Naumov, Aleksei Aleksandrovich

Total publications: 13 (13)
in MathSciNet: 4 (4)
in zbMATH: 2 (2)
in Web of Science: 4 (4)
in Scopus: 4 (4)
Cited articles: 5
Citations: 34
Presentations: 32

Number of views:
This page:4105
Abstract pages:2416
Full texts:662
Naumov, Aleksei Aleksandrovich
Doctor of Science (2022)
Birth date: 22.08.1988
E-mail: ,
Keywords: high dimensional probability, statistics, machine learning, random matrices, reinforcement learning


high dimensional probability, statistics, machine learning, random matrices, reinforcement learning

Main publications:
  1. Götze F., Naumov A., Spokoiny V., Ulyanov V. V., “Large ball probability, Gaussian comparison and anti-concentration”, Bernoulli, 15:4(A) (2019), 2538-2563
  2. Naumov A., Spokoiny V., Ulyanov V. V., “Bootstrap confidence sets for spectral projectors of sample covariance”, Probability theory and related fields, 174:3-4 (2019), 1091-1132
  3. Goetze F., Naumov A.A., Tikhomirov A., Timushev D., “On the local semicircular law for Wigner ensembles”, Bernoulli, 24:3 (2018), 2358-2400
  4. Kaledin M., Moulines E., Naumov A., Tadic V., Wai H., “Finite Time Analysis of Linear Two-timescale Stochastic Approximation with Markovian Noise”, Proceedings of Thirty Third Conference on Learning Theory, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 125, PMLR, 2020, 2144-2203
  5. Tiapkin D., Belomestny D., Moulines E., Naumov A., Samsonov S., Tang Y., Valko M., Menard P., “From Dirichlet to Rubin: Optimistic Exploration in RL without Bonuses”, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 162, PMLR, 2022, 21380-21431
List of publications on Google Scholar

List of scientific publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. D. Tiapkin, D. Belomestny, D. Calandriello, E. Moulines, A. Naumov, P. Perrault, M. Valko, P. Menard, “Demonstration-regularized RL”, International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024, 1–65, arXiv: 2310.17303
2. Nikita Puchkin, Sergey Samsonov, Denis Belomestny, Eric Moulines, Alexey Naumov, “Rates of convergence for density estimation with generative adversarial networks”, J. Mach. Learn. Res., 25 (2024), 1–47  mathnet;
3. M. Gorbunov, N. Yudin, V. Soboleva, A. Alanov, A. Naumov, M. Rakhuba, “Group and Shuffle: Efficient Structured Orthogonal Parametrization”, 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS, 2024, 1–27
4. S. Samsonov, E. Moulines, Q. M. Shao, Z. S. Zhang, A. Naumov, “Gaussian Approximation and Multiplier Bootstrap for Polyak-Ruppert Averaged Linear Stochastic Approximation with Applications to TD Learning”, 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS, 2024, 1–53
5. Daniil Tiapkin, Nikita Morozov, Alexey Naumov, Dmitry Vetrov, “Generative flow networks as entropy-regularized RL”, Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2024, Valencia, Spain, Proc. Mach. Learn. Res. (PMLR), 238, 2024, 4213–4221  mathnet  isi;
6. Sergey Samsonov, Daniil Tiapkin, Alexey Naumov, Eric Moulines, “Improved high-probability bounds for the temporal difference learning algorithm via exponential stability”, Proceedings of Thirty Seventh Conference on Learning Theory, Proc. Mach. Learn. Res. (PMLR), 247, 2024, 4511–4547  mathnet;
7. Alain Durmus, Eric Moulines, Alexey Naumov, Sergey Samsonov, “Finite-time high-probability bounds for Polyak–Ruppert averaged iterates of linear stochastic approximation”, Math. Oper. Res., 2024, 1–39 (Published online) , arXiv: 2207.04475  mathnet  crossref;

8. A. A. Masyutin, A. V. Savchenko, A. A. Naumov, S. V. Samsonov, D. N. Tyapkin, D. V. Belomestny, D. S. Morozova, D. A. Bad'ina, “Development of applied solutions based on artificial intelligence for technological security control”, Dokl. Math., 106:suppl. 1 (2022), S23–S27  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib

9. F. Götze, A. A. Naumov, A. N. Tikhomirov, “Moment Inequalities for Linear and Nonlinear Statistics”, Theory Probab. Appl., 65:1 (2020), 1–16  mathnet  crossref  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

10. F. Götze, A. A. Naumov, A. N. Tikhomirov, “Local semicircle law under moment conditions: Stieltjes transform, rigidity and delocalization”, Theory Probab. Appl., 62:1 (2018), 58–83  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

11. F. Götze, A. A. Naumov, A. N. Tikhomirov, “Limit theorems for two classes of random matrices with dependent entries”, Theory Probab. Appl., 59:1 (2015), 23–39  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
12. A. A. Naumov, “Limit theorems for two classes of random matrices with Gaussian elements”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 204:1 (2015), 140–147  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  scopus

13. A. A. Naumov, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 55:3 (2010), 616–617  mathnet  crossref  elib

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Lecture 11. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
December 9, 2024 18:15   
2. Lecture 10. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
December 2, 2024 18:15   
3. Lecture 9. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
November 18, 2024 18:15   
4. Lecture 8. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
November 11, 2024 18:15   
5. Lecture 7. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
October 28, 2024 18:15   
6. Lecture 6. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
October 21, 2024 18:15   
7. Nonasymptotic analysis of stochastic approximation algorithms and applications
A. A. Naumov
Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
October 16, 2024 17:00   
8. Lecture 5. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
October 14, 2024 18:15   
9. Lecture 4. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
October 7, 2024 18:15   
10. Lecture 3. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
September 30, 2024 18:15   
11. Нормальная аппроксимация и мультипликативный блок-бутстреп для алгоритмов стохастической аппроксимации с марковским шумом
A. A. Naumov
Seminar on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
September 20, 2024 18:00
12. Lecture 2. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
September 16, 2024 18:15   
13. Lecture 1. High-dimensional probability and applications
A. A. Naumov
Course by A. A. Naumov "High-dimensional probability and applications"
September 9, 2024 18:15   
14. Generative Flow Networks as Entropy-Regularized Reinforcement learning
A. A. Naumov
Joint Mathematical seminar of Saint Petersburg State University and Peking University
January 4, 2024 16:00
15. Generative Flow Networks as Entropy-Regularized Reinforcement learning
Alexey Naumov
Main scientific seminar of the Innopolis University «Innopolis. Science»
December 19, 2023 09:30   
16. Неасимптотический анализ алгоритмов стохастической аппроксимации
A. A. Naumov
Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
April 20, 2022 16:45   
17. Случайные матрицы: теория и приложения
A. A. Naumov
Colloquium of the Faculty of Computer Science
February 2, 2021 18:10   
18. Неасимптотический анализ алгоритмов стохастической аппроксимации
A. A. Naumov
Seminar on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
October 9, 2020 18:00
19. Finite Time Analysis of Linear Two-timescale Stochastic Approximation
A. A. Naumov

September 30, 2020 17:30   
20. Variations on the Berry-Esseen theorem by B. Klartag and S. Sodin
A. A. Naumov
Structural Learning Seminar
December 8, 2016 18:40
21. О некоторых приложениях теории случайных матриц
A. A. Naumov
Problems in Stochastic Analysis
November 12, 2016 11:00   
22. Bootstrap confidence sets for spectral projectors of sample covariance
A. A. Naumov
Seminar on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
September 23, 2016 18:00
23. О некоторых статистических приложениях теории случайных матриц
A. A. Naumov
Seminar of Chebyshev Laboratory on Probability Theory
September 23, 2016 16:00
24. Structured Random Matrices by Ramon van Handel (Часть II)
A. A. Naumov
Structural Learning Seminar
June 23, 2016 17:00
25. Structured Random Matrices by Ramon van Handel
A. A. Naumov
Structural Learning Seminar
April 26, 2016 17:00
26. Предельные теоремы для случайных матриц и их приложения
A. A. Naumov
Dobrushin Mathematics Laboratory Seminar
April 12, 2016 14:00
27. Local Wigner's semicircle law
A. A. Naumov
Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
March 2, 2016 16:45
28. Распределение линейных статистик сингулярных чисел произведения случайных матриц
A. A. Naumov
Seminar on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
March 13, 2015 18:00
29. Асимптотический анализ симметричных функций
A. A. Naumov
Seminar of Chebyshev Laboratory on Probability Theory
March 13, 2015 16:00
30. On Polynomials in Random Elements
V. V. Ulyanov, A. A. Naumov
International Scientific Conference "Probability Theory and its Applications" On Occasion of 85th Birthday of Yu. V. Prokhorov
February 14, 2015 17:15   
31. Предельные теоремы для случайных матриц с зависимыми элементами
A. A. Naumov
Seminar on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
September 27, 2013 18:00
32. Limit theorems for two classes of random matrices with dependent elements
A. A. Naumov
Principle Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory, Moscow State University
April 3, 2013 16:45

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