Lyubchik, Leonid Michailovitch

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

Number of views:
This page:200
Abstract pages:102
Full texts:47
Doctor of technical sciences (1995)
Speciality: 05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
Birth date: 01.01.1951
Keywords: adaptive control, inverse systems, identification.


Control theory. Inverse problems. Identification.

Main publications:
  • Yu. T. Kostenko, L.M. Lyubchik. Dynamic Model-based Control Systems, Ed.: Osnova, Kharkov, 1996, 212 p. (in Russian).
  • L. M. Lyubchik. Adaptive Systems with Identifier Synthesis for Dynamic Plants with Incomplete Measurements. Evaluating of Adaptive Control Strategies in Industrial Application. IFAC Workshop Series, Pergamon Press, v. 7, 1990, pp. 171–176.
  • Yu. T. Kostenko, L. M. Lyubchik. Output Control of Multivariable Systems with Arbitrary Disturbances: Inverse Model Approach. Proc. 2-nd European Control Conf., Groningen, Netherlands, June 28 – July 1, 1993, pp. 1160–1165.
  • L. M. Lyubchik. Dynamic Sensors Distortion Compensation by Means of Input Estimation Algorithm. Preprint of IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Instruments for Control Application, Budapest, Hungary, June 8–10, 1994, pp. 229–234.
  • L. M. Lyubchik. Inverse Model Control and Subinvariance in Linear Discrete Multivariable Systems. Proc. 3-rd European Control Conf., Roma, Italy, September 5–8, 1995, pp. 3659–3664.
  • L. M. Lyubchik. Integral Variable Structure Robust Controller Design for Multivariable Plant Output Control. Proc. 5-th European Control Conf., Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999.
  • L. M. Lyubchik, A. S. Rivtis. Optimal Stochastic Inverse Systems Design Using Unknown-Input Observers. Proc. of Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems Symposium, Padova, Italy, July 6–10, 1998, pp. 843–846.
  • Kharchenko V. S., Lyubchik L. M., Yastrebenetsky M. A. Methodology of NPP I&C System Algorithms and Software Verification Expert Analysis. Proc. of CNRA/CSNI Workshop on Licensing and Operating Experience of Computer-based I&C Systems, Czech Rep., 25–27 September 2001, vol. 2, pp. 109–116.
  • Lyubchik L. M. et. al. NPP Instrumentation and Control Systems Safety Standardization and Assessment, Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Vol. 5, 2002, pp. 18–23.
  • Lyubchyk L., Grinberg G. Blind Deconvolution and Separation Signal Processing via Inverse Model Approach / Proc. of "IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications" (IDAACS'2007), Dortmund, Germany, 2007.
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. G. K. Kel'mans, L. M. Lyubchik, A. S. Poznyak, “The method of variable basis in adaptive control of linear systems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1976, no. 10,  78–93  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Autom. Remote Control, 37:10 (1976), 1533–1546

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