Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2020 |
1. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Computer simulation of nickel and the account for electron contributions in the molecular dynamics method”, TVT, 58:1 (2020), 61–75 ; High Temperature, 58:1 (2020), 64–77 |
2. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Does the embedded atom model have predictive power?”, UFN, 190:12 (2020), 1233–1260 ; Phys. Usp., 63:12 (2020), 1161–1187 |
2019 |
3. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Inclusion of the coulomb interaction in the embedded-atom model: Lithium–lead system”, TVT, 57:6 (2019), 870–881 ; High Temperature, 57:6 (2019), 848–858 |
2017 |
4. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Molecular dynamics calculation of properties of liquid lead and bismuth under shock compression”, TVT, 55:3 (2017), 386–395 ; High Temperature, 55:3 (2017), 370–379 |
5. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Molecular dynamics calculation of properties of liquid gallium and tin under shock compression”, TVT, 55:1 (2017), 51–60 ; High Temperature, 55:1 (2017), 47–56 |
2015 |
6. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Hybrid potential of interparticle interaction and calculation of melting of lithium using the molecular dynamics method”, TVT, 53:5 (2015), 683–691 ; High Temperature, 53:5 (2015), 649–657 |
2013 |
7. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Impact compression of alkali metals: Computer-aided simulation”, TVT, 51:5 (2013), 697–710 ; High Temperature, 51:5 (2013), 626–639 |
8. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Application of the embedded atom model to liquid mercury”, TVT, 51:1 (2013), 47–55 ; High Temperature, 51:1 (2013), 40–48 |
9. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Computer simulation of liquid metals”, UFN, 183:12 (2013), 1281–1322 ; Phys. Usp., 56:12 (2013), 1176–1216 |
2012 |
10. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Electron contribution to energy of alkali metals in the scheme of an embedded atom model”, TVT, 50:3 (2012), 354–362 ; High Temperature, 50:3 (2012), 331–339 |
11. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Computer simulation of liquid zinc”, TVT, 50:1 (2012), 65–73 ; High Temperature, 50:1 (2012), 61–69 |
2011 |
12. |
D. K. Belashchenko, A. V. Vorotjagin, B. R. Gel'chinskiy, “Computer Simulation of Aluminum in the High-Pressure Range”, TVT, 49:5 (2011), 676–686 ; High Temperature, 49:5 (2011), 656–666 |
2010 |
13. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Molecular-dynamics simulation of the high-pressure properties of rubidium”, TVT, 48:5 (2010), 679–691 ; High Temperature, 48:5 (2010), 646–658 |
14. |
D. K. Belashchenko, D. E. Smirnova, O. I. Ostrovskii, “Molecular-dynamic simulation of the thermophysical properties of liquid uranium”, TVT, 48:3 (2010), 383–395 ; High Temperature, 48:3 (2010), 363–375 |
2009 |
15. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Application of the embedded atom model to liquid metals: Liquid sodium”, TVT, 47:4 (2009), 522–535 ; High Temperature, 47:4 (2009), 494–507 |
16. |
D. K. Belashchenko, O. I. Ostrovskii, “Application of the embedded atom model to liquid metals: Liquid lithium”, TVT, 47:2 (2009), 231–237 ; High Temperature, 47:2 (2009), 211–218 |
2006 |
17. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Application of the embedded atom model to liquid metals: Liquid mercury”, TVT, 44:5 (2006), 682–692 ; High Temperature, 44:5 (2006), 675–686 |
2002 |
18. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “The Simulation of Liquid Mercury by Diffraction Data and the Inference of Interparticle Potential”, TVT, 40:2 (2002), 240–249 ; High Temperature, 40:2 (2002), 212–221 |
19. |
D. K. Belashchenko, A. S. Ginzburg, “Computer Simulation of Noncrystalline Systems Using Structural Diffraction Data”, TVT, 40:1 (2002), 129–149 ; High Temperature, 40:1 (2002), 120–138 |
1999 |
20. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Diffusion mechanisms in disordered systems: computer simulation”, UFN, 169:4 (1999), 361–384 ; Phys. Usp., 42:4 (1999), 297–319 |
1997 |
21. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Computer simulation of the structure and properties of non-crystalline oxides”, Usp. Khim., 66:9 (1997), 811–844 ; Russian Chem. Reviews, 66:9 (1997), 733–762 |
1976 |
22. |
D. K. Belashchenko, A. M. Orlov, S. P. Orlova, “Crystallization of semiconductors in a constant electric field”, TVT, 14:3 (1976), 580–585 ; High Temperature, 14:3 (1976), 516–520 |
1972 |
23. |
D. K. Belashchenko, A. V. Voldeyt, “Изучение формы существования примеси кадмия в жидком натрии”, TVT, 10:3 (1972), 551–557 |
1971 |
24. |
L. I. Aksenova, D. K. Belashchenko, A. I. Pertsin, “Электроперенос, электросопротивление и плотность электронных состояний в расплавах $\rm Cs-\rm K$ и $\rm Na - \rm Cs$”, TVT, 9:6 (1971), 1159–1167 |
25. |
L. I. Aksenova, D. K. Belashchenko, “Электроперенос, электросопротивление и плотность электронных состояний в расплавах системы $\mathrm{Na} - \mathrm{K}$”, TVT, 9:4 (1971), 722–730 |
1965 |
26. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Electromigration in liquid metals”, Usp. Khim., 34:3 (1965), 530–564 ; Russian Chem. Reviews, 34:3 (1965), 219–237 |
1957 |
27. |
D. K. Belashchenko, “Structural features of liquid alloys among some binary systems”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 117:1 (1957), 98–101 |
Organisations |