Yuldashev, Ziyavidin Habibovich

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

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Abstract pages:134
Full texts:43
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems)
Birth date: 5.01.1947
Keywords: interval analysis, software, use of interval methods, data structure and algorithms, evaluation of the effectiveness of algorithms
UDC: 518.61


Interval analysis, methods of teaching mathematics and computer science


Ziyavidin Habibovich was born on October 26, 1947 in Tashkent. After graduating from school with a gold medal in 1966, he entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Tashkent State University. In 1969, a gifted student was sent to complete his studies at the Novosibirsk State University, after which in 1971 he was a research trainee at the Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences. From 1974 to 1977, he studied at the graduate school of the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences USSR under Yu.I. Shokin. The supervisor attracted his graduate student to work in the field of interval analysis, which he was actively engaged in at that time. Since then, Ziyavidin Habibovich has remained faithful to this interesting and intensively developing field of mathematical knowledge - most of the scientific work of the hero of the hero is devoted to interval analysis and its applications. In 1977, in the USSR Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician N.N. Yanenko and Associate Professor Yu.I. Shokina Z.Kh. Yuldashev defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in the specialty 01.01.0 - "Computational Mathematics". Thesis: "Some questions of interval analysis and the use of interval methods for solving problems of computational mathematics."

The first works of Z.Kh. Yuldashev is devoted to constructing and researching interval methods for solving the Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations, problems of implementing interval computing on a computer and developing specific software packages. In the 80s, after returning to Tashkent, Z.Kh. Yuldashev made interesting studies on interval algebraic problems, in particular, on the justification of the sweep method for solving interval linear systems of equations, as well as on solving problems of interval linear programming. In 1986, he prepared together with S.A. Kalmykov and Yu.I. Shokin the book "Methods of interval analysis", which became for many years the reference book of all professionals involved in interval analysis and its applications.

ZHH ~ Yuldashev conducts an active scientific and educational activities. He participates in international scientific conferences, regularly joins organizational and program committees, and publishes a great deal. He has published more than 95 scientific and educational works, including a monograph published in the Nauka publishing house, three teaching aids. Under his leadership, two PhD theses have been successfully defended, at present he is the head of two applicants.

From 1994 to 1999, Z.Kh. Yuldashev is a member of the specialized doctoral council for thesis defense at the National University of Uzbekistan, and since 2003 he has been the scientific secretary of this council in the areas of “Computational Mathematics” and “Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes”

Since 1992, Z.Kh. Yuldashev is a member of the RUMK for Informatics at the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In 2006, Z.Kh. Yuldashev defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences in specialty 05.13.18 - "Theoretical Foundations of Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Program Complexes" on the topic: "Mathematical Modeling by Interval Methods".

Main publications:
  1. Bazarov MB, Khudaiberdiev O.Zh., Yuldashev Z.Kh., Kalkhanov P.Zh, “On the interval version of the model of prediction of environmental disasters”, 13, 2008, 182-184
  2. Kalkhanov P.Zh., Yuldashev Z.Kh., “Study of the task of distributing investments by industry by interval methods”, ACTA NUUZ, 3 (2010), 100-103
  3. Kalkhanov P.Zh., Yuldashev Z.Kh., “The principle of rational parameter intercalation in the synthesis of interval versions of economic models”, ACTA NUUZ, 4 (2011), 228-233
  4. Yuldashev Z.KH., Kalkhanov P.J., “Interbranch balance with nondeterminated data”, Computational technologies. Novosibirsk, 1 (2013), 256-263
  5. Yuldashev Z.KH., Ibragimov A.A., Kalkhanov P.J., “Problem distribution of acreage and resources at the interval of non-determination of parameters”, Problems of computational and applied mathematics., 1 (2018), 70-76
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. A. Kalmykov, Yu. I. Shokin, Z. H. Yuldashev, “On the solution of ordinary differential equations by interval methods”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 230:6 (1976),  1267–1270  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 1

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