Khokhlov, Vladimir Ivanovich

Total publications: 101 (58)
in MathSciNet: 24 (22)
in zbMATH: 15 (15)
in Web of Science: 9 (8)
in Scopus: 9 (9)
Cited articles: 10
Citations: 38
Presentations: 2

Number of views:
This page:3316
Abstract pages:7872
Full texts:2334
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
Birth date: 27.08.1955
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. V. I. Khokhlov, ““Seventh chord” of methods for searching characterizing moment identities and the fifth element. (Dedicated to 50th anniversary of Stein’s method.)”, OP&PM Surveys on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 29:1 (2022), 7–24  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet

2. O. V. Viskov, V. M. Maksimov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Stein–Chen-like characterizations of one-dimensional probability distributions (New edition)”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 27:4 (2020), 289–304  mathnet  crossref
3. L. I. Gerasimova, V. I. Khokhlov, “PAMYaTI DMITRIYa MIKhAILOVIChA ChIBISOVA”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 27:1 (2020), 87–88  elib

4. V. I. Khokhlov, “Chetyre nauchnykh puteshestviya Yuriya Vasilevicha v devyanostykh i nemnogo pro ego zhurnal «TVP»”, Vospominaniya o Yu. V. Prokhorove eds pod red. A. V. Prokhorova, Izd-vo «Soglasie», Moskva, 2019, 181–197
5. V. I. Khokhlov i dr., “VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICh SAChKOV (k devyanostoletiyu)”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 26:4 (2019), 394–396  elib
6. L. I. Gerasimova, V. I. Khokhlov, “Mikhail Mikhailovich Glukhov 20.XI.1930 – 9.XII.2018”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 26:1 (2019), 95
7. L. I. Gerasimova, V. I. Khokhlov, “PAMYaTI SERGEYa ARUTYuNOVIChA AIVAZYaNA”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 26:2 (2019), 191–192  elib
8. L. I. Gerasimova, V. I. Khokhlov, “Jan Reijer Frank Theodoor Groesbeek (On his 70th Birthday)”, In Russian, OP&PM Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 26:3 (2019), 287
9. V. I. Khokhlov, “II Intrenational Conference “Prokhorov and Probablity Theory” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yu. V. Prokhorov”, OP&PM Surveys on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 26:4 (2019), 390–392  elib
10. V. I. Khokhlov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 26:4 (2019), 390–392  mathnet  elib

11. V. I. Khokhlov, “Oleg Viktorovich Viskov (2.II.1937 – 21.VI.2018)”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 25:2 (2018), 191  elib

12. O. V. Vskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterizing and Generalized Moment Identities and Their Applications”, Mathematics in the Modern World. International Conference Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Sobolev Institute of Mathematics (Novosibirsk, August 14–19, 2017), eds. G. V. Demidenko et al, Sobolev Math. Inst. SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 2017, 356 (to appear)
13. V. I. Khokhlov, V. M. Maximov, O. V. Viskov, “Universal Approcah to Obtain Stein-Chen-like Identities, Characterizing and Generalized Moment Identities of Higher Orders and Their Applications”, Scientific Communication, XXXIV International Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models. Book of Abstracts (Debrecen, August 25–29, 2017), eds. I. Fazekas, V. Korolev, S. Baran, Didakt Kiadó, Debrecen, 2017, 48

14. V. I. Khokhlov, O. V. Viskov, “Generalized Moment Identity for Negative Binomial Distribution and Its Application to the Linearization Problem”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 23:5 (2016), 401–410  mathnet  elib
15. O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Generalized Moment Identity for Negative Binomial Distribution”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 23:4 (2016), 393–395  mathnet  elib
16. L. I. Gerasimova, A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Valentin Fedorovich Kolchin (20.II.1934 – 6.IX.2016)”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 23:5 (2016), 95
17. Yu. G. Evtushenko, I. A. Sokolov, V. I. Astafev, L. I. Gerasimova, V. I. Khokhlov, G. A. Shaposhnikova, “Samvel Samvelovich Grigoryan (18.III.1929 – 11.IV.2015) IN MEMORIAM”, Obozrenie prikladnoi i promyshlennoi matematiki, 23:1 (2016), 91–95  elib

18. O. V. Viskov, V. M. Maksimov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Annulators, pre-annulators and characterizators of probabilistic measures”, International Conference “Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis — V” (Rostov-on-Don, 26 April – 1 May 2015), eds. A. N. Karapetyants et al, DSTU Publ. Center, Rostov-on-Don, 2015, 178–180
19. Viskov O. V., Maksimov V. M., Khokhlov V. I., “Characterizing moment identities for equiprobable and uniform distributions”, XVI All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Summer Session) (Chelyabinsk, June 21 – 27, 2015), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 22, no. 1, ed. Yu. G. Evtushenko, 2015, 64–65  mathscinet

20. O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Four directions of Yu. V. Prokhorov’s research and their perspectives”, Theory Probab. Appl., 60:2 (2016), 336–342  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

21. O. V. Viskov, M. V. Maksimov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterization Properties of Liu identity for multidimensional Gaussian distribution and Wey–Zhang–Li identity for Beta distribution”, 8 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Program and Abstracts (Beijing, August 10–14, 2015), eds. Z. Ma, L. Guo, Beijing Univ., Beijing, 2015, 257 & Abstracts.pdf (minisimpozium MS-Th-E-12-3)  mathscinet
22. O. V. Viskov, V. M. Maksimov , V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterizing moment identities for equiprobable and uniform distributions”, XVI All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Fall Session) (Sochy-Dagomys, 2015), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 22, no. 4, ed. Yu. G. Evtushenko, 2015, 447–449 (to appear)  mathscinet

23. O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterization property of Liu identity for two-dimensional Gaussian distribution”, XV All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Spring Session) (Kislovodsk, May 1–8, 2014), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 21, no. 1, ed. Yu. G. Evtushenko, 2014, 44–45
24. O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterization property of Liu identity for multidimensional Gaussian distribution”, XV All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Fall Open Session (Sochi–Dagomys, September 28 – October 5, 2014), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 21, no. 4, ed. Yu. G. Evtushenko, 2014, 340–341
25. O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 21:4 (2014), 340–341  mathnet
26. O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 21:1 (2014), 44–45  mathnet

27. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterization identity for binomial distribution”, XX All-Russian School-Colloquium on Stochastic Methods and XIV All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Spring Session) (Ioshkar-Ola, May 12–18, 2013), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 20, no. 2, 2013, 136–137
28. O. V. Vskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Characterizing identity for the negative binomial distribution”, OP&PM Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 20:4 (2013), 532–533
29. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 20:4 (2013), 532–533  mathnet
30. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 20:2 (2013), 136–137  mathnet

31. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Direct proof of the generalized Chen identity”, XIX All-Russian School-Colloquium on Stochastic Methods and XIII All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Fall Open Session) (Sochi–Vardane, October 1–8, 2012), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 19, no. 5, 2012, 731–732
32. V. I. Khokhlov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, “Application of the generalized Chen identity to the linearization problem for products of Poisson-Charlier polynomials”, VIII International Petrozavodsk Conference “‘Probabilistic Methods in Discrete Mathematics” and XIII All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics. Scientific Communications (Summer Session) (Petrozavodsk, June 2–9, 2012), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 19, no. 3, 2012, 472–473
33. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Poisson–Charlier polynomials and generalization of Chen identity”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 19:1 (2012), 3–8  mathnet
34. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 19:5 (2012), 731–732  mathnet
35. V. I. Khokhlov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 19:3 (2012), 472–473  mathnet

36. V. I. Khokhlov, Yu. I. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, “An Approach to the Linearization Problem for Hermite Polynomials”, ICIAM 2011: 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 18–22, 2011), eds. R. Jeltsch et al, CAIMS–SCMAI/SIAM, Winnipeg/Philadelphia, 2011, 29
37. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Generalized Stein identity and its application to the linearization problem for Hermite polynomials”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 18:6 (2011), 833–838  mathscinet
38. V. I. Chochlovas (V. I. Khokhlov), “TEV kūrimo istorija pagal Vladimirą Ivanoviči. History of TEV creation according to Vladimir Ivanovich; Vladimiro Ivanovičiaus pateiktos relikvijos. Relics presented by Vladimir Ivanovich (na russkom yazyke)”, TEV: Pirmasis dvidešimtmetis. The First Two Decades, eds. E. Žalys, TEV, Vilnyus, 2011, 10–11; 84–85
39. V. I. Khokhlov, “From the Founder of Journal”, OP&PM Surveys Appl Industr. Math., 18:3 (2011), 353–354  mathscinet

40. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “An approach to linearization problem for Hermite polynomials”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 17:6 (2010), 801–804

41. Yu. V. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “A method to derive the linearization formula for product of Hermite polynomials”, XVI All-Russian School-Colloquium on Stochastic Methods, X All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Spring Session), All-Russian Macrosymposium “Innovative Economy: Project Decisions and Risk Management” (Sankt-Petersburg, May 19–24, 2009), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 16, no. 5, 2009, 800
42. V. I. Khokhlov, “Hermite polynomials and Poisson–Charlier polynomials as classical limits of Krawtchouk polynomials”, XVI All-Russian School-Colloquium on Stochastic Methods, X All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Spring Session), All-Russian Macrosymposium “Innovative Economy: Project Decisions and Risk Management” (Sankt-Petersburg, May 19–24, 2009), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 16, no. 5, 2009, 937–940

43. Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “On Polynomials of Components of Gaussian Random Vectors”, Theory Probab. Appl., 52:4 (2008), 720–724  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

44. V. Khokhlov, “Multivariate Poisson summation formula applied to estimation of closeness to the uniform distribution”, 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Abstracts for ICIAM 07 incorporating: GAMM Annual Meeting 2007, Embedded Meetings, Industry Days (Zürich, Switzerland, 16–20 July 2007), eds. G. Wanner et al, ICIAM 2007 Organizing Committee/Flawil, Zürich, 2007, 480
45. Yu. V. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Analogues of Chernov inequality for Gamma-distribution”, XIV All-Russian School-Colloquium on Stochastic Methods and VIII All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Fall session) (Sochi–Adler, September 29–October 7, 2007), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 14, no. 6, 2007, 1080–1081  elib

46. V. I. Khokhlov, “A method of estimation of the number of integer points on the multidimensional sphere and its applications to the problem of estimation of closeness to the uniform distribution”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 13:1 (2006), 3–27  mathscinet  zmath
47. V. I. Khokhlov, Otsenki skorosti skhodimosti k ravnomernomu raspredeleniyu v mnogomernom sluchae, Dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata fiziko-matematicheskikh naukSpetsialnost 01.01.05. Nauchnye rukovoditeli: akademik Yu. V. Prokhorov, akademik AK RF V. F. Kolchin, Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Moskva, 2006  zmath
48. A. A. Kulikova, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Distribution of fractional parts of random vectors: Gaussian case. II”, Theory Probab. Appl., 50:4 (2006), 685–687  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
49. V. I. Khokhlov, “The uniform distribution on sphere in $R^s$. I. Properties of projections”, Theory Probab. Appl., 50:3 (2006), 386–399  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
50. Yu. V. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Analogues of the Chernoff inequality for negative binomial ditribution”, Theory Probab. Appl., 50:2 (2006), 327–330  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
51. A. A. Kulikova, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “H.F.D. ($H$-function distribution) and the Benford law. I”, Theory Probab. Appl., 50:2 (2006), 311–315  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

52. O. V. Viskov, Yu. I. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Analogues of isoperometrical Chernov inequality for Pascal distribution”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 12:2 (2005), 481–482
53. Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Projections of the uniform distribution on spheres: An estimate of the rate of convergence”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 12:2 (2005), 482
54. V. I. Khokhlov, “Letter to the Editors”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 12:1 (2005), 207
55. V. I. Khokhlov, “Letter to the Editors”, A correction and addendum (a connection with Meixner polynomials) to the article “Polynomials orthogonal with respect to negative binomial distribution” (OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 2004, v. 11, is. 1, p. 487–492), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 12:1 (2005), 207

56. V. I. Khokhlov, “Polynomials orthogonal with respect to the negative binomial distribution”, 6th World Congress of the Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability and 67th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (Barcelona, July 26–31, 2004), Institute d’Estadistica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2004, 126
57. V. I. Khokhlov, “Polynomials orthogonal with respect to the negative binomial distribution”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 11:3 (2004), 487–492  mathscinet  zmath

58. V. I. Khokhlov, “Polynomials orthogonal with respect to geometrical distribution”, IV All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (spring–summer session) and II All-Russian School “Mathematical Methods in Ecology”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 10, no. 2, 2003, 520
59. V. I. Khokhlov, “Exact formulae for second moments of Sevast'yanov prevalence”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 10:3 (2003), 579–582  mathscinet  zmath

60. A. A. Borovkov, V. A. Vatutin, V. M. Zolotarev, A. M. Zubkov, I. A. Ibragimov, R. I. Ivanovskaya, V. F. Kolchin, V. P. Maslov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, M. V. Khatuntseva, V. I. Khokhlov, A. S. Holevo, D. M. Chibisov, A. N. Shiryaev, “On the 80th Birthday of B. A. Sevastyanov”, Theory Probab. Appl., 48:4 (2004), 697–702  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi

61. Yu. V. Prokhorov, O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Binomial Analogues of the Chernoff Inequality”, Theory Probab. Appl., 46:3 (2002), 544–547  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
62. V. I. Khokhlov, “Polynomials Orthogonal with Respect to the Multinomial Distribution and the Factorial-Power Formalism”, Theory Probab. Appl., 46:3 (2002), 529–536  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

63. O. V. Viskov, Yu. V. Prokhorov, V. I. Khokhlov, “Poisson analogue of Chernoff inequality”, II All-Russian Symposium on Applied and Industrial Mathematics (Summer Session) (Samara, July 1-6, 2001.), OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 8, no. 1, 2001, 128–129  mathscinet

64. V. Khokhlov, “Krawtchouk polynomials applied to analysis of an attack based on Sevast'yanov statistic”, International Congress of Mathematicians'1998. Abstracts of Short Communications and Posters Section:14. Mathematical Aspects of Computer Science (Berlin, August 18–27), Bielefeld Universitat, 1998, 6251

65. V. F. Kolchin, V. I. Khokhlov, “The threshold effect for systems of random equations of a special type”, Discrete Math. Appl., 5:5 (1995), 425–436  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
66. V. I. Khokhlov, “ICIAM'95: Link-up on the Elbe River”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 2:5 (1995), 848–850  mathscinet

67. M. I. Tikhomirova, V. I. Khokhlov, “From Founders of the Journal”, OP&PM Surveys Appl. Industr. Math., 1:1 (1994), 3–4

68. V. I. Khokhlov, “On the structure of a non-uniformly distributed random graph”, International Conference on Random Mappings, Partitions, and Permutations (Los-Angeles, January 3–6, January 1992), Adv. Appl. Probab., 24, 1992, 775–776;  crossref

69. V. I. Khokhlov, V. F. Kolchin, “On the structure of a random graph with nonuniform distribution”, New trends in probability and statistics (Bakuriani, Georgia, USSR, 24 February–4March, 1990), v. 1, New Trends in Probability and Statistics, Proceedings of the Bakuriani Colloquium in Honour of Yu. V. Prohorov, eds. V. V. Sazonov, T. Shervashidze, Mokslas/VSP, Vilnius/Utrecht, 1991, 445–456  mathscinet

70. G. V. Balakin, V. F. Kolchin, V. I. Khokhlov, “Hypercycles in a random hypergraph”, Discrete Math. Appl., 2:5 (1992), 563–570  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

71. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 11 str., 1991

72. V. F. Kolchin, V. I. Khokhlov, “On the number of cycles in a random nonequiprobable graph”, Discrete Math. Appl., 2:1 (1992), 109–128  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

73. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 12 str., 1990
74. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 13 str., 1990

75. V. I. Khokhlov, “Factorial-Power Polynomials Orthogonal with Respect to the Multinomial Distribution”, Pyataya mezhdunarodnaya Vilnyusskaya konferentsiya, In-t matem. AN LitSSR, Vilnyus, 1989, 254–255
76. E. A. Zhalys, V. V. Statulevichius, V. I. Khokhlov, “Two exhibitions”, Theory Probab. Appl., 34; 35:4; 1 (1989; 1990), 749–752; 194–200  mathnet  crossref

77. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 12 str., 1988
78. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 11 str., 1988
79. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 11 str., 1988

80. V. F. Kolchin, V. I. Khokhlov, “A problem on the urn scheme and moments of the binomial distribution”, Probabilistic problems in discrete mathematics (in Russian language), eds. Ed. by G. I. Ivchenko et al, Moscow Inst. Electron. Mashinery, Moscow, 1987, 80–84  mathscinet

81. R. I. Ivanovskaya, V. I. Khokhlov, “Contents of Volumes XXVI–XXX (1981–1985)”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 31:1 (1986), 191–221  mathnet
82. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 8 str., 1986

83. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 9 str., 1985
84. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 14 str., 1985
85. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 31 str., 1985

86. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 20 str., 1984
87. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 22 str., 1984

88. V. I. Khokhlov, “On Galton–Watson branching process degenerated at a given time”, XVII School-colloquium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Abstacts of Communications (Bakuriani, February 27th – March 5th), eds. T. L. Shervashidze et al., Razmadze Tbilisi Math. Inst. Acad. Sci. Georgian SSR, Tbilisi, 1983, 37
89. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 27 str., 1983
90. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 8 str., 1983
91. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 18 str., 1983

92. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 9 str., 1981

93. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 22 str., 1980
94. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 8 str., 1980

95. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 8 str., 1978
96. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 15 str., 1978
97. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 11 str., 1978
98. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 11 str., 1978
99. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 11 str., 1978
100. V. I. Khokhlov, Spets. rabota, 4 str., 1978

101. V. I. Khokhlov, V soavtorstve, Spets. rabota, 6 str., 1977

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Annulators, preannulators and characterizators of probability measures
O. V. Viskov, V. M. Maksimov, V. I. Khokhlov
Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory "Stochastic Analysis: Theory and Applications", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
June 11, 2015 13:00
2. Ñåìèíàð, ïîñâÿùåííûé ïàìÿòè Þðèÿ Âàñèëüåâè÷à Ïðîõîðîâà. Î ÷åòûðåõ íàïðàâëåíèÿõ ðàáîò Þ. Â. Ïðîõîðîâà â 2001–2013 ãã. è èõ ïåðñïåêòèâàõ
O. V. Viskov, V. I. Khokhlov
Seminar of the Department of Probability Theory "Stochastic Analysis: Theory and Applications", Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
December 15, 2014 13:00

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