An estimate of the spectral radius of functional operators generated by operators of multiplication and shift operators in the space of continuous vector functions on the interval is given. It is assumed that shifts have fixed points only at both ends of the interval and belong to one type, i.e., they are either left or right shifts.
This publication is cited in the following 2 articles:
N. A. Zhura, V. A. Polunin, “Dirichlet Type Problems for First Order Strictly Hyperbolic Systems with Constant Coefficients in a Two-Dimensional Domain”, J Math Sci, 237:4 (2019), 595
V. P. Radchenko, A. A. Andreev, E. A. Kozlova, “K 70-letiyu professora Aleksandra Pavlovicha Soldatova”, Vestn. Sam. gos. tekhn. un-ta. Ser. Fiz.-mat. nauki, 22:1 (2018), 15–22