The uniform well-posedness of a Cauchy-type problem with two fractional derivatives and bounded operator $A$ is proved. For an unbounded operator $A$ we present a test for the uniform well-posedness of the problem under consideration consistent with the test for the uniform well-posedness of the Cauchy problem for an equation of second order.
A. V. Glushak, “Cauchy-type problem for an abstract differential equation with fractional derivatives”, Mat. Zametki, 77:1 (2005), 28–41; Math. Notes, 77:1 (2005), 26–38
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Furati Kh.M., “A Cauchy-Type Problem with a Sequential Fractional Derivative in the Space of Continuous Functions”, Bound. Value Probl., 2012, 58
Kh. K. Avad, A. V. Glushak, “Perturbation of an abstract differential equation containing fractional Riemann-Liouville derivatives”, Diff Equat, 46:6 (2010), 867
A. V. Glushak, “Correctness of Cauchy-type problems for abstract differential equations with fractional derivatives”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 53:9 (2009), 10–19
A. V. Glushak, “On the Properties of a Cauchy-Type Problem for an Abstract Differential Equation with Fractional Derivatives”, Math. Notes, 82:5 (2007), 596–607