Zhiganov, Sergey Nikolaevich

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Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences (2000)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems)
Birth date: 20.04.1972
Keywords: Radio systems, methods of formation and processing of radio signals


Digital processing of electronic information


Born in 1972 in the town of Murom. In 1989 he graduated from Murom secondary school ¹ 16 and in the same year he entered Murom branch of Vladimir Polytechnic Institute. Graduated from Murom Institute (branch) of Vladimir state University in 1994. In the same year he entered the graduate school and was employed at the Department of radio engineering engineer, and in 1995 assistant . Scientific supervisor of PhD thesis of Fires Victor. He defended his thesis in 2000 at the Vladimir state University in the specialty 05.13.14 "information processing Systems and management in technical Sciences". The theme of the thesis is "Development and research of methods to improve the accuracy of information processing in air traffic control systems in complex interference environment". Since 2000 she has been working as an associate Professor at the Department of radio engineering. In 2002 he received the academic title of associate Professor in the Department of radio engineering. Since 2003, he has been Deputy head of the Department of radio engineering. Since 2008 – Deputy Dean of FRACKS for scientific work. Since 2010, he is the head of the center for continuing education MI VlSU.

Research interests: digital processing of electronic information, detection, classification, recognition of signals in radio systems.

He has more than 100 publications (including about 40 articles in Central editions, including more than 10 articles in journals from the list of WAC and journals indexed in international databases, 3 textbooks).

Main publications:
  1. Chekushkin V. V., Zhiganov S.N., Bykov A. A., Mikheev K. V., “Vosproizvedenie traektorii dvizheniya ob'ektov v sistemakh kontrolya vozdushnogo prostranstva”, Mekhatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie., 2018, № 2, 126-133
  2. Chekushkin V.V., Zhiganov S.N., Mikheev K.V., Bykov A.A, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i vychislitelnye algoritmy v radiotekhnicheskikh sistemakh”, Vestnik Kontserna VKO Almaz . Antei, 2017, № 1, 98-104
  3. Chekushkin V.V., Zhiganov S.N., Mikheev K.V., Bykov A.A, “Matematicheskoe modelirovanie i vychislitelnye algoritmy v radiotekhnicheskikh sistemakh”, Vestnik Kontserna VKO Almaz . Antei, 2017, № 1, 98-104
  4. Zhiganov S.N., Smirnov M.S., “An automated control system by probe signal generator in radar”, Procedia Engineering, 2015, no. 129, 178-183  crossref
  5. Zhiganov S.N., Analiz dinamicheskikh sistem, Ai Pi Er Media, Saratov, 2018
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