Sh. A. Alimov, R. R. Ashurov, T. Sh. Kal'menov, B. E. Kanguzhin, V. V. Karachik, M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, D. Suragan, N. Tokmagambetov, B. T. Torebek, S. R. Umarov, V. E. Fedorov, “Batirkhan Khudaibergenovich Turmetov (to the 60th anniversary)”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 6:1 (2021), 5–8
Kh. K. Munos, M. V. Ruzhanskii, N. E. Tokmagambetov, “Akusticheskie i melkovodnye volny s neregulyarnoi dissipatsiei”, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 53:2 (2019), 92–96
M. V. Ruzhansky, N. E. Tokmagambetov, “On a Very Weak Solution of the Wave Equation for a Hamiltonian in a Singular Electromagnetic Field”, Math. Notes, 103:5 (2018), 856–858
N. E. Tokmagambetov, B. T. Torebek, “Symmetric differential operators of fractional order and their extensions”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 2018, 177–185
B. Kanguzhin, M. Ruzhansky, N. Tokmagambetov, “On convolutions in Hilbert spaces”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 51:3 (2017), 221–224
B. Kanguzhin, N. Tokmagambetov, “A uniqueness theorem of a boundary inverse problem of a differential operator on an interval with integro-differential boundary conditions”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, American Institute of Physics, 2016, 020046
B. Kanguzhin, N. Tokmagambetov, N. Bekbayev, “The Green function and correctly solvable non-local boundary value problems for the polyharmonic equation in a punctured domain”, Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, American Institute of Physics, 2015, 020101
G. Nalzhupbayeva, N. Tokmagambetov, “Operator perturbed Cauchy problem for the Gellerstedt equation”, Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, American Institute of Physics, 2015, 020098
B. Kanguzhin, N. Tokmagambetov, “Green function of the dirichlet problem for the Laplacian and Inhomogeneous boundary value problems for the poisson equation in a punctured domain”, Trends in Mathematics, 2, Springer, 2015, 49–57
B. E. Kanguzhin, D. B. Nurakhmetov, N. E. Tokmagambetov, “Laplace operator with δ-like potentials”, Russian Mathematics, 58:2 (2014), 6–12
D. Dauitbek, N. E. Tokmagambetov, K. S. Tulenov, “Commutator inequalities associated with polar decompositions of τ-measurable operators”, Russian Mathematics, 58:7 (2014), 48–52
N. E. Tokmagambetov, “Gellerstedt Equation with the Perturbation of the Cauchy Condition”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 213:6 (2016), 910–916
B. Kanguzhin, N. Tokmagambetov, “The Fourier transform and convolutions generated by a differential operator with boundary condition on a segment”, Trends in Mathematics, 63, Springer, 2014, 235–251
D. Suragan, N. Tokmagambetov, “On transparent boundary conditions for the high-order heat equation”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 10 (2013), 141–149
T. Sh. Kal'menov, N. E. Tokmagambetov, “On a nonlocal boundary value problem for the multidimensional heat equation in a noncylindrical domain”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 54:6 (2013), 1023–1028
B. Kanguzhin, D. Nurakhmetov, N. Tokmagambetov, “On green function's properties”, International Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 7:13–16 (2013), 747–753
T. Sh. Kalmenov, N. E. Tokmagambetov, “Method of external potential in solution of Cauchy mixed problem for the heat equation”, ISRN Mathematical Analysis, 2013, 640985 , 5 pp.
B. E. Kanguzhin, D. B. Nurakhmetov, N. E. Tokmagambetov, “Approximate properties of the root functions generated by the correctly solvable boundary value problems for higher order ordinary differential equations”, Ufa Mathematical Journal, 3:3 (2011), 80–92