2023), 403–406
S. V. Astashkin, “On subspaces of an Orlicz space spanned by independent identically distributed functions”, Dokl. Math., 108:1 (2023), 297–299
S. V. Astashkin, “All-Russian scientific conference “Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling””, Vestnik SamU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 29:3 (2023), 7
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “On Quasibases and Bases of Symmetric Spaces Consisting of Nonnegative Functions”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 319 (2022), 13–21
S. V. Astashkin, G. P. Curbera, “Rosenthal's space revisited”, Studia Mathematica, 262:2 (2022), 197–224 , arXiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/3204379
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “Sequences of dilations and translations equivalent to the Haar system in L^p-spaces”, J. Approx. Theory, 274 (2022), no. 105672https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jat.2021.105672
S. V. Astashkin, “Symmetric finite representability of \ell^p-spaces in rearrangement invariant spaces on (0,\infty)”, Math. Annalen, 383:3-4 (2022), 1489-1520https://doi.org/10.1007/s00208-021-02277-5
S. Astashkin, F. Sukochev, D. Zanin, “The distribution of a random variable whose independent copies span \ell_M is unique”, Rev. Mat. Compl., 35:3 (2022), 815-834https://doi.org/10.1007/s13163-021-00406-x
S. V. Astashkin, D. N. Galich, “Estimating the measure of $k$-fold intersections of $k$-fold stretched intervals”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 66:10 (2022), 67–72
S. V. Astashkin, “Binary Orlicz spaces”, Dokl. Math., 106:2 (2022), 315–317
S.V. Astashkin, “A characterization of \ell^p-spaces symmetrically finitely represented in symmetric sequence spaces”, Banach J. Math. Anal., 16:2 (2022), no. 30
S.V. Astashkin, J. Huang, F. Sukochev, M. Pliev, D. Zanin, “Optimal Range of Haar Martingale Transforms and Its Applications”, International Mathematics Research Notices, rnac273 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rnac273 3
S. V. Astashkin, “Sequences of independent functions in rearrangement invariant spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 62:2 (2021), 189–198
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “Orthogonality in nonseparable rearrangement-invariant spaces”, Sb. Math., 212:11 (2021), 1553–1570
S. V. Astashkin, “Disjointly homogeneous Orlicz spaces revisited”, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 200 (2021), 2689–2713 , arXiv: 3179604 [math.FA]
S. V. Astashkin, J. Huang, F. Sukochev, “Lack of isomorphic embeddings of symmetric function spaces into operator ideals”, J. Funct. Anal., 280:5 (2021), 108895
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “Representation of functions in symmetric spaces by dilations and translations”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 54:1 (2020), 45–48
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “On a Property of Rearrangement Invariant Spaces whose Second Köthe Dual is Nonseparable”, Math. Notes, 107:1 (2020), 10–19
S. V. Astashkin, S. I. Strakhov, “On Disjointly Homogeneous Orlicz–Lorentz Spaces”, Math. Notes, 108:5 (2020), 631–642
S. V. Astashkin, “Symmetric finite representability of $\ell^p$ in Orlicz spaces”, Vestn. SamU. Estestvennonauchn. ser., 26:4 (2020), 15–24
S. V. Astashkin, “A version of Calder\{o}n-Mityagin theorem for the class of rearrangement invariant groups”, Nonlinear Analysis, 200 (2020), 112063
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “Representing systems of dilations and translations in symmetric function spaces”, J. Fourier Anal. Appl., 26:1 (2020), 13 , arXiv: 1903.07094v1 [math.FA]
S. V. Astashkin, “Duality problem for disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces”, J. Funct. Anal., 276 (2019), 3205–3225 , arXiv: 1805.00691v1 [math.FA]
S. V. Astashkin, “On some problems of the theory of disjointly homogeneous symmetric spaces”, Proc. Lobachevskii Math. Center, 57 (2019), 40–45
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “Basis properties of affine Walsh systems in symmetric spaces”, Izv. Math., 82:3 (2018), 451–476
S. V. Astashkin, S. I. Strakhov, “On symmetric spaces with convergence in measure on reflexive subspaces”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 62:8 (2018), 1–8
S. V. Astashkin, P. A. Terekhin, “Affine Walsh-type systems of functions in symmetric spaces”, Sb. Math., 209:4 (2018), 469–490
S. V. Astashkin, G. P. Curbera, “Random unconditional convergence and divergence in Banach spaces close to $L^1$”, Rev. Mat. Complut., 31:2 (2018), 351–377
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “$L_p+L_q$ and $L_p\cap L_q$ are not isomorphic for all $1\le p,q\le\infty$, $p\ne q$”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 356 (2018), 661–665 , arXiv: 2223358 math.FA
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “$L_p+L_\infty$ and $L_p\cap L_\infty$ are not isomorphic for all $p\in ]1.2)\cup (2,\infty)$”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 146:5 (2018), 2181–2194 , arXiv: 1852164 math.FA
S. V. Astashkin, G. Curbera, K. E. Tikhomirov, “On the existence of RUC-systems in rearrangement invariant spaces”, Math. Nachr., 289:2-3 (2016), 175–186
S. V. Astashkin, “Letter to the editors”, Algebra i Analiz, 28:3 (2016), 190–192
S. V. Astashkin, “Martingale transforms of a Rademacher sequence in symmetric spaces”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 27:2 (2016), 191–206
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “Paley spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 56:1 (2015), 21–27
S. Astashkin, F. Sukochev, D. Zanin, “On uniqueness of distribution of a random variable whose independent copies span a subspace in $L_p$”, Stud. Math., 230:1 (2015), 41–57
S. V. Astashkin, “Disjointly homogeneous rearrangement invariant spaces via interpolation”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 421:1 (2015), 338–361
S. V. Astashkin, G. P. Curbera, “Local Khintchine inequality in rearrangement invariant spaces”, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, 194 (2015), 619–643
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “Structure of Cesaro function spaces: a survey”, Function Spaces X (Pozna\{n}, Poland, July 9-13, 2012), 102, eds. H. Hudzik, G. Lewicki, J. Musielak, M. Nowak, L. Skrzypczak, M. Wis\la, Banach Center Publ., Warszawa, 2014, 13–40
S. Astashkin, F. Sukochev, D. Zanin, “Disjointification inequalities in symmetric quasi-Banach spaces and their applications”, Pacific J. Math., 214:2 (2014), 257–285
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Orlicz sequence spaces spanned by identically distributed independent random variables in $L_p$–spaces”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 413 (2014), 1–19
S. V. Astashkin, “On subspaces generated by independent functions in symmetric spaces with Kruglov property”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 25:4 (2014), 513–527
S. V. Astashkin, “On Complementability of Subspaces in Symmetric Spaces with the Kruglov Property”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 47:2 (2013), 148–151
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “Spaces defined by the Paley function”, Sb. Math., 204:7 (2013), 937–957
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, R. S. Sukhanov, “Sequences of independent Walsh functions in BMO”, Siberian Math. J., 54:2 (2013), 205–211
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, K. E. Tikhomirov, “New examples of K-monotone weighted Banach couples”, Stud. Math., 218:1 (2013), 55–88
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “Interpolation of Cesaro and Copson spaces”, Banach and function spaces IV. International Symposium (Kitakyushu, Japan, 2012), eds. M. Kato, L. Maligranda, Yokohama Publishers, 2013, 123–133
S. V. Astashkin, K. E. Tikhomirov, “A probabilistic version of Rosenthals inequality”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 141:10 (2013), 3539–3547
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, C. P. Wong, “Distributionally concave symmetric spaces and uniqueness of symmetric structure”, Advances in Math., 232 (2013), 399–431
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “Haar Series and Spaces Determined by the Paley Function”, Doklady Math., 86:1 (2012), 539–541
S. V. Astashkin, “On finite representability of $l_p$-spaces in rearrangement invariant spaces”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 23:2 (2012), 257–273
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “Geometry of Cesàro Function Spaces”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 45:1 (2011), 64–68
S. V. Astashkin, K. E. Tikhomirov, “On Probability Analogs of Rosenthal's Inequality”, Math. Notes, 90:5 (2011), 644–650
S. V. Astashkin. F. A. Sukochev, C. P. Wong, “Disjointification of martingale differences and conditionally independent random variables with some\ applications”, Stud. Math., 205:2 (2011), 171–200
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Symmetric quasi–norms of sums of independent random variables in symmetric function spaces with the Kruglov operator”, Israel J. of Math., 184:1 (2011), 455–476
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Symmetric quasi–norms of sums of independent random variables in symmetric function spaces with the Kruglov operator”, Israel J. of Math., 184:1 (2011), 455–476
S. V. Astashkin, K. V. Lykov, “Extrapolation description of rearrangement invariant spaces and related problems”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Banach and Function Spaces III (Kitakyushu, Japan, 2009), eds. M. Kato, L. Maligranda, Yokohama Publisher, 2011, 1–52
S. V. Astashkin, “Rademacher series and isomorphisms of rearrangement invariant spaces on the finite interval and on the semi–axis”, J. Funct. Anal., 260 (2011), 195–207
S. V. Astashkin, “Rademacher functions in symmetric spaces”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 169:6 (2010), 725–886
S. V. Astashkin, D. V. Zanin, E. M. Semenov, F. A. Sukochev, “Kruglov Operator and Operators Defined by Random Permutations”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 43:2 (2009), 83–95
S. V. Astashkin, K. V. Lykov, “Strong extrapolation spaces and interpolation”, Siberian Math. J., 50:2 (2009), 199–213
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “Structure of Cesaro function spaces”, Indag. Mathem., N.S., 20:3 (2009), 329–379
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, F. L. Hernandez, “Strictly singular inclusions of rearrangement invariant spaces and Rademacher spaces”, Stud. Math., 193:3 (2009), 269–283
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, F. A. Sukochev, “Banach-Saks type properties in rearrangement–invariant spaces with Kruglov property”, Houston Math. J., 35:3 (2009), 959–973
S. V. Astashkin, “A Generalized Khintchine Inequality in Rearrangement Invariant Spaces”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 42:2 (2008), 144–147
S. V. Astashkin, “Lieb–Thirring Inequality for $L_p$ Norms”, Math. Notes, 83:2 (2008), 145–151
S. V. Astashkin, “Independent functions in rearrangement invariant spaces and the Kruglov property”, Sb. Math., 199:7 (2008), 945–963
S. V. Astashkin, N. Kalton, F. A. Sukochev, “Cesaro mean convergence of martingale differences in rearrangement invariant spaces”, Positivity, 12 (2008), 387–406
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Sequences of independent identically distributed functions in rearrangement invariant spaces”, Function spaces VIII (Bȩdlewo, Poland, July 3-7, 2006), 79, eds. H. Hudzik, J. Musielak, M. Nowak, L. Skrzypczak, Banach Center Publ., Warszawa, 2008, 27–37 (Published online)
S. V. Astashkin, “Orbitalnoe opisanie kompleksnogo metoda interpolyatsii”, Trudy IV mezhd. konfer. po kompleksnomu analizu, Petrozavodskii gosuniversitet, Petrozavodsk, 2008, 5–7
S. V. Astashkin, “On the Normability of Marcinkiewicz Classes”, Math. Notes, 81:4 (2007), 429–434
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Series of independent mean zero random variables in rearrangement invariant spaces with the Kruglov property”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 148:6 (2008), 795–809
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Banach-Saks property in Marcinkiewicz spaces”, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 336:2 (2007), 1231–1258
S. V. Astashkin, “Interpolyatsiya podprostranstv korazmernosti odin”, Vestnik Samarskogo un-ta. Estestvennonauchnaya seriya, 2007, no. 9/1(59), 75–84
S. V. Astashkin, P. Sunehag, “The Real Interpolation Method on Couples of Intersections”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 40:3 (2006), 218–221
S. V. Astashkin, F. A. Sukochev, “Sums of independent functions in symmetric spaces with the Kruglov property”, Math. Notes, 80:4 (2006), 593–598
S. V. Astashkin, K. V. Lykov, “Extrapolatory description for the Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz spaces “close” to $L_\infty$”, Siberian Math. J., 47:5 (2006), 797–812
S. V. Astashkin, “Interpolation of intersections by the real method”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 17:2 (2006), 239–265
S. V. Astashkin, “Interpolation of Intersections Generated by a Linear Functional”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 39:2 (2005), 131–134
S. V. Astashkin, “Extrapolation functors on a family of scales generated by the real interpolation method”, Siberian Math. J., 46:2 (2005), 205–225
S. V. Astashkin, G. P. Curbera, “Symmetric kernel of Rademacher multiplicator spaces”, J. Funct. Anal., 226 (2005), 173–192
S. V. Astashkin, “Some New Extrapolation Estimates for the Scale of $L_p$-Spaces”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 37:3 (2003), 221–224
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, “On Interpolation in $L_p$ Spaces”, Math. Notes, 74:5 (2003), 734–739
S. V. Astashkin, “Extrapolation properties of the scale of $L_p$-spaces”, Sb. Math., 194:6 (2003), 813–832
S. V. Astashkin, L. Maligranda, E. M. Semenov, “Multiplicator space and complemented subspaces of rearrangement invariant space”, J. Funct. Anal., 202 (2003), 247–276
S. V. Astashkin, “Images of operators in rearrangement invariant spaces and interpolation”, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Math., Proceedings of Sixth Intern. Conf. on Function Spaces (Wrocław, Poland, 2001), 213, Marcel Decker Inc., 2003, 49–64
S. V. Astashkin, “On the Exact $\mathcal{K}$-Monotonicity of Banach Couples”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 36:3 (2002), 217–219
S. V. Astashkin, “Exact $\mathscr K$-monotonicity of one class of Banach pairs”, Siberian Math. J., 43:1 (2002), 5–21
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “On complementability of subspaces generated by contractions and shifts of functions”, Doklady Math., 387:5 (2002), 583–585
S. V. Astashkin, R. F. Uzbekov, “${\cal K}$-zamknutye podpary i otnositelnye popolneniya”, Vestnik Samarskogo un-ta. Estestvennonauchnaya seriya, 26:4 (2002), 5–12
S. V. Astashkin, “About interpolation of subspaces of rearrangement invariant spaces generated by the Rademacher system”, Intern. J. Math. Math. Sci., 25:7 (2001), 451–465
S. V. Astashkin, S. M. Nikol'skii, S. Ya. Novikov, “Evgenii Mikhailovich Semenov (on his 60th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 56:6 (2001), 1193–1198
S. V. Astashkin, “Systems of random variables equivalent in distribution to the Rademacher system and $\mathscr K$-closed representability of Banach couples”, Sb. Math., 191:6 (2000), 779–807
S. V. Astashkin, “Fourier–Rademacher coefficients of functions in rearrangement-invariant spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 41:4 (2000), 601–610
S. V. Astashkin, “Rademacher chaos in symmetric spaces, 2”, East J. Approx., 6:1 (2000), 71–86
S. V. Astashkin, E. M. Semenov, “Fourier-Rademacher coefficients”, Doklady Math., 375:1 (2000), 7–9
S. V. Astashkin, V. A. Kostin, S.M.Nikolskii, I. Ya. Novikov, S. Ya. Novikov, Yu. G. Reshetnyak, V. A. Rodin, B. N. Sadovskii, V. V. Strygin, “Evgenii Mikhailovich Semenov (k shestidesyatiletiyu so dnya rozhdeniya)”, IZVESTIYa RAEN, seriya MMMIU, 4:3 (2000), 7-26
S. V. Astashkin, Yu. V. Solodyannikov, Svertochnye empiricheskie protsessy i svyazannye s nimi statisticheskie kriterii, “Samarskii universitet”, Samara, 2000
S. V. Astashkin, “Multiple Rademacher Series in Rearrangement Invariant Spaces”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 33:2 (1999), 141–143
S. V. Astashkin, “On the selection of subsystems equivalent in distribution to the Rademacher system”, Math. Notes, 66:3 (1999), 384–388
S. V. Astashkin, “Identification of subsystems “majorized” by the Rademacher system”, Math. Notes, 65:4 (1999), 407–417
S. V. Astashkin, “On disjunctive strict singularity of embeddings of symmetric spaces”, Math. Notes, 65:1 (1999), 3–12
S. V. Astashkin, “On Series with Respect to the Rademacher System in Rearrangement Invariant Spaces “Close” to $L_\infty$”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 32:3 (1998), 192–194
S. V. Astashkin, “Rademacher chaos in symmetric spaces”, East J. Approx., 4:3 (1998), 311–336
S. V. Astashkin, “${\cal K}$-monotonnye vesovye pary, porozhdennye prostranstvom, ne invariantnym otnositelno sdviga”, Trudy 2-go Mezhdun. semin. "Diff. ur-iya i ikh prilozh.", Samarskii gosuniversitet, Samara, 1998, 19–25
S. V. Astashkin, “Interpolation of positive polylinear operators in Calderón–Lozanovskii spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 38:6 (1997), 1047–1053
S. V. Astashkin, “Tensor product in symmetric function spaces”, Collectenea Math., 48:4–6 (1997), 375–391 (Proceedings of Fourth International Conference “Function Spaces”, Zielona G\{o}ra, 1995)
S. V. Astashkin, “Ob interpolyatsii podprostranstv simmetrichnykh prostranstv, porozhdennykh sistemoi Rademakhera”, IZVESTIYa RAEN, ceriya MMMIU, 1:1 (1997), 18–35
S. V. Astashkin, “Operatory slabogo tipa i ustoichivost veschestvennogo metoda interpolyatsii v simmetrichnykh prostranstvakh”, IZVESTIYa RAEN, seriya MMMIU, 1:4 (1997), 3–25
S. V. Astashkin, “On the Multiplier of a Rearrangement Invariant Space with Respect to the Tensor Product”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 30:4 (1996), 267–269
S. V. Astashkin, Yu. E. Kim, “Interpolation of bilinear operators in Marcinkiewicz spaces”, Math. Notes, 60:4 (1996), 363–371
S. V. Astashkin, “Ob orbitalnom opisanii kompleksnogo metoda interpolyatsii”, “Mera i integral”, Samarskii gosuniversitet, Samara, 1995, 28–34
S. V. Astashkin, “Interpolation of operators in quasinormed groups of measurable functions”, Siberian Math. J., 35:6 (1994), 1075–1082
S. V. Astashkin, “On cones of step functions in rearrangement invariant spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 34:4 (1993), 597–605
S. V. Astashkin, “On interpolation of bilinear operators with a real method”, Math. Notes, 52:1 (1992), 641–648
S. V. Astashkin, V. I. Ovchinnikov, “Functorial approach to interpolation of operators of weak type”, Siberian Math. J., 32:3 (1991), 360–370
S. V. Astashkin, “O simmetrichnom prostranstve s trivialnymi indeksami Boida”, “Mera i integral”, Kuibyshevskii gosuniversitet, Kuibyshev, 1988, 23–26
S. V. Astashkin, M. Sh. Braverman, “O podprostranstve simmetrichnogo prostranstva, porozhdennom sistemoi Rademakhera s vektornymi koeffitsientami”, “Operatornye ur-iya v funkts. pr-vakh”, Voronezhskii gosuniversitet, Voronezh, 1986, 3–10
S. V. Astashkin, “Stable interpolation functors”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 19:2 (1985), 133–134
S. V. Astashkin, “One property of functors of the real interpolation method”, Math. Notes, 38:3 (1985), 725–732
S. V. Astashkin, “Description of the interpolation spaces between $(l_1(\omega^0), l_1(\omega^1))$ and $(l_\infty(\omega^0), l_\infty(\omega^1))$”, Math. Notes, 35:4 (1984), 261–265
S. V. Astashkin, “Ob interpolyatsionnykh prostranstvakh otnositelno $l_1(w^0)$ i $l_1(w^1)$”, “Mera i integral”, Kuibyshevskii gosuniversitet, Kuibyshev, 1984, 25–34
S. V. Astashkin, “Ob ustoichivosti veschestvennogo metoda interpolyatsii”, DAN Uzbekskoi SSR, 4 (1983), 10–11
S. V. Astashkin, “O bilineinom multiplikativnom funktsionale”, "Issl. po teor. funkts. mnog. vesch. perem.", Yaroslavskii gosuniversitet, Yaroslavl, 1982, 3–15
Случайная безусловная сходимость, хаос Радемахера и системы множеств S. V. Astashkin XXII International Saratov Winter School
"Contemporary Problems of Function Theory and Their Applications",
dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences January 31, 2024 10:00