Dell’Accio, Francesco

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Total publications: 2
Scientific articles: 2
Presentations: 2

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Abstract pages:533
Full texts:251
Dell’Accio, Francesco
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (1998)
Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Birth date: 23.06.1967
Keywords: Inverse distance weighting, polynomials


Numerical analysis, Function approximation.


Brief Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

• I was born in Soveria Simeri (near Catanzaro, Italy) on the 23rd of June 1967.

• I obtained my first degree "cum laude" from the Dipartimento di Matematica at the Università degli Studi della Calabria on the 15th April 1991 under the supervision of Prof. Daniele C. Struppa.

• On the 8th January 1992 I went to the Department of Complex Analysis at the Steklov Mathematical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) to study for my Ph.D. in Mathematical Analysis under the supervision of Prof. Anatoly G. Vitushkin. During this time I have been an Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica two-year Grant recipient (Borsista) and an Università degli Studi della Calabria one-year Grant recipient.

• From the 5th November 1995 until the 30th October 1996, I served in the Italian Army at the Scuola del Genio (Roma).

• From the 8th January 1996 until 7th January 1998 I have been a Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Grant recipient within the Dipartimento di Matematica at the Università degli Studi della Calabria under the supervision of Prof. Paolo A. Oliverio.

• On the 11th July 1997 I went back to the Steklov Mathematical Institute for a one-year stage. I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis on the 15th of May 1998.

• In the Academic Year 1998-99 I have been a lecturer of a course of Mathematical and Statistical Methods in the Facoltà di Farmacia at the Università degli Studi della Calabria.

• On the 28th December 1998 I got married to Gemma.

• From the 1st November 1999 until the 15th September 2002, I have been a research fellow (Assegnista di Ricerca, S.S.D. A04/A (Analisi Numerica)) within the Dipartimento di Matematica at the Università della Calabria under the supervision of Prof. Francesco A. Costabile.

• On the 21st January 2002 my daughter Asia was born.

• Since the 16th September 2002 until the 15th September 2005 I have been an Assistant Professor of Numerical Analysis (Ricercatore, S.S.D. MAT08, ex A04/A) within the same Department.

• Since the 16th September 2005 until the 30th December 2011, I have been a senior Assistant Professor (Ricercatore Confermato).

• On the 21st September 2007 my son Moses was born.

• Since the 30th December 2011 I am an Associate Professor (Professore Associato).

• On 25 January 2022, I received my habilitation as a Full Professor of Numerical Analysis.

• I am a member of the American Mathematical Society, of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, of the Unione Matematica Italiana, of the Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale and of the Italian National Group for Scientific Computation.

Main publications:
  1. Caira R., Dell’Accio F., “Shepard-Bernoulli operators”, Math. Comp., 76:257 (2007), 299–321  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
  2. Dell’Accio, F., Di Tommaso, F., Hormann, K., “On the approximation order of triangular Shepard interpolation”, IMA J Numer Anal, 36:1 (2016), 359–379
  3. Dell’Accio, F., Di Tommaso F.,, “On the hexagonal Shepard method”, Appl. Numer. Math., 150 (2020), 51-64
  4. Cavoretto, R., De Rossi, A., Dell’Accio, F., Di Tommaso, F., “An efficient trivariate algorithm for tetrahedral Shepard interpolation”, J. Sci. Comput., 82:3 (2020), Paper No. 57, 15 pp.
  5. Dell’Accio, F., Di Tommaso F., Nouisser, O., Siar, N., “Solving Poisson equation with Dirichlet conditions through multinode Shepard operators”, Comput. Math. Appl., 98 (2021), 254–260
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. F. Dell Accio, “On continuous extension of locally homeomorphic simplicial maps of $\mathbb R^2$ into itself by $\sigma$-processes”, Mat. Zametki, 59:6 (1996),  821–831  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 59:6 (1996), 594–600  isi 1
2. F. Dell Accio, “A counterexample to a conjecture related to the Jacobian problem”, Mat. Zametki, 58:3 (1995),  452–455  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Math. Notes, 58:3 (1995), 989–992  isi 2

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Multinode rational operators for scattered data interpolation
Francesco Dell'Accio
Conference on Complex Analysis and Mathematical Physics, dedicated to the 70th birthday of A. G. Sergeev
March 22, 2019 15:50   
2. Scattered data interpolation by Shepard’s like methods: classical results and recent advances
F. Dell’Accio
Seminar on Complex Analysis (Gonchar Seminar)
June 22, 2017 17:00

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