Khomenko, Alexei Vitalievich

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

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Abstract pages:380
Full texts:93
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2009)
Birth date: 27.04.1971
Keywords: boundary friction, shear modulus, stick-slip mode, shear stress and strain, ultrathin lubricant film, phase transition, molecular dynamics, nanoparticle, graphene.


1. Theory of phase transformations in ultrathin lubricant film.
2. Field theory of stochastic systems with additive and multiplicative noises.
3. Synergetic concept of phase transformation and theory of self-organizing system.
4. Thermodynamics of open non-equilibrium systems.
5. Nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter.
6. Molecular dynamics.


1. University and Professional Training
Graduated from Engineering Faculty of Sumy Physical and Technological Institute, qualification — Engineer of Electronic Technics (M.S.), specialties — Theoretical Physics and Electronic Engineering, June, 1993 (Diploma with honor).
Ph.D. from Sumy State University in Theoretical Physics and Solid State Physics, 1996. Thesis title: Exploitation of Synergetic Models in Phase Transitions Theory of Condensed Medium (in Russian).
Academic status Doņent in Department of Physical Electronics, Sumy State University, December, 2000.
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in Solid State Physics from Sumy State University, 2009. Thesis title: Self-organization and formation of low-dimensional systems when moving off equilibrium (in Russian). Academic status Professor in Department of Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University, 17 May, 2012.

2. Positions
(08.1993–11.1993) Junior Researcher at Theoretical Physics Department, Sumy State University.
(12.1993–10.1996) Post-graduate student at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University (Supervisors: Prof. A.I. Olemskoi, Prof. V.F. Klepikov).
(09.1993–06.1995) Part-time Lecturer at Theoretical Physics, General and Experimental Physics Departments, Sumy State University.
(10.1996–08.2001) Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Docent (Associate Professor) at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(01.09.2000–01.12.2008) Vice-Head of Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(09.2001–08.2004) Work for doctor degree at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University; Part-time Docent (Associate Professor) at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(01.09.2004–31.08.2009) Docent (Associate Professor) at Physical Electronics Department, Sumy State University.
(09.2009–02.2011) Docent (Associate Professor) at Department of Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University.
(since 02.2011) Professor at Department of Applied Mathematics and Complex Systems Modeling, Sumy State University.

Main publications:
  1. A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, “Molecular dynamics of cleavage and flake formation during the interaction of a graphite surface with a rigid nanoasperity”, Carbon, 48 (2010), 1234-1243
  2. A.V. Khomenko, I.A. Lyashenko, V.N. Borisyuk, “Multifractal analysis of stress time series during ultrathin lubricant film melting”, Fluctuation and Noise Letters, 9:1 (2010), 19-35
  3. N.V. Prodanov, A.V. Khomenko, “Computational investigation of the temperature influence on the cleavage of a graphite surface”, Surface Science, 604 (2010), 730-740
  4. A.V. Khomenko, N.V. Prodanov, “Study of friction of Ag and Ni nanoparticles: an atomistic approach”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (2010), 19958-19965
  5. I.A. Lyashenko, A.V. Khomenko, L.S. Metlov, “Thermodynamics and kinetics of boundary friction”, Tribology International, 44:4 (2011), 476-482
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. V. Khomenko, I. A. Lyashenko, “Statistical theory of the boundary friction of atomically flat solid surfaces in the presence of a lubricant layer”, UFN, 182:10 (2012),  1081–1110  mathnet  elib; Phys. Usp., 55:10 (2012), 1008–1034  isi  elib  scopus 30

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