Begmatov, Akram Hasanovich

Total publications: 23 (23)
in MathSciNet: 16 (16)
in zbMATH: 13 (13)
in Web of Science: 6 (6)
in Scopus: 6 (6)
Cited articles: 5
Citations: 36

Number of views:
This page:2932
Abstract pages:1316
Full texts:568
Begmatov, Akram Hasanovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1998)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 3.10.1959
Keywords: integral geometry, integral equations of first kind, inversion formulae, uniqueness of solution, stability estimates
UDC: 517.946


Ill-posed problems of mathematical physics and analysis, weakly and strongly ill-posed integral geometry problems, integral equations

Main publications:
  1. Begmatov Akram Khasanovich, “Weakly ill-posed Volterra-type problems of integral geometry”, Doklady Mathemathics, 54:1 (1996), 536–537  mathscinet  zmath
  2. Begmatov Akram Khasanovich, “Problems of integral geometry and special operator equations of Volterra type.”, Doklady Mathemathics, 324:3 (1992), 606–609  mathscinet  zmath
  3. Begmatov Akram Khasanovich, “Problems of integral geometry in the three-dimensional space corresponding to cones and cone generators”, Doklady Mathemathics, 57:1 (1998), 117–118  mathscinet  zmath
  4. Begmatov Akram Khasanovich, “Problems of integral geometry for special curves and surfaces with singularities in vertices”, Doklady Mathemathics, 57:1, 21–233  mathscinet  zmath
  5. Begmatov Akram Khasanovich, “Two new classes of problems in integral geometry”, Doklady Mathemathics, 57:3 (1998), 427–429  mathscinet  zmath
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. Akram Kh. Begmatov, A. Ismoilov, A. Dauletiyarov, Yesmirza Tasqinov, “New classes of integral geometry problems of Volterra type in three-dimensional space”, INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE ON ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MATHEMATICAL MODELING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (2–3 May 2023 Nukus, Uzbekistan), International Scientific and Practical Conference on Actual Problems of Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology – APMMIT-2023, 2024, 1-8

2. A. KH. BEGMATOV1, A. S. ISMOILOV2, D. G. KHUDOYBERDIEV, “WEAKLY ILL-POSED PROBLEMS OF INTEGRAL GEOMETRY ON THE PLANE WITH PERTURBATION”, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2023, no. No 3, 273–289 (to appear)

3. A. Kh. BEGMATOV, A. S. ISMOILOV, “ON A PROBLEM OF INTEGRAL GEOMETRY OVER A FAMILY OF PARABOLAS WITH PERTURBATION”, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2021, Vol. 27, no. No 4, 497–509

4. Akram. H. Begmatov, M. E. Muminov, Z. H. Ochilov, “The Problem of Integral Geometry of Volterra Type with a Weight Function of a Special Type”, Mathematics and Statistics, 3(5) (2015), 113–120  crossref 2

5. Akram Kh. Begmatov, Z. Kh. Ochilov, “D’Alembert Mappings for a Class of Symmetric Domains”, Doklady Mathematics, Volume 80:Issue 1 (2009), 506-507  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
6. Akram Kh. Begmatov, Z. Kh. Ochilov, “Integral Geometry Problem with a Discontinuous Weight Function”, Doklady Mathematics, Volume 80:No 3 (2009), 823–825  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
7. “Akram Kh Begmatov, Z, Kh, Ochilov”, “Zadachi integralnoi geometrii na ploskosti i otobrazheniya Dalambera.”, Trudy Mezhdunarodnykh shkol-seminarov «Metody diskretnykh osobennostei v zadachakh matematicheskoi fiziki». ("Orel, 10–13 noyabrya 2009 g."), TRUDY MEZhDUNARODNYKh ShKOL-SEMINAROV «METODY DISKRETNYKh OSOBENNOSTEI V ZADAChAKh MATEMATIChESKOI FIZIKI», vypusk 8, Izdatelstvo GOU VPO «Orlovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet», Poligraficheskaya firma «Kartush», Orel, 2009, 13-19

8. Akram Kh. Begmatov, Z. Kh. Ochilov, “Recovering of function set by integrals along a curve in the plane (English)”, ll-posed and non-classical problems of mathematical physics and analysis. Proceedings of the international conference, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 11–15, 2000, eds. Lavrent’ev, M. M. (ed.) et al.,, Utrecht: VSP (ISBN 90-6764-380-7/hbk). Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series, 2003  zmath
9. Akram H. Begmatov, Akbar H. Begmatov, “Problems of integral geometry on curves and surfaces in Euclidean space. (English)”, Ill-posed and non-classical problems of mathematical physics and analysis. Proceedings of the international conference, (Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 11–15, 2000), eds. Edited by M. M. Lavrentʹev and S. I. Kabanikhin, Utrecht: VSP (ISBN 90-6764-380-7/hbk). Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems Series, 2003, 1–18  mathscinet  zmath

10. “Akram Kh Begmatov”, “Teoremy suschestvovaniya resheniya dvukh slabo nekorrektnykh zadach integralnoi geometrii”, Doklady RAN, 386:# 6 (2002), 727–-729  mathnet  mathscinet

11. Akram. H. Begmatov, “A certain inversion problem for the ray transform with incomplete data”, Siberian Math. J., 42:3 (2001), 428–434  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

12. Akram H. Begmatov, “Reconstruction a function by means of integrals over family of conical surfaces (English)”, Integral methods in sceince and engineering, eds. B. Bertram, C. Constanda, A. Struthers, editors, Chapman & Hall/CRC reseach notes in mathematics series. Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, 2000, 57–61  mathscinet  zmath
13. Akbar H. Begmatov, Akram H. Begmatov, “Inversion of the X-ray transform and the Radon transform with incomlete data”, Integral methods in sceince and engineeringeds. , B. Bertram, C. Constanda, A. Struthers, editors, Chapman & Hall/CRC reseach notes in mathematics series. Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington, 2000, 51-56  mathscinet  zmath

14. “Akram Kh Begmatov”, “O nekotorykh zadachakh integralnoi geometrii v polose i zadache obrascheniya luchevogo preobrazovaniya s nepolnymi dannymi”, Doklady RAN, 368:# 3 (1999), 295–298  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

15. “Akram Kh Begmatov”, Nekotorye klassy slabo i silno nekorrektnykh zadach integralnoi geometrii, “Preprint № 50”, RAN. Sib. otd-nie. In-t matematiki, Novosibirsk, 1998 , 22 pp.
16. “Akram Kh Begmatov”, Nekotorye novye klassy zadach integralnoi geometrii, “Preprint № 40”, RAN. Sib. otd-nie. In-t matematiki, Novosibirsk, 1998 , 30 pp.

17. A. H. Begmatov, “Volterra-type problems of integral geometry over a family of rays in three-dimensional space”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 3:4 (1997), 1109–1115  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
18. Akram. H. Begmatov, “Volterra problems of integral geometry in the plane for curves with singularities”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 38:4 (1997), 723-737  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

19. Akram H. Begmatov, “The integral geometry problem for a family of cones in the $n$-dimensional space”, Siberian Math. J., 37:3 (1996), 430–435  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
20. Akram H. Begmatov, “Weakly ill-posed problems of integral geometry of Volterra type”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 349:3 (1996), 297–298  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

21. Akram H. Begmatov, “Two classes of weakly ill-posed problems of integral geometry on the plane”, Siberian Math. J., 36:2 (1995), 213–218  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
22. Akram H. Begmatov, “On a class of Weakly ill-posed problems of integral geometry in three-dimensional space”, Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, Vol. 3:No 3 (1995), 243–247  mathscinet  zmath

23. A. H. Begmatov, “Problems of integral geometry and special operator equations of Volterra type”, Dokl. Math., 45:3 (1992), 606–609  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

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