Bryukhanov, Valery Veniaminovith

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Total publications: 8
Scientific articles: 8

Number of views:
This page:586
Abstract pages:1760
Full texts:618
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1995)
Speciality: 01.04.05 (Optics)
Keywords: Luminescence, dyes, surface plasmons, nanoparticles, quantum points, photovoltaics, perovskite.


Molecular spectroscopy. Luminescence of molecules and atoms. Nonlinear optics. Nanophtonics. Nanotechnologi. Organic and organometall photovoltaics

Main publications:
  1. N.A. Myslitskaya, I.G. Samusev, V.V. Bryukhanov, “Dipole-dipole electron excitation energy transfer in the system CdSe/ZnS quantum dot – eosin in butyral resin matrix”, Russ. Phys. J, 57:7 (2014), 52–59
  2. V.V. Bryukhanov, A.V. Tcibulnikova, I.G. Samusev, V.A. Slezhkin, “Effect of silver nanoparticles on singlet-singlet energy transfer dinamics of luminofophores in thin films of polyvinyl alcohol”, J. Appl. Spectroscop, 81:4 (2014), 570–576
  3. V.V. Bryukhanov, B.F. Minaev, A.V. Tsibulnikova, N.S. Tikhomirova, V.A. Slezhkin, “Plazmonnoe usilenie i tushenie fluorestsentsii i fosforestsentsii anionnykh i kationnykh krasitelei v razlichnykh sredakh”, Opticheskii zhurnal, 81:11 (2014), 7–14
  4. A.V. Tsibulnikova, V.V. Bryukhanov, V.A. Slezhkin, “Usilenie poverkhnostnymi plazmonami nanochastits zolota singlet-tripletnogo perenosa energii mezhdu krasitelyami v polimernoi plenke”, Izvestiya vuzov. Fizika, 57:12 (2014), 51–58
  5. V.V. Bryukhanova, S.G. Karstina, I.G. Samusev, Fraktalnaya kinetika lyuminestsentsii organolyuminoforov na poverkhnsoti tverdykh nanoporistykh adsorbentov, Monografiya, 2008, 287 ñ.
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. Yu. Zyubin, I. I. Kon, I. G. Samusev, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Electric field simulation near metal nanoparticles”, Meždunar. nauč.-issled. žurn., 2020, no. 10(100),  10–13  mathnet
2. N. A. Myslitskaya, R. Yu. Borkunov, M. V. Tsarkov, V. A. Slezhkin, I. G. Samusev, Yu. N. Antipov, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Heat transfer in a water drop containing a dye and nanoparticles under double laser irradiation”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 90:8 (2020),  1323–1332  mathnet  elib; Tech. Phys., 65:8 (2020), 1272–1280
3. N. A. Myslitskaya, A. V. Tcibulnikova, V. A. Slezhkin, I. G. Samusev, Yu. N. Antipov, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Generation of supercontinuum in filamentation regime in a water droplet containing silver nanoparticles at low temperature”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:12 (2020),  1821–1829  mathnet  elib; Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:12 (2020), 1954–1962
4. K. I. Matveeva, A. Yu. Zyubin, I. G. Samusev, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Giant raman scattering of organic luminophors adsorbed on quartz surface modified by silver nanoparticles”, Meždunar. nauč.-issled. žurn., 2019, no. 10(88),  6–10  mathnet
5. E. I. Konstantinova, B. F. Minaev, A. V. Tcibulnikova, R. Yu. Borkunov, M. V. Tsarkov, Yu. N. Antipov, I. G. Samusev, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Dynamics of thermoluminescence under dual-wavelength Vis-IR laser excitation of eosin molecules in a polyvinyl butyral film containing oxygen and silver nanoparticles”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 126:2 (2019),  126–133  mathnet  elib; Optics and Spectroscopy, 125:6 (2019), 874–881 1
6. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, S. Yu. Tenyakov, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Temporal compression of pulses from a 100-KHz-repetiton-rate femtosecond ytterbium laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:8 (2016),  675–678  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:8 (2016), 675–678  isi  scopus] 4
7. V. V. Bryukhanov, E. I. Konstantinova, R. Yu. Borkunov, M. V. Tsarkov, V. A. Slezhkin, “Influence of silver nanoparticles on relaxation processes and efficiency of dipole-dipole energy transfer between dye molecules in polymethylmethacrylate films”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 45:10 (2015),  908–913  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 45:10 (2015), 908–913  isi  scopus] 2
8. V. V. Klimenko, M. V. Klimenko, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Numerical modeling of the electric field and zonal current in the Earth's ionosphere – statement of the problem and test calculations”, Matem. Mod., 18:3 (2006),  77–92  mathnet  zmath 17

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