Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
M. D. Lobkova, P. N. Skirdkov, K. A. Zvezdin, “Investigation of the sensitivity of a TMR sensor based on magnetic tunnel junctions with uniaxial crystalline anisotropy in the free layer”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 66:6 (2024), 877–880 |
2023 |
2. |
I. Yu. Pashen'kin, E. V. Skorokhodov, M. V. Sapozhnikov, A. A. Fraerman, G. A. Kichin, K. A. Zvezdin, “Eddy-current tunnel magnetic contacts with a composite free layer”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 93:11 (2023), 1616–1621 |
2021 |
3. |
E. G. Ekomasov, S. V. Stepanov, V. N. Nazarov, K. A. Zvezdin, N. G. Pugach, G. I. Antonov, “Joint effect of a magnetic field and a spin-polarized current on the coupled dynamics of magnetic vortices in a spin-transfer nano-oscillator”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 47:17 (2021), 26–28 ; Tech. Phys. Lett., 47:12 (2021), 843–845 |
2020 |
4. |
E. G. Ekomasov, S. V. Stepanov, M. I. Fakhretdinov, G. I. Antonov, A. E. Ekomasov, K. A. Zvezdin, “Coupled dynamics of magnetic vortexes in a three-layer thin conductive permalloe nanodisc”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 5:2 (2020), 161–173 |
2018 |
5. |
S. V. Stepanov, A. E. Ekomasov, K. A. Zvezdin, E. G. Ekomasov, “Dynamics of coupled magnetic vortices in trilayer conducting nanocylinder”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:6 (2018), 1045–1050 ; Phys. Solid State, 60:6 (2018), 1055–1060 |
6. |
A. K. Zvezdin, M. D. Davydova, K. A. Zvezdin, “Ultrafast spin dynamics and inverse spin Hall effect in nanostructures with giant spin-orbit coupling”, UFN, 188:11 (2018), 1238–1248 ; Phys. Usp., 61:11 (2018), 1127–1136 |
2017 |
7. |
A. I. Popov, Ch. K. Sabdenov, K. A. Zvezdin, “Ferroelectrics of homogeneously deformed rare-earth garnet crystals, excited by elastic wave propagation”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:11 (2017), 2252–2256 ; Phys. Solid State, 59:11 (2017), 2274–2278 |
2015 |
8. |
A. P. Pyatakov, A. S. Sergeev, E. P. Nikolaeva, T. B. Kosykh, A. V. Nikolaev, K. A. Zvezdin, A. K. Zvezdin, “Micromagnetism and topological defects in magnetoelectric media”, UFN, 185:10 (2015), 1077–1088 ; Phys. Usp., 58:10 (2015), 981–992 |
2010 |
9. |
B. A. Ivanov, G. G. Avanesyan, A. V. Khvalkovskiy, N. E. Kulagin, C. È. Zaspel, K. A. Zvezdin, “Non-Newtonian dynamics of the fast motion of a magnetic vortex”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 91:4 (2010), 190–195 ; JETP Letters, 91:4 (2010), 178–182 |
2008 |
10. |
A. K. Zvezdin, V. I. Belotelov, K. A. Zvezdin, “Gyroscopic force acting on the magnetic vortex in a weak ferromagnet”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 87:7 (2008), 443–446 ; JETP Letters, 87:7 (2008), 381–384 |
11. |
A. K. Zvezdin, K. A. Zvezdin, A. V. Khvalkovskiy, “The generalized Landau–Lifshitz equation and spin transfer processes in magnetic nanostructures”, UFN, 178:4 (2008), 436–442 ; Phys. Usp., 51:4 (2008), 412–417 |
2002 |
12. |
A. A. Zvezdin, K. A. Zvezdin, “Spontaneous transformations of the magnetic structure of a film nanocontact”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 75:10 (2002), 613–616 ; JETP Letters, 75:10 (2002), 517–520 |
Organisations |