Graduated (2015) with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Informatics. At present he is a student of MA course at Samara University. The area of interests includes digital image processing, mathematical modeling, numerical analysis and identification methods of crystal lattices.
A. S. Shirokanev, N. A. Andriyanov, N. Yu. Ilyasova, “Development of vector algorithm using CUDA technology for three-dimensional retinal laser coagulation process modeling”, Computer Optics, 45:3 (2021), 427–437
A. S. Shirokanev, A. S. Kibitkina, N. Yu. Ilyasova, A. A. Degtyaryov, “Methods of mathematical modeling of fundus laser exposure for therapeutic effect evaluation”, Computer Optics, 44:5 (2020), 809–820
N. Yu. Ilyasova, N. S. Demin, A. S. Shirokanev, A. V. Kupriyanov, E. A. Zamytskiy, “Method for selection macular edema region using optical coherence tomography data”, Computer Optics, 44:2 (2020), 250–258
D. V. Kirsh, A. S. Shirokanev, A. V. Kupriyanov, “Algorithm of reconstruction of a three-dimensional crystal structure from two-dimensional projections”, Computer Optics, 43:2 (2019), 324–331
N. Yu. Ilyasova, A. S. Shirokanev, A. V. Kupriyanov, R. A. Paringer, “Technology of intellectual feature selection for a system of automatic formation of a coagulate plan on retina”, Computer Optics, 43:2 (2019), 304–315
A. S. Shirokanev, D. V. Kirsh, N. Yu. Ilyasova, A. V. Kupriyanov, “Investigation of algorithms for coagulate arrangement in fundus images”, Computer Optics, 42:4 (2018), 712–721
A. S. Shirokanev, D. V. Kirsh, A. V. Kupriyanov, “Research of an algorithm for crystal lattice parameter identification based on the gradient steepest descent method”, Computer Optics, 41:3 (2017), 453–460