complex and geometric analysis,
dynamical systems,
statistical physics,
Main publications:
S. Smirnov, “Critical percolation in the plane: conformal invariance, Cardy's formula, scaling limits”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 333:3 (2001), 239–244
S. Smirnov, “Symbolic dynamics and Collet-Eckmann conditions”, Internat. Math. Res. Notices, 2000, no. 7, 333–351
P. Jones, S. Smirnov, “Removability theorems for Sobolev functions and quasiconformal maps”, Ark. Mat., 38:2 (2000), 263–279
J. Graczyk, S. Smirnov, “Collet, Eckmann and Hölder”, Invent. Math., 133:1 (1998), 69–96
S. K. Smirnov, “Razlozhenie solenoidalynykh vektornykh zaryadov na elementarnye solenoidy i struktura normalnykh odnomernykh potokov”, Algebra i analiz, 5:4 (1993), 206–238; S. K. Smirnov, “Decomposition of solenoidal vector charges into elementary solenoids and the structure of normal one-dimensional currents”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 5:4 (1994), 841–867
S. K. Smirnov, V. P. Havin, “Approximation and extension problems for some classes of vector fields”, Algebra i Analiz, 10:3 (1998), 133–162; St. Petersburg Math. J., 10:3 (1999), 507–528
S. K. Smirnov, “Decomposition of solenoidal vector charges into elementary solenoids, and the structure of normal one-dimensional flows”, Algebra i Analiz, 5:4 (1993), 206–238; St. Petersburg Math. J., 5:4 (1994), 841–867
A. A. Agrachëv, D. V. Anosov, S. M. Aseev, V. M. Buchstaber, A. M. Vershik, Ya. B. Vorobets, V. A. Kaimanovich, B. S. Kashin, I. G. Lysënok, A. Yu. Ol'shanskii, V. N. Remeslennikov, Ya. G. Sinai, S. K. Smirnov, A. M. Stepin, I. A. Taimanov, E. V. Shchepin, “Rostislav Ivanovich Grigorchuk (on his sixtieth birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 68:5(413) (2013), 187–190; Russian Math. Surveys, 68:5 (2013), 967–971
S. Smirnov, “О современной математике и ее преподавании”, Kvant, 2011, no. 2, 11–18
Conformal invariance and integrability S. K. Smirnov International Conference on Complex Analysis Dedicated to the memory of Andrei Gonchar and Anatoliy Vitushkin October 9, 2017 15:10
12988816. Лекция S. K. Smirnov XVII Summer School "Contemporary Mathematics", 2017 July 25, 2017 15:30
Critical lattice models and conformal invariance S. Smirnov General Mathematics Seminar of the St. Petersburg Division of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences December 24, 2001