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Sadybekov, Makhmud Abdysametovich

Total publications: 113 (111)
in MathSciNet: 48 (48)
in zbMATH: 46 (46)
in Web of Science: 86 (86)
in Scopus: 86 (86)
Cited articles: 64
Citations: 761

Number of views:
This page:5763
Abstract pages:8708
Full texts:4050
Sadybekov, Makhmud Abdysametovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1993)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Differential equations, boundary value problems, local boundary value problems, nonlocal boundary conditions, correctness, Laplace equation, heat equation, wave equation, equation of mixed type, classical solution, generalized solution, ill-posed problems, inverse problems, operator, differential operator, spectrum, eigenvalues, eigenfunction, associated functions, root vector, unconditional basis, Riesz basis, convolution, biorthogonal series
UDC: 517, 517.982, 517.927.25, 517.956, 517.956.4


Mathematical analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Equations of Mathematical Physics, Integral Equations, Functional Analysis, Operators Theory Numerical methods


He was born in 1963 in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan.

In 1985 he graduated with honors from the mathematical faculty of S.M.Kirov Kazakh State University.

From 1985 to 1992 he worked at the mathematical faculty of Kazakh State University (the trainee-teacher, the senior engineer on a science, the senior teacher). In 1992 – 1993 - Head of the Department of Mathematical Economics of Kazakh Chemical Technology Institute. In 1995 – 1996 was Vice-Rector and in 1996 - 2005 Professor of South-Kazakhstan State University. In 2006 – 2009 was Professor of H.A.Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University.

In 2004 – 2018 was the Chief Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Head of Department.

Since 2019 he is the General Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

In 1989 he defended his Ph.D. thesis "On the conjugate Darboux problem", specialty 01.01.02 - differential equations.

In 1993 he defended the thesis of Doctor of Science “Boundary problems in domains with a departure from the characteristic for Equations of hyperbolic and mixed types of second order”, specialty 01.01.02 - differential equations.

Since 2007 he is Associate Professor in the specialty "Mathematics", since 2010 he is Professor in the specialty "Mathematics", he is Grant holder "Best University Teacher" for 2008.

In 2012 he was elected as the Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan on specialty "Mathematics".

He is Laureate of the Prize of the Youth Union of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology for 1993.

He is Laureate of the Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after K.I. Satpaev for the best scientific research in the field of natural sciences in 2015, i.e. for a series of papers "On the problem of the basis property of root vectors of non-self-adjoint differential operators"

Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology named after al-Farabi in 2020 for the series of works «To the theory of nonlocal differential operators»

Main publications:
  1. M. A. Sadybekov, B. Kh. Turmetov, “On an analog of periodic boundary value problems for the Poisson equation in the disk”, Differential Equations, 50:2 (2014), 268–273  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  2. I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “On a class of problems of determining the temperature and density of heat sources given initial and final temperature”, Siberian Math. J., 53:1 (2012), 146–151  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
  3. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “On the theory of antiprior estimates in the sense of VA Il'in”, Doklady Mathematics, 77:3 (2008), 398–400  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  4. N. O. Egisbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “On a problem conjugate to the generalized Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation”, Differ. Equ., 28:1 (1992), 73–78  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. A. Sadybekov, “The Dirichlet problem and nonlocal boundary value problems for the wave equation”, Differential Equations, 26:1 (1990), 55–59  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

List of publications on Google Scholar
ISTINA https://istina.msu.ru/workers/10932334

Full list of publications: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/Search.do?product=UA&SID=S2HuJvIMWYmkyVxbUQZ&search_mode=GeneralSearch&prID=a226e08a-2791-4339-bff2-61a5f0f65838

List of scientific publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, A. S. Erdogan, M. Sadybekov, “Preface: Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2022)”, (Antalya, Türkiye, 31 October–6 November 2022), AIP Conference Proceedings, 3085 (2024), 010001 , 1 pp.  crossref  scopus
2. B. Derbissaly, M. Sadybekov, “Inverse source problem for multi-term time-fractional diffusion equation with nonlocal boundary conditions”, AIMS Mathematics, 9:4 (2024), 9969–9988  crossref  isi  scopus 1
3. B. Derbissaly, M. Kirane, M. Sadybekov, “Inverse source problem for two-term time-fractional diffusion equation with nonlocal boundary conditions”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 183 (2024), 114897 , 7 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
4. M. Sadybekov, B. Turmetov, “Boundary Value Problems for Differential Equations with a High-Order Derivative in the Boundary Condition”, Trends in Mathematics, 2024, no. 1, 187–194  crossref  scopus
5. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, M. Sadybekov, “Recent advances in analysis and applied mathematics and their applications”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics Series, 115:3 (2024), 4  isi
6. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, A. S. Erdogan, M. Sadybekov, “Preface: Sixth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2022)”, 6th International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICAAM 2022 (Antalya, Türkiye, 31/10 - 6/11/2022), AIP Conference Proceedings, 3085, no. 1, 2024, 010001  crossref  scopus
7. A. Ashyralyev, M. Ruzhansky, M. Sadybekov, “Preface”, Trends in Mathematics, 6 (2024), v-vi  scopus
8. U. Koilyshov, M. Sadybekov, “Two-phase heat conduction problems with Sturm-type boundary conditions”, Boundary Value Problems, 2024 (2024), 149 , 16 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
9. A. Dukenbayeva, M. Sadybekov, “Spectral Properties of the Laplace Operator with Variable Dependent Boundary Conditions in a Disk”, Axioms, 13:11 (2024), 794 , 10 pp.  crossref  isi
10. M. A. Sultanov, V. E. Misilov, M. A. Sadybekov, “Numerical method for solving the subdiffusion differential equation with nonlocal boundary conditions”, AIMS Mathematics, 9:12 (2024), 36385-36404  crossref  isi

11. A. Ashyralyev, M. Sadybekov, “About the conference ICAAM 2022”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 109:1 (2023), 4–4  crossref  isi
12. B. Derbissaly, M. Sadybekov, “Tricomi Problem for Mixed Parabolic–Hyperbolic Equation with Higher Order Boundary Condition”, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 49:4 (2023), 52 , 13 pp.  crossref  zmath  isi  scopus
13. M. Sadybekov, N. Imanbaev, “On System of Root Vectors of Perturbed Regular Second-Order Differential Operator Not Possessing Basis Property”, Mathematics, 11:20 (2023), 4364 , 10 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 1
14. M. Sadybekov, B. Derbissaly, “Direct and Inverse Initial Boundary Value Problems for Heat Equation with Non-Classical Boundary Condition”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:10 (2023), 4360–4369  crossref  zmath  scopus 1

15. M. A. Sadybekov, A. A. Dukenbayeva, “On boundary value problems of the Samarskii–Ionkin type for the Laplace operator in a ball”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 67:2 (2022), 369–383  crossref  zmath  isi  scopus 5
16. Makhmud Sadybekov, Gulnar Dildabek and Marina Ivanova, “Direct and inverse problems for nonlocal heat equation with boundary conditions of periodic type”, Boundary Value Problems, 2022 (2022), 53 , 24 pp.  crossref  zmath  isi  scopus 7
17. M. A. Sadybekov, I. N. Pankratova, “Correct and Stable Algorithm for Numerical Solving Nonlocal Heat Conduction Problems with Not Strongly Regular Boundary Conditions”, Mathematics, 10:20 (2022), 3780 , 17 pp. https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/10/20/3780  crossref  isi  scopus 2

18. A. Ashyralyev, C. Ashyralyyev, A. S. Erdogan, A. Lukashov, M. Sadybekov, “Preface: Fifth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2020)” (North Cyprus, Turkey, October, 2020), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2325 (2021), 010001 , 2 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/12.0003133  crossref  scopus 3
19. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Tynysbek Sh. Kalmenov, Michael V. Ruzhansky, Makhmud A. Sadybekov, Durvudkhan Suragan, “Preface (Editorial)”, Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications - II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 351, eds. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Tynysbek Sh. Kalmenov, Michael V. Ruzhansky, Makhmud A. Sadybekov, Durvudkhan Suragan, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, v-vi https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-69292-6
20. Makhmud A. Sadybekov, Bauyrzhan O. Derbissaly, “Boundary Conditions of Volume Hyperbolic Potential in a Domain with Curvilinear Boundary”, Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications - II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 351, eds. Ashyralyev A., Kalmenov T.S., Ruzhansky M.V., Sadybekov M.A., Suragan D., Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2021, 222–234 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-69292-6_20  crossref  scopus
21. M. Sadybekov, B. Derbissaly, “On Green’s function of Cauchy–Dirichlet problem for hyperbolic equation in a quarter plane”, Boundary Value Problems, 2021 (2021), 69 , 23 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 1
22. Sh. A. Alimov, R. R. Ashurov, T. Sh. Kal'menov, B. E. Kanguzhin, V. V. Karachik, M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, D. Suragan, N. Tokmagambetov, B. T. Torebek, S. R. Umarov, V. E. Fedorov, “Batirkhan Khudaibergenovich Turmetov (to the 60th anniversary)”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 6:1 (2021), 5–8  mathnet
23. M. A. Sadybekov, “Traditional International April Mathematical Conference in honor of the Day of Science Workers”, Eurasian Math. J., 12:4 (2021), 99–100  mathnet

24. M. Ruzhansky, M. Sadybekov, D. Suragan, Spectral Geometry of Partial Differential Operators, Taylor & Francis, 2020 , 378 pp. http://www.oapen.org/record/1007657  crossref  zmath 5

25. M. A. Sadybekov, A. A. Dukenbayeva, “Direct and inverse problems for the Poisson equation with equality of flows on a part of the boundary”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 64:5 (2019), 777–791  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 3
26. T. Sh. Kalmenov, M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, “A criterion of solvability of the elliptic Cauchy problem in a multi-dimensional cylindrical domain”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 64:3 (2019), 398–408  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 3
27. L. V. Kritskov, M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “Properties in Lp of root functions for a nonlocal problem with involution”, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 43 (2019), 393–401  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 19
28. M. Kirane, M. A. Sadybekov, A. A. Sarsenbi, “On an inverse problem of reconstructing a subdiffusion process from nonlocal data”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42:6 (2019), 2043–2052  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus 24
29. M. A. Sadybekov, A. A. Sarsenbi, “On one inverse problem of reconstructing a subdiffusion process with degeneration from nonlocal data”, Doklady AMAN, 19:1 (2019), 31–41  mathnet  elib;

30. M. Sadybekov, G. Oralsyn, “On trace formulae of the generalised heat potential operator”, Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 9:1 (2018), 143–150  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 4
31. M. A. Sadybekov, G. Dildabek, M. B. Ivanova, “Spectral Properties of a Frankl Type Problem for Parabolic-Hyperbolic Equations”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2018 (2018), 65 , 11 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
32. M. A. Sadybekov, G. Dildabek, M. B. Ivanova, “On an Inverse Problem of Reconstructing a Heat Conduction Process from Nonlocal Data”, Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2018, 8301656 , 8 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 9
33. M. A. Sadybekov, G. Oralsyn, M. Ismailov, “Determination of a Time-Dependent Heat Source under not Strengthened Regular Boundary and Integral Overdetermination Conditions”, Filomat, 32:3 (2018), 809–814  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 9
34. B. Aibek, A. Aimakhanova, G. Besbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “About one inverse problem of time fractional evolution with an involution perturbation”, Fourth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018) (North Cyprus, Turkey, Sept 6–9, 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, eds. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Alexey Lukashov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2018, 020012 , 9 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5049006  crossref  isi  scopus
35. D. Kusmangazinova, I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “On one class of problems for restoring the density of sources of the process of fractional heat conductivity with respect to initial and final temperature”, Fourth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018) (North Cyprus, Turkey, Sept 6–9, 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, eds. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Alexey Lukashov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2018, 020058 , 5 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5049052  crossref  isi  scopus
36. M. A. Sadybekov, G. Dildabek, M. B. Ivanova, “One class of inverse problems for reconstructing the process of heat conduction from nonlocal data”, Fourth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018) (North Cyprus, Turkey, Sept 6–9, 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, eds. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Alexey Lukashov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2018, 020069 , 6 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5049063  crossref  isi  scopus
37. A. Ashyralyev, A. Lukashov, M. A. Sadybekov, “Preface: Fourth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018)”, Fourth International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2018) (North Cyprus, Turkey, Sept 6–9, 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1997, eds. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Alexey Lukashov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2018, 010001 , 1 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5048994  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
38. A. A. Dukenbayeva, M. A. Sadybekov, N. A. Yessirkegenov, “On a Generalised Samarskii-Ionkin Type Problem for the Poisson Equation”, Algebra, Complex Analysis, and Pluripotential Theory, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 264, Springer, Cham, 2018, 207–216  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 1
39. M. A. Sadybekov, A. A. Dukenbayeva, “On a class of direct and inverse problems for the Poisson equation with equality of flows on part of the boundary”, Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (Sozopol, June 8–13, 2018), AIP Conference Proceedings, 2048, eds. Vesela Pasheva, Nedyu Popivanov and George Venkov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2018, 040009 , 7 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082081  crossref  isi  scopus
40. M. A. Sadybekov, “Stable difference scheme for a nonlocal boundary value heat conduction problem”, e-Journal of Analysis and Applied Mathematics, 1:1 (2018), 1–10  crossref  mathscinet 5
41. A. Ashyralyev, M. A. Sadybekov, “About the conference ICAAM2018 Preface”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 91:3 (2018), 8–8  isi
42. A. S. Erdogan, D. Kusmangazinova, I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “On one problem for restoring the density of sources of the fractional heat conductivity process with respect to initial and final temperatures”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 91:3 (2018), 31–44  crossref  isi 2
43. L. V. Kritskov, M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “Nonlocal spectral problem for a second-order differential equation with an involution”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 91:3 (2018), 53–60  crossref  isi 7

44. M. A. Sadybekov, N. S. Imanbaev, “A regular differential operator with perturbed boundary condition”, Mathematical Notes, 101:5–6 (2017), 878–887  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
45. M. A. Sadybekov, G. Dildabek, A. Tengayeva, “Constructing a basis from systems of eigenfunctions of one not strengthened regular boundary value problem”, Filomat, 31:4 (2017), 981–987  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 22
46. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, B. Kh. Turmetov, “Representation of the Green's function of the exterior Neumann problem for the Laplace operator”, Siberian Math. J., 58:1 (2017), 153–158  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
47. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. A. Sadybekov, “On a Frankl-type problem for a mixed parabolic-hyperbolic equation”, Siberian Math. J., 58:2 (2017), 227–231  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus  scopus
48. A. Kassymov, M. Sadybekov, D. Suragan, “On Isoperimetric Inequalities for the Cauchy-Robin Heat Operator”, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom., 12:3 (2017), 114–118  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 3
49. U. Iskakova, M. A. Sadybekov, “On one inhomogeneous model of oscillations of a thin flat plate with a variety of mounts on opposite sides”, International Conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications” (FAIA2017) (Astana, Okt 02–05, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Tynysbek Kal’menov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2017, 060020 http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5000674  crossref  isi  scopus
50. M. E. Akhymbek, M. A. Sadybekov, “Correct restrictions of first-order functional–differential equation”, International Conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications” (FAIA2017) (Astana, Okt 02–05, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Tynysbek Kal’menov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2017, 050014 http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5000651  crossref  isi  scopus
51. N. S. Imanbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “About characteristic determinant of one boundary value problem not having the basis property”, International Conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications” (FAIA2017) (Astana, Okt 02–05, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Tynysbek Kal’menov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2017, 050002 http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5000639  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
52. T. S. Kal’menov, M. A. Sadybekov, “Professor Mukhtarbay Otelbaev: Citation for his 75th birthday”, International Conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications” (FAIA2017) (Astana, Okt 02–05, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Tynysbek Kal’menov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2017, 020001 http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5000599  crossref
53. T. Kal’menov, M. Sadybekov, “Preface: International Conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications”(FAIA2017)”, International Conference “Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications” (FAIA2017) (Astana, Okt 02–05, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Tynysbek Kal’menov and Makhmud Sadybekov, American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2017, 010001 http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.5000598  crossref  scopus 1
54. M. A. Sadybekov, N. S. Imanbaev, “Characteristic determinant of a boundary value problem, which does not have the basis property”, Eurasian Math. J., 8:2 (2017), 40–46  mathnet  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 6
55. M. Sadybekov, G. Oralsyn, “Nonlocal initial boundary value problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017, 201 , 7 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
56. G. Dildabek, M. A. Sadybekov, M. B. Saprygina, “On a Volterra property of an problem of the Frankl type for an equation of the mixed parabolic–hyperbolic type”, 43rd International Conference “Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics” (AMEE’17) (Sozopol, Bulgaria, Jun 08–13, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1910, 2017, 040004 , 8 pp. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5013971  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
57. N. S. Imanbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “Regular Sturm-Liouville Operators with Integral Perturbation of Boundary Condition”, Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 216, eds. Kalmenov T.S., Nursultanov E.D., Ruzhansky M.V., Sadybekov M.A., Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, 222–234 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67053-9_21  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
58. M. A. Sadybekov, “Initial-Boundary Value Problem for a Heat Equation with not Strongly Regular Boundary Conditions”, Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 216, eds. Kalmenov T.S., Nursultanov E.D., Ruzhansky M.V., Sadybekov M.A., Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, 330–348 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67053-9_32  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 9
59. T. S. Kalmenov, E. D. Nursultanov, M. V. Ruzhansky, M. A. Sadybekov, “Preface(Editorial)”, Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 216, eds. Kalmenov T.S., Nursultanov E.D., Ruzhansky M.V., Sadybekov M.A., Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2017, v-vii  mathscinet  zmath  scopus

60. N. A. Yessirkegenov, M. A. Sadybekov, “Spectral properties of boundary-value problem with a shift for wave equation”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 60:3 (2016), 41–46  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus
61. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, B. Kh. Turmetov, “Construction of Green’s function of the Neumann problem in a ball”, Eurasian Math. J., 7:2 (2016), 100–105  mathnet  isi  elib 2
62. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, B. Kh. Turmetov, “Representation of Green’s function of the Neumann problem for a multi-dimensional ball”, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, 61:1 (2016), 104–123 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17476933.2015.1064402  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 37
63. M. A. Sadybekov, N. A. Yessirkegenov, “Boundary-value problems for wave equations with data on the whole boundary”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2016, 281 , 9 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
64. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. A. Sadybekov, U. A. Iskakova, “On a criterion for the solvability of one ill-posed problem for the biharmonic equation”, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 24:6 (2016), 777–783  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 21
65. M. E. Akhymbek, M. A. Sadybekov, “On a difference scheme for nonlocal heat transfer boundary-value problem”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07–10, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020032 , 6 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 2
66. N. Imanbaev, M. Sadybekov, “Stability of basis property of a periodic problem with nonlocal perturbation of boundary conditions”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07-10, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020080 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 2
67. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. Sadybekov, “On a problem of the Frankl type for an equation of the mixed parabolic-hyperbolic type”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07–10, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020001 , 6 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 2
68. M. Sadybekov, A. Kassymov, “An isoperimetric inequality for heat potential and heat equation”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07–10, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020029 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
69. M. A. Sadybekov, N. A. Yessirkegenov, “Spectral properties of a Laplace operator with Samarskii-Ionkin type boundary conditions in a disk”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07–10, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020139 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 4
70. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, A. Tengaeva, “Description of spectral properties of a generalized spectral problem with involution for differentiation operator of the second order”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07–10, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020154 , 7 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 1
71. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, “On some spectral inequalities for a nonlocal elliptic problem”, 3rd International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM) (Almaty, Inst Math & Math Modeling, Sep 07–10, 2016) (Almaty), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, 2016, 020123 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
72. M. A. Sadybekov, “On an Samarskii-Ionkin boundary value problem for the Poisson equation in a disk”, 42nd International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE) (Sozopol, BULGARIA, JUN 08-13, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1789, 2016, UNSP 040024 , 7 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
73. M. Sadybekov, B. Torebek, “On a Class of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for the Laplace Operator in a Disk”, 42nd International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE) (Sozopol, BULGARIA, JUN 08-13, 2016), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1789, 2016, UNSP 040025 , 6 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 1

74. V. V. Karachik, M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, “Uniqueness of solutions to boundary-value problems for the biharmonic equation in a ball”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2015, 244 , 9 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
75. M. E. Akhymbek, N. A. Yessirkegenov, M. A. Sadybekov, “Renovation of the fixing and loading factors of the beam by the spectral data of free flexural vibrations”, International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (AMS 2015) (Antalya, Turkey, Nov 05-07, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015, 020058 , 6 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 1
76. N. S. Imanbaev, M. A. Sadybekov., “On instability of basis property of the root vectors system of the double differentiation operator with an integral perturbation of periodic type conditions”, International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (AMS 2015) (Antalya, Turkey, Nov 05-07, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015, 020083 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 1
77. G. Oralsyn, M. A. Sadybekov, “An inverse coefficient problem of heat conductivity with a nonlocal Samarskii-Ionkin type condition”, International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (AMS 2015) (Antalya, Turkey, Nov 05-07, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015, 020016 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
78. I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “On an inverse problem of mathematical modeling of the extraction process of polydisperse porous materials”, International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (AMS 2015) (Antalya, Turkey, Nov 05-07, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015, 020005 , 4 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
79. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, “On a new class of nonlocal problems for the Laplace operator”, International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (AMS 2015) (Antalya, Turkey, Nov 05-07, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015, 020073 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 4
80. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, N. A. Yessirkegenov, “On an analog of Samarskii-Ionkin type boundary value problem for the Poisson equation in the disk”, International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences (AMS 2015) (Antalya, Turkey, Nov 05-07, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1676, 2015, 020035 , 5 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
81. I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “One-dimensional Diffusion Problem with not Strengthened Regular Boundary Conditions”, 41st International Conference Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE'15) (Sozopol, Bulgaria, Jun 08-13, 2015), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1690, 2015, 040007 , 6 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 10
82. M. A. Sadybekov, B. Kh. Turmetov, B. T. Torebek, “On an explicit form of the Green function of the Robin problem for the Laplace operator in a circle”, Adv. Pure Appl. Math., 6:3 (2015), 163–172  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 26

83. G. A. Besbaev, I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “A nonlocal boundary problem for the Laplace operator in a half disk”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2014, 203 , 5 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
84. M. A. Sadybekov, N. A. Yessirkegenov, “Properties of solutions to Neumann-Tricomi problems for Lavrent'ev-Bitsadze equations at corner points”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2014, 193 , 9 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
85. M. A. Sadybekov, B. Kh. Turmetov, B. T. Torebek, “Solvability of nonlocal boundary-value problems for the Laplace equation in the ball”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2014, 157 , 14 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
86. M. A. Sadybekov, B. Kh. Turmetov, “On an analog of periodic boundary value problems for the Poisson equation in the disk”, Differential Equations, 50:2 (2014), 268–273  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 36
87. M. A. Sadybekov, B. Kh. Turmetov, M. A. Muratbekova, “On solvability of some nonlocal boundary value problems with the Hadamard boundary operator”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014) (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Sep 11-13, 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 266-270  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus 3
88. M. A. Sadybekov, N. A. Yessirkegenov, “A criterion for the strong solvability of the Neumann-Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev-Bitsadze equation in L-p”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014) (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Sep 11-13, 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 112-118  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 1
89. M. A. Sadybekov, M. E. Akhymbek, “Spectral properties of some non strongly regular boundary value problems for fourth order differential operators”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014) (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Sep 11-13, 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 156-160  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 3
90. A. M. Sarsenbi, M. A. Sadybekov, “Eigenfunctions of a fourth order operator pencil”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014) (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Sep 11-13, 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 241-245  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 3
91. M. A. Sadybekov, B. T. Torebek, B. Kh. Turmetov, “On an explicit form of the Green function of the third boundary value problem for the Poisson equation in a circle”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014) (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Sep 11-13, 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 255-260  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 23
92. N. S. Imanbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “Characteristic determinant of the spectral problem for the ordinary differential operator with the boundary load”, International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2014) (Shymkent, Kazakhstan, Sep 11-13, 2014), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, 2014, 261-265  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 5

93. N. S. Imanbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “On spectral properties of a periodic problem with an integral perturbation of the boundary condition”, Eurasian Math. J., 4:3 (2013), 53–62  mathnet 11

94. I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “One nonlocal problem of determination of the temperature and density of heat sources”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 56:2 (2012), 60–64  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
95. I. Orazov, M. A. Sadybekov, “On a class of problems of determining the temperature and density of heat sources given initial and final temperature”, Siberian Math. J., 53:1 (2012), 146–151  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
96. M. A. Sadybekov, B. K. Turmetov, “On analogues of periodic boundary value problems for the Laplace operator in a ball”, Eurasian Math. J., 3:1 (2012), 143–146  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 21
97. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “Criterion for the basis property of the eigenfunction system of a multiple differentiation operator with an involution”, Differential Equations, 48:8 (2012), 1112-1118  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 42
98. M. A. Sadybekov, N. S. Imanbaev, “On the basis property of root functions of a periodic problem with an integral perturbation of the boundary condition”, Differential Equations, 48:6 (2012), 896–900  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 23
99. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “Issues of basis property related to the choice of associated functions of differential operators”, Mathematica, 54:77 (2012), 177–184  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
100. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “Mixed Problem for a Differential Equation with Involution Under Boundary Conditions of General Form”, 1st International Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICAAM 2012) (Gumushane, Turkey, Oct 18-21, 2012), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1470, 2012, 225-227  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 17

101. N. S. Imanbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “Stability of basis property of a type of problems on eigenvalues with nonlocal perturbation of boundary conditions”, Ufa Mathematical Journal, 3:2 (2011), 27–32  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib
102. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “On a necessary condition for a system of normalized elements to be a basis in a Hilbert space”, Vestn. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. Mat. Mekh., 2011, no. 1, 44–46  mathnet
103. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “Biorthogonal Expansions in Root Functions of Differential Operators”, Differential Equations, 47:1 (2011), 144–148  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

104. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “On the theory of antiprior estimates in the sense of VA Il'in”, Doklady Mathematics, 77:3 (2008), 398–400  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
105. M. A. Sadybekov, A. M. Sarsenbi, “The use of anti-A priori estimates in the theory of bases in the space L(2)”, Differential Equations, 44:5 (2008), 685–691  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

106. M. A. Sadybekov, “The boundary-value problem of a new-type for a wave-equation”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 336:5 (1994), 590–591  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

107. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. A. Sadybekov, N. E. Erzhanov, “A criterion for the strong solvability of the Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation. The general case”, Differ. Equ., 29:5 (1993), 745–750  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

108. E. M. Orynbasarov, M. A. Sadybekov, “The basis property of the system of eigen- and associated functions of a boundary value problem with shift for the wave equation”, Math. Notes, 51:5 (1992), 482–484  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
109. N. O. Egisbaev, M. A. Sadybekov, “On a problem conjugate to the generalized Tricomi problem for the Lavrent'ev–Bitsadze equation”, Differ. Equ., 28:1 (1992), 73–78  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi
110. M. A. Sadybekov, G. D. Toizhanova, “Spektralnye svoistva odnogo klassa kraevykh zadach dlya parabolo-giperbolicheskogo uravneniya”, Differentsialnye uravneniya, 28:1 (1992), 183–186  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 2
111. M. A. Sadybekov, E. M. Orynbasarov, “Baseness of the system of the eigenfunctions and associated functions with displacement of Lavrentev-Bitsadze equation”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 324:6 (1992), 1152–1154  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

112. T. Sh. Kal'menov, M. A. Sadybekov, “The Dirichlet problem and nonlocal boundary value problems for the wave equation”, Differential Equations, 26:1 (1990), 55–59  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi
113. M. A. Sadybekov, “On the conjugate Darboux problem”, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 314:2 (1990), 304–306  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi

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