nano-structures,physics of the condensed matter, ultrasonic methods, high pressure
Graduated from the Moscow State University in 1980, PhD. He is a leading researcher at the Scientific and Technological Center of Unique Instrumentation, RAS. Research interests are focused on high pressure physics,
Brillouin and Raman spectroscopies, laser ultrasound, and synthesis of hetero-diamonds.
K. M. Bulatov, P. V. Zinin, A. A. Bykov, I. V. Malykhina, “RGB color camera for dynamical measurements of high temperature distribution on a surface of the heated solid”, Computer Optics, 47:1 (2023), 48–52
P. V. Zinin, K. M. Bulatov, A. A. Bykov, Yu. V. Mantrova, I. B. Kutuza, “Remote measurement of the temperature distribution on the surface of solids under high-power laser irradiation”, UFN, 192:8 (2022), 913–925; Phys. Usp., 65:8 (2022), 852–863
A. B. Bogomolov, S. A. Kulakov, P. V. Zinin, V. A. Kutvitskii, M. F. Bulatov, “Synthesis of fluorescent composite materials based on graphitic carbon nitride”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:7 (2020), 910–913; Optics and Spectroscopy, 128:7 (2020), 920–923
V. Yu. Fominskiy, R. I. Romanov, A. Soloviev, I. S. Vasil'evskii, D. A. Safonov, A. A. Ivanov, P. V. Zinin, V. P. Filonenko, “Features of pulsed laser annealing of ΒΡ$_{3}$ films on sapphire substrate”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 45:9 (2019), 26–29; Tech. Phys. Lett., 45:5 (2019), 446–449
R. I. Romanov, V. Yu. Fominskiy, P. V. Zinin, I. A. Trojan, D. V. Fominski, P. S. Dzhumaev, V. P. Filonenko, “The effect of boron on the structure and conductivity of thin films obtained by laser ablation of diamond with deposition at 700$^\circ$C”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 44:12 (2018), 16–24; Tech. Phys. Lett., 44:6 (2018), 511–514
K. M. Bulatov, Yu. V. Mantrova, A. A. Bykov, M. Gaponov, P. V. Zinin, A. S. Machikhin, I. A. Trojan, V. I. Batshev, I. B. Kutuza, “Multi-spectral image processing for the measurement of a spatial temperature distribution on the surface of a laser-heated microscopic object”, Computer Optics, 41:6 (2017), 864–868