Molevich, Nonna Evgen'evna

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Total publications: 45
Scientific articles: 45

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This page:296
Abstract pages:6039
Full texts:2392
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2002)
Speciality: 01.04.02 (Theoretical physics)
E-mail: ,
Main publications:
  • Nelineinaya dinamika : ucheb. posobie / N. E. Molevich ; FANO, GOU VPO "Samarskii gos. aerokosmicheskii un-t im. akad. S. P. Koroleva". - Samara : Izd-vo SGAU, 2007. - 159 s. : il.; 21 sm. ; ISBN 978-5-7883-0488-5
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. E. A. Yarunova, A. A. Krents, N. E. Molevich, “Influence of weak injection on spatiotemporal instabilities in a broad-area vertical-cavity semiconductor laser”, Computer Optics, 47:6 (2023),  920–926  mathnet
2. N. K. Belov, I. P. Zavershinskii, A. I. Klimov, S. E. Kurushina, N. E. Molevich, D. P. Porfir'ev, “Studying the properties of a vortex steam flow with aluminum particles and a heating source”, TVT, 60:2 (2022),  225–234  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 60:2 (2022), 198–207 1
3. D. V. Agapova, S. A. Belov, N. E. Molevich, D. I. Zavershinskii, “Fast and slow MHD waves in thermally active plasma slab”, Vestnik SamU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 28:1-2 (2022),  120–127  mathnet
4. D. S. Riashchikov, I. A. Pomelnikov, N. E. Molevich, “Growth time of acoustic perturbations in isentropically unstable heat-releasing medium”, Vestnik SamU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 28:1-2 (2022),  113–119  mathnet
5. N. E. Molevich, D. S. Ryashikov, “Autowave pulse in a medium with the heating/cooling misbalance and an arbitrary thermal dispersion”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 46:13 (2020),  15–18  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 46:7 (2020), 637–640 5
6. D. S. Ryashikov, N. E. Molevich, D. Zavershinsky, “Two-dimensional autowave gas-dynamic structures in isentropically unstable heat-releasing gas”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:24 (2018),  94–102  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:12 (2018), 1163–1166 5
7. S. A. Belov, N. E. Molevich, D. Zavershinsky, “Amplification of Alfvén waves due to nonlinear interaction with a fast magnetoacoustic wave in acoustically active conductive media”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:5 (2018),  41–48  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:3 (2018), 199–202 7
8. I. P. Zavershinskii, A. I. Klimov, N. E. Molevich, S. S. Sugak, “Acoustically induced formation of helical structures in a swirling argon flow in the presence of pulse repetitive capacity HF discharge”, TVT, 56:3 (2018),  472–476  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 56:3 (2018), 454–457  isi  elib  scopus 3
9. D. A. Anchikov, A. A. Krents, N. E. Molevich, “Spatially inhomogeneous pattern formation due to parametric modulation in large broad-area lasers”, Computer Optics, 41:3 (2017),  363–368  mathnet 5
10. D. S. Munhoz, I. P. Zavershinskii, A. I. Klimov, P. N. Kazanskii, N. E. Molevich, I. A. Moralev, L. B. Polyakov, D. P. Porfir'ev, S. S. Sugak, B. N. Tolkunov, “Air flow control around a cylindrical model induced by a rotating electric arc discharge in an external magnetic field. Part II”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 87:8 (2017),  1159–1164  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 62:8 (2017), 1171–1176 1
11. I. P. Zavershinskii, A. I. Klimov, S. E. Kurushina, V. V. Maximov, N. E. Molevich, S. S. Sugak, “The stability of swirling flows with a heat source”, TVT, 55:5 (2017),  762–768  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 55:5 (2017), 746–752  isi  scopus
12. D. A. Anchikov, A. A. Krents, N. E. Molevich, A. V. Pakhomov, “Suppression of spatio-temporal instabilities in broad-area class-B lasers”, Computer Optics, 40:1 (2016),  31–35  mathnet 7
13. V. A. Bityurin, I. P. Zavershinskii, A. I. Klimov, N. E. Molevich, I. A. Moralev, D. Munhoz, L. Polyakov, D. P. Porfir'ev, S. S. Sugak, “Streamlining of a cylinder with an electric arc rotating in a magnetic field”, TVT, 54:4 (2016),  632–635  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 54:4 (2016), 599–602  isi  scopus 5
14. D. A. Anchikov, A. A. Krents, S. V. Krestin, N. E. Molevich, A. V. Pakhomov, “Investigation of temperature-induced lasing dynamics in broad-area VCSESL”, Computer Optics, 39:5 (2015),  721–727  mathnet 1
15. I. P. Zavershinskii, V. S. Krasnoukhov, N. E. Molevich, S. S. Sugak, “On the formation of structures in nonequilibrium media in the resonant three-wave interaction”, Computer Optics, 39:4 (2015),  480–485  mathnet 2
16. D. A. Anchikov, A. A. Krents, N. E. Molevich, A. V. Pakhomov, “Spatio-temporal instabilities in large aperture lasers”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  681–685  mathnet
17. A. O. Gorbunova, I. P. Zavershinskii, N. E. Molevich, D. P. Porfirev, “Numerical simulation of vortical structures in the RF electromagnetic field”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  643–650  mathnet
18. D. Zavershinsky, N. E. Molevich, “Amplifaction of magnetoacoustic waves in optically thin plasma medium with thermal instability”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  619–622  mathnet
19. D. Zavershinsky, N. E. Molevich, “Parametrical interaction of codirectional magnetoacoustic and alfven waves at magnetoacoustic instability”, Computer Optics, 37:4 (2013),  410–414  mathnet
20. N. E. Molevich, S. Yu. Pichugin, “Pulsed H<sub>2</sub> — F<sub>2</sub> laser with simultaneous lasing on rotational and vibrational—rotational transitions”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:5 (2011),  427–429  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 41:5 (2011), 427–429  isi  scopus]
21. I. P. Zavershinskii, A. I. Klimov, V. G. Makaryan, N. E. Molevich, I. A. Moralev, D. P. Porfir'ev, “Численное моделирование вихревого потока в присутствии поперечного разряда постоянного тока”, TVT, 48:supplementary issue (2010),  142–146  mathnet 3
22. R. N. Galimov, N. E. Molevich, “Small perturbations in the chemically active gas medium with the reversible reaction and external energy source and reagents source”, Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Seriya, 2010, no. 6(80),  125–138  mathnet
23. A. A. Krents, N. E. Molevich, “Cascade of torus doubling bifurcations in a detuned laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 39:8 (2009),  751–756  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 39:8 (2009), 751–756  isi  scopus] 3
24. T. È. Ventslavovich, V. S. Kazakevich, A. A. Krents, S. V. Krestin, N. E. Molevich, “On the possible nature of high-frequency modulation of a CO laser pulse”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 39:6 (2009),  528–530  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 39:6 (2009), 528–530  isi  scopus]
25. V. G. Makaryan, N. E. Molevich, D. P. Porfir'ev, “The classification of gas-dynamic structures described by the nonlinear acoustical equation of a relaxing medium”, Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Seriya, 2009, no. 6(72),  92–104  mathnet 1
26. N. E. Molevich, S. Yu. Pichugin, “Emission of a pulsed purely rotational transition chemical H<sub>2</sub> — F<sub>2</sub> laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:4 (2008),  330–332  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 38:4 (2008), 330–332  isi  scopus] 2
27. A. P. Zaikin, N. E. Molevich, “Effect of the cross-relaxation rate on the transverse radiation dynamics of a wide-aperture laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 34:8 (2004),  731–735  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 34:8 (2004), 731–735  isi] 8
28. A. P. Zaikin, A. A. Kurguzkin, N. E. Molevich, “Periodic autowave structures in a wide-aperture laser with inertial phase nonlinearity”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 32:8 (2002),  722–726  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 32:8 (2002), 722–726  isi]
29. N. E. Molevich, “Green function for three-wave coupling problems”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 31:7 (2001),  653–657  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 31:7 (2001), 653–657  isi]
30. N. E. Molevich, “Amplification of vortex and temperature waves in the process of induced scattering of sound in thermodynamically nonequilibrium media”, TVT, 39:6 (2001),  949–953  mathnet; High Temperature, 39:6 (2001), 884–888 15
31. A. P. Zaikin, N. E. Molevich, “Structure of the optical field of a wide-aperture laser with a saturable filter”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 29:2 (1999),  114–118  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 29:11 (1999), 952–956  isi] 1
32. A. P. Zaikin, A. A. Kurguzkin, N. E. Molevich, “Periodic self-wave structures in a wide-aperture laser with frequency detuning. II. Distributed model”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 27:3 (1999),  249–252  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 29:6 (1999), 526–529  isi] 6
33. A. P. Zaikin, A. A. Kurguzkin, N. E. Molevich, “Periodic self-wave structures in a wide-aperture laser with frequency detuning. I. Bifurcation analysis”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 27:3 (1999),  246–248  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 29:6 (1999), 523–525  isi] 2
34. A. P. Zaikin, N. E. Molevich, “Generation of optical fields with a periodic travelling intensity profile in a wide-aperture laser with a bleachable filter”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 24:10 (1997),  906–912  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 27:10 (1997), 882–886  isi] 2
35. N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “SELF-FOCUSING OF SOUND IN MEDIUM WITH NEGATIVE 2-ND VISCOSITY”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 59:2 (1989),  181–183  mathnet
36. N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “Stimulated thermal scattering in a gas under conditions of thermodynamic nonequilibrium”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:4 (1988),  844–846  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 18:4 (1988), 539–542  isi] 1
37. E. Ya. Kogan, N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “Structure of nonlinear acoustic-waves in nonequilibrium oscillating-exciting gas”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 13:14 (1987),  836–839  mathnet
38. N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “Stimulated Brillouin scattering in a medium with a negative second viscosity”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 14:8 (1987),  1678–1684  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 17:8 (1987), 1070–1074  isi]
39. E. Ya. Kogan, N. E. Molevich, “ACOUSTIC-WAVE COLLAPSE IN NONEQUILIBRIUM MOLECULAR GAS”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 56:5 (1986),  941–943  mathnet 1
40. E. Ya. Kogan, N. E. Molevich, “Sonic self-focusing in media with the negative 2nd viscosity”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 12:2 (1986),  96–99  mathnet
41. E. Ya. Kogan, N. E. Molevich, S. S. Moiseev, A. V. Tur, “EXCITATION OF VORTEX STRUCTURES IN NONEQUILIBRIUM MOLECULAR GAS”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 55:10 (1985),  2036–2038  mathnet
42. E. Ya. Kogan, N. E. Molevich, “WAVE EXCITATION IN NON-EQUILIBRIUM GASES WITH VRT-MECHANISM OF RELAXATION”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 55:4 (1985),  754–756  mathnet
43. N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “Molecular long-wavelength lasers and their future prospects (review)”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:8 (1984),  1515–1532  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 14:8 (1984), 1024–1035  isi] 3
44. V. I. Igoshin, N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “Kinetic gasdynamic model and calculation of the characteristics of an H<sub>2</sub>–HF gasdynamic laser utilizing purely rotational transitions”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 10:4 (1983),  748–755  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 13:4 (1983), 463–467  isi] 1
45. V. I. Igoshin, N. E. Molevich, A. N. Oraevsky, “Thermal gasdynamic laser utilizing rotational transitions in hydrogen halides with energy transfer from H<sub>2</sub> molecules”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:6 (1982),  1283–1287  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:6 (1982), 816–818  isi]

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