He is CTO and Co-Founder of deepXscan GmbH, Dresden, Germany. His responsibilities include research and innovation in the field of high-resolution X-ray imaging and the development of customized solutions for a broad range of applications including advanced packaging for microelectronics. He is member of the European Academy of Science (EurASc) and of ACATECH Germany. Ehrenfried Zschech had several management positions at Airbus in Bremen, at Advanced Micro Devices in Dresden and at Fraunhofer. He holds an adjunct professorship at Chemistry faculty of Warsaw University as well as honorary professorships for Nano- materials at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and for Nanoanalysis at Dresden University of Technology. Ehrenfried Zschech was awarded with the FEMS European Materials Gold Medal in 2019. Ehrenfried Zschech has published more than 300 publications in peer-reviewed journals with more than 7600 citations (h-index 40).
K. B. Bulatov, A. S. Ingacheva, M. I. Gilmanov, K. Kutukova, Zh. V. Soldatova, A. V. Buzmakov, M. V. Chukalina, E. Zschech, V. V. Arlazarov, “Towards monitored tomographic reconstruction: algorithm-dependence and convergence”, Computer Optics, 47:4 (2023), 658–667