determing of character parameters of dynamic processes.
Signal processing, non-linear dynamic, fractal geometry.
Main publications:
D. V. Abramov, S. M. Arakelian, A. O. Kucherik,
V. G. Prokoshev, R. E. Tarasov. Reconstruction and analysis of surface micro-relief of laser action area // Proc. SPIE 6732, 67320A (2007).
D. N. Bukharov, T. V. Kononenko, A. O. Kucherik, “Simulation phenomenological model of laser-induced graphitized structures in diamond”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 51:1 (2025), 26–29
D. N. Bukharov, A. F. Lelekova, V. D. Samyshkin, N. A. Khalimov, S. P. Eyum Essaka, A. A. Kuznetsov, D. A. Bodunov, A. S. Abramov, A. O. Kucherik, “Electrophysical properties of titanium dioxide microscrolls doped with linear carbon chains stabilized by gold nanoparticles”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 132:10 (2024), 1043–1050
S. V. Garnov, D. V. Abramov, D. N. Bukharov, T. A. Khudaiberganov, K. S. Khor'kov, A. V. Osipov, S. V. Zhirnova, A. O. Kucherik, S. M. Arakelyan, “Electrophysics of carbon 1D structures obtained in a laser experiment: models and demonstration”, UFN, 194:2 (2024), 115–137; Phys. Usp., 67:2 (2024), 109–128
A. O. Kucherik, S. M. Arakelyan, S. V. Garnov, S. V. Kutrovskaya, D. S. Nogtev, A. V. Osipov, K. S. Khor'kov, “Two-stage laser-induced synthesis of linear carbon chains”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:7 (2016), 627–633 [Quantum Electron., 46:7 (2016), 627–633]
A. A. Antipov, S. M. Arakelyan, S. V. Garnov, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, D. S. Nogtev, A. V. Osipov, “Laser ablation of carbon targets placed in a liquid”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 45:8 (2015), 731–735 [Quantum Electron., 45:8 (2015), 731–735]
A. M. Prudnikov, A. I. Linnik, R. V. Shalaev, V. V. Rumyantsev, A. O. Kucherik, A. P. Alodjants, S. M. Arakelian, “The features of formation and modification of nanostructured films of carbon nitride”, Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 3:6 (2012), 134–145
A. A. Antipov, S. M. Arakelyan, V. I. Emel'yanov, S. P. Zimin, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, “CW laser-induced formation of a nanoparticle ensemble with a bimodal size distribution on PbTe films”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:8 (2011), 735–737 [Quantum Electron., 41:8 (2011), 735–737]
A. A. Antipov, S. M. Arakelyan, V. I. Emel'yanov, S. P. Zimin, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, “CW laser-induced generation of periodic ring structures on thin PbSe films”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:5 (2011), 441–446 [Quantum Electron., 41:5 (2011), 441–446]
A. A. Antipov, S. M. Arakelyan, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, “Laser deposition of multiwalled titanium oxide microtubes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 40:7 (2010), 642–646 [Quantum Electron., 40:7 (2010), 642–646]
D. V. Abramov, S. M. Arakelyan, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, “Solidification structures on carbon materials surface-melted by repetitive laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 39:4 (2009), 333–336 [Quantum Electron., 39:4 (2009), 333–336]
S. M. Arakelyan, M. N. Gerke, S. V. Kutrovskaya, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, “Formation of carbon submicron structures and nanostructures on the surface of cold substrates exposed to laser radiation in air”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 38:1 (2008), 73–76 [Quantum Electron., 38:1 (2008), 73–76]
D. V. Abramov, M. N. Gerke, A. O. Kucherik, S. V. Kutrovskaya, V. G. Prokoshev, S. M. Arakelyan, “Formation of nanostructures at the glass-carbon surface exposed to laser radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 37:11 (2007), 1051–1054 [Quantum Electron., 37:11 (2007), 1051–1054]
D. V. Abramov, S. M. Arakelyan, A. F. Galkin, L. D. Kvacheva, I. I. Klimovskii, M. A. Kononov, L. A. Mikhalitsyn, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, V. V. Savranskii, “Melting of carbon heated by focused laser radiation in air at atmospheric pressure and temperature below 4000 K”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 84:5 (2006), 315–319; JETP Letters, 84:5 (2006), 258–261
D. V. Abramov, S. M. Arakelyan, A. F. Galkin, I. I. Klimovskii, A. O. Kucherik, V. G. Prokoshev, “On the possibility of studying the temporal evolution of a surface relief directly during exposure to high-power radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 36:6 (2006), 569–575 [Quantum Electron., 36:6 (2006), 569–575]