Bogdanov, Marat Robertovich

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Total publications: 1
Scientific articles: 1

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This page:83
Abstract pages:14
Full texts:5
Associate professor
Candidate of biological sciences (1997)
Speciality: 03.00.16 (Ecology)
Birth date: 7.01.1967
Keywords: Biometrical Person Identication, Electrocardiogram


Machine Learning, Digital signal Processing


Professional awards, honors and grants 2014: Section chair at International Conference on Unmanned Intelligent Systems, ICUS-2014. 15-16 May, 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2012: Microsoft’s and Moscow State University’s Grant for designing a course named “Prospective Languages and Technologies for Web Development” ( Publishing, Moscow) 2011: Microsoft and MSU Grant for Designing a course named “Designing applications for Windows Phone 7” ( Publishing, Moscow). The course was recognized as a most popular curriculum at MS Faculty Resource Center in the World. 2010: Microsoft and MSU Grant for designing a course named “Designing web-site’s client-side applications” ( Publishing, Moscow) 2005: Fulbright Scholarship Program at Mississippi State University (Project title: “Computer Model of Forest Ecosystems”) 2004. I won a competition VBS dot Net 2004 carrying out by Microsoft, Russia and VBStreets Co. on program designing with VB.Net in ASP.NET nomination 2003 – I won an Intel Teach for the Future 29–int–1 Grant as a Head of Project 2001 – Grant of Russian Federation Education Ministry, section MP-03 (small weight materials and reagents), Project’s title is “A valuable metals extraction from industrial waste”.

Main publications:
  1. Bogdanov M.R., Primenenie GPS/GLONASS, 134 s., Intellekt, Dolgoprudnyi, 2012
  2. Bogdanov M.R., Visual Basic 2005 na primerakh, 598 s., BKhV, Sankt-peterburg, 2007
  3. Galin F.Z., Rakhimov R.G., Vyrypaev E.M., Bogdanov M.R., Amirkhanov D.V., Furlei I.I., Tolstikov G.A., “Sintez analogov etofenproksa.”, Zhurnal obschei organicheskoi khimii, 36:6 (2000), 860-868
  4. Aleksander V. Zakharov, Marat R. Bogdanov, Ramil F. Malikov, Irina N. Dumchikova, “On the Theory of Persecution.”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Mathematical, Computational Science and Engineering, 8:5 (2014), 40-44
  5. Bogdanov M.R., Zakharov A.V., Gabidullin Ju.Z., Dumchikov A.A, “Unconventional encryption algorithms”, ISSN: 2319. 5967. ISO 9001:2008 Certified., International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT), 3:5 (2014), 77-81
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. N. I. Yusupova, M. R. Bogdanov, O. N. Smetanina, “Reducing risks when using machine learning in diagnosis of bronchopulmonary diseases”, Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, 2023, no. 1,  42–54  mathnet  elib

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