01.01.09 (Discrete mathematics and mathematical cybernetics)
Birth date:
search games, information sets.
Information sets and mixed strategies in a differential search game.
Main publications:
Zenkevich N. A., Mestnikov S. V., “Dinamicheskii poisk podvizhnogo ob'ekta v usloviyakh konflikta”, Upravlenie dinamicheskimi sistemami. Voprosy mekhaniki i protsessov upravleniya. Leningrad, LGU, 1991, № 14, 68–78
Mestnikov S. V., “Approksimatsiya oblasti ukloneniya v differentsialnykh igrakh poiska”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 28:6 (1992), 967–972
Mestnikov S. V., “Ob informatsionnykh mnozhestvakh v differentsialnykh igrakh poiska”, Uchenye zapiski YaGU. Seriya Matematika, fizika. Yakutsk, 1994, 32–42
Mestnikov S. V., “Informatsionnye mnozhestva v differentsialnoi igre poiska s diskretnymi momentami nablyudeniya”, Matematicheskie zametki YaGU, 12:2 (2005), 28–35
V. V. Naumov, I. I. Shamaev, S. V. Mestnikov, N. P. Lazarev, “Maximizing gross product for the macroeconomic system with consumption proportional to labor resources”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 25:2 (2022), 46–57
Semyon V. Mestnikov, Nikolay V. Petrov, “Search strategies in the game with a team of pursuers and one evader on the plane”, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 13 (2020), 335–346
S. V. Mestnikov, N. V. Petrov, “Numerical construction of the information set and sufficient conditions for k-detection in the simple search game on the plane”, Mathematical notes of NEFU, 24:2 (2017), 13–29
Semyon V. Mestnikov, “Approximation of the Information Set in a Differential Search Game with a Team of Evaders”, Contributions to Game Theory and Management, 3 (2010), 280–288
S. V. Mestnikov, “Approximation of the domain of indeterminacy in differential search games”, Differ. Uravn., 28:6 (1992), 967–972; Differ. Equ., 28:6 (1992), 774–778