Dzhappuev, Dakhir Ratminovich

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Total publications: 24
Scientific articles: 24

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This page:131
Abstract pages:1242
Full texts:580
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. E. A. Korchagina, M. M. Gyaurgieva, Z. V. Ataev, D. R. Dzhappuev, A. L. Drozdov, “Geoecological research in the territory of the northern slope of the Great Caucasus”, News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021, no. 2,  126–138  mathnet  elib
2. D. R. Dzhappuev, “Digital presentation of some results of estimates of the actual mudflow hazard of selected geosystems of the Western Caucasus”, News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021, no. 1,  103–110  mathnet  elib 2
3. M. M. Gyaurgieva, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Results of the Laba river pool survey in 2019 on the subject of dangerous natural processes”, News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020, no. 3,  58–63  mathnet  elib 2
4. D. R. Dzhappuev, M. M. Gyaurgieva, “The use of GIS in cartographic representation of mudflow hazard of selected geosystems of Kabardino-Balkarian republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2018, no. 6-1,  22–27  mathnet  elib 1
5. D. A. Anisimov, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Landslide processes in the village of Upper Kurkuzhin (Kabardin-Balkar republic)”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2018, no. 3,  28–31  mathnet  elib
6. P. E. Marchenko, M. M. Gedueva, D. R. Dzhappuev, A. M. Khutuev, “Susceptibility to torrential processes of upper courses of Urukh River (Republic Northern Osetia-Alanya)”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2017, no. 5,  30–40  mathnet
7. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Numerical integral assessment of actual torrential danger of upper courses of the Baksan Gorge of Kabardino-Balkar Republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2017, no. 4,  32–39  mathnet 2
8. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, M. M. Gedueva, “Actual and potential susceptibility of upper courses of the river Baksan to sill torrential processes”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2017, no. 3,  33–43  mathnet 4
9. M. M. Gedueva (Gyaurgieva), D. R. Dzhappuev, “The actual and potential exogenous danger near Karasu Village of Kabardino-Balkar republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2017, no. 2,  54–63  mathnet 1
10. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Numerical integral estimates of the actual torrential danger of upper courses of the river Cherek Bezengiysky (Kabardin-Balkar republic)”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2017, no. 1,  65–74  mathnet 4
11. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, Z. R. Baydayeva, “Development of slope processes and numerical integral estimates of exogenous danger to the territory of national park “Prielbrusye””, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2016, no. 5,  27–35  mathnet 1
12. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Numerical assessment of the actual torrential danger to the village of Upper Balkaria of Kabardin-Balkar republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2015, no. 6-2,  261–269  mathnet  elib 4
13. D. R. Dzhappuev, “About susceptibility of settlements of the sadonsky gorge of the republic Northern Ossetia-Alaniya to torrential danger”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2015, no. 5,  44–52  mathnet  elib
14. D. R. Dzhappuev, M. M. Gyaurgieva, A. M. Khutuev, “Analysis of actual and potential torrential (sill) danger near the village of Upper Balkaria of Kabardin-Balkar republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2015, no. 4,  36–44  mathnet  elib 6
15. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Detailed numerical estimates of the actual torrential danger to village of bulungu of Kabardin-Balkar republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2015, no. 3,  55–62  mathnet  elib 10
16. M. M. Gyaurgieva, D. R. Dzhappuev, A. M. Khutuev, “Analysis of actual landslide activities in the basins of Bulungu-Su and Sylyk-Su (vicinity of the village of Bulungu, Kabardin-Balkar republic)”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2015, no. 3,  41–47  mathnet  elib 6
17. P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Numerical integrated assessment of susceptibility to sill torrential danger of the district of the village of Upper Baksan of Kabardin-Balkar republic”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2015, no. 2,  56–61  mathnet  elib 15
18. E. V. Kyul, P. E. Marchenko, D. R. Dzhappuev, “The analysis of susceptibility of natural and technogenic mountain geosystems to dangerous exogenous processes (on the example of Kabardin-Balkar Republic)”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2014, no. 3,  46–52  mathnet  elib 6
19. D. R. Dzhappuev, “Mapping of sill relief forms using GPS - shooting on the example of Verkhny Baksan village of KBR”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2014, no. 3,  25–31  mathnet  elib 3
20. E. V. Kyul, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Some aspects of studying the types of torrential processes”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2014, no. 1,  46–50  mathnet  elib 1
21. D. R. Dzhappuev, “The principles of creation of the map of the torrential basin of the river Baksan in digital option”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2013, no. 6-1,  79–86  mathnet  elib
22. E. V. Kyul, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Methodical bases of drawing up the map of districts with the mudflow hazard of KBR”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2013, no. 5,  37–45  mathnet  elib 1
23. E. V. Kyul, D. R. Dzhappuev, “Geological and geomorphological division into districts of torrential activity in KBR territory”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2013, no. 4,  87–92  mathnet  elib 6
24. E. V. Kyul, D. R. Dzhappuev, “About the possible mechanism of formation of sill (mudstream) flows”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2012, no. 1,  43–47  mathnet  elib 4

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