Alikulov, Yolkin Kodirovich

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Total publications: 2
Scientific articles: 2

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This page:66
Abstract pages:279
Full texts:133
Senior Lecturer
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Birth date: 10.06.1984
Keywords: Differential equation of the third order, loaded differential equation, Tricomi problem, Gellerstedt problem, Cauchy-Goursat problem, Fourier transform, extremum principle
UDC: 517.956


Three-dimensional analogues of the Tricomi and Gellerstedt problem for loaded equations of mixed type


SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY OF ALIKULOV Y. 1. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov Estimation of the solution of an analogue of the Tricomi problem for one class of loaded equations of mixed type // International Russian-Bulgarian Symposium, "Equations of mixed type and related problems of analysis and informatics", Nalchik-Khabez, 2010, pp.101-104. 2. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov An analogue of the Tricomi problem for a loaded equation of elliptic-hyperbolic type in two-dimensional and three-dimensional domains // Reports of the Adyg (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences, Vol.13, No. 1, Nalchik, 2011, P. 50- 54. 3. Y. Alikulov A three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of mixed steam-and-hyperbolic type // UzMU Khabarlari, Makhsus son, Toshkent, 2011, pp. 231-233. 4. Y. Alikulov Uniqueness of the solution of a three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of mixed type // Uzbek mathematical journal, 2011, No. 2, pp. 29-39. 5. Y. Alikulov A boundary value problem for a loaded equation of elliptic-hyperbolic type in a three-dimensional domain // International conference of young scientists, "Mathematical modeling of fractal processes, related problems of analysis and informatics", Nalchik, 2011, pp. 39-43. 6. Y. Alikulov On a boundary value problem for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation in a three-dimensional prismatic domain // Second International Russian-Uzbek Symposium, "Equations of mixed type and related problems of analysis and informatics", Elbrus, 2012, pp. 29-32. 7. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov On a three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of elliptic-hyperbolic type // Uzbek mathematical journal, 2012, No. 1, pp. 61-73. 8. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov On a three-dimensional analogue of the Tricomi problem for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation of the third order // Abstracts of the Republican Scientific Conference with the participation of scientists from the CIS countries "Modern Problems of Differential Equations and Their Applications", Tashkent, 2013, S.49-51. 9. Y. Alikulov On a three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a parabolic-hyperbolic equation of the third order // Abstracts of the Republican Scientific Conference with the participation of foreign scientists "Non-classical equations of mathematical physics and their applications", Tashkent, 2014, pp. 126-128. 10. Y. Alikulov An analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for an equation of parabolic-hyperbolic type of the third order of an infinite prismatic domain // Abstracts of reports of the Republican scientific conference with the participation of foreign scientists "Modern methods of mathematical physics and their applications", Tashkent, 2015, pp. 266-268. 11. Y. Alikulov On a three-dimentsional analogue of Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of the elliptic-hyperbolic type // "Dynamics systemalarning dolzarb muammolari va ularning tadbiulari" Ilmiy konferentsi (Horizhy olimlar ishtirokida) material, 2017, Toshkentlari .64-66. 12. Y. Alikulov On a three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a third-order equation with elliptic-hyperbolic operators // Republican scientific conference with the participation of foreign scientists "Actual problems of differential equations and their applications", Toshkent, 2017, pp. 27-29. 13. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov The new boundary value problem for the loaded third order hyperbolic type equation in an infinite three dimensional domain // ABSTRACTS of Uzbek-Israel joint international conference STEMM, Bukhara-Samarkand-Tashkent, 2019, Pp. 69-70. 14. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov On a three-dimentsional analogue of Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of the elliptic-hyperbolic type // International conference Inverse and Ill-Posed problems, Samarkand, 2019, Pp. 17-19. 15. T. K. Yuldashev, B.I. Islomov, Y.K. Alikulov Boundary-val

Main publications:
  1. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov, “Estimation of the solution of an analogue of the Tricomi problem for one class of loaded equations of mixed type”, Equations of mixed type and related problems of analysis and informatics (International Russian-Bulgarian Symposium), Nalchik-Khabez, 2010, 101-104
  2. B. Islomov, Y. Alikulov, “An analogue of the Tricomi problem for a loaded equation of elliptic-hyperbolic type in two-dimensional and three-dimensional domains”, Reports of the Adyg (Circassian) International Academy of Sciences, 13:1 (2011), 50-54
  3. Y. Alikulov, “A three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of mixed vapor-and-hyperbolic type”, UzMU Khabarlari, 2011, № Makhsus son, 231-233
  4. Y. Alikulov, “Uniqueness of the solution of a three-dimensional analogue of the Gellerstedt problem for a loaded equation of mixed type”, Uzbek mathematical journal, 2011, no. 2, 29-39
  5. T. K. Yuldashev, B.I. Islomov, E.K. Alikulov, “Boundary-value Problems or Loaded Third-Order Parabolic-Hyperbolic Equations in Infinite Three-Dimensional Domains”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 41:5 (2020), 922-940
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. U. Baltaeva, Y. Alikulov, I. I. Baltaeva, A. Ashirova, “Analog of the Darboux problem for a loaded integro-differential equation involving the Caputo fractional derivative”, Nanosystems: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 12:4 (2021),  418–424  mathnet  isi  elib 3
2. B. I. Islomov, Y. K. Alikulov, “Analogues of the Cauchy-Goursat problem for a loaded third-order hyperbolic type equation in an infinite three-dimensional domain”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 18:1 (2021),  72–85  mathnet  isi 1

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