Matematicheskoe modelirovanie, 2010, Volume 22, Number 5, Pages 109–121(Mi mm2977)
This article is cited in 3 scientific papers (total in 3 papers)
The research of dynamics of occurrence, spreading, growth and closure of bubble cavities and a supercavity in a pipe with the decontaminated liquid at hydroblows
Additional substantiations of reliability of a method of calculation of unsteady currents of a liquid in the pipeline at variables on coordinates and time speeds of a sound developed by the author and published earlier in the magazine “Mathematical modeling” are presented. For characteristic of cross-section of the simple pipeline with the cavitationing decontaminated liquid (near the supply capacity (x=0), in the middle of a pipe (x=0.5L), near completely closed throttle (x=L), where x is a longitudinal coordinate, L is a length of a pipe) and for characteristic times (t) developments of processes of cavitation (at the maximum length of a zone of cavitation (tkm), at the maximum total volume of bubbles cavities (tW) and at full closing of all cavitational cavities (tc)) are presented the dependences of changes over x and t during two cycles of total volumes (WΣ) of bubble cavities, supercavity volumes (Wφ2), steam-content (α), speeds of a sound (a), a true pressure (P′) and the mass expense (G) of a liquid or the steam-and-liquid mixes calculated according to the above method. The analysis of these dependences which opens dynamics of cavitational processes in a pipe with decontaminated cavitationing liquid at hydroblows is given.
E. A. Karakulin, “The research of dynamics of occurrence, spreading, growth and closure of bubble cavities and a supercavity in a pipe with the decontaminated liquid at hydroblows”, Mat. Model., 22:5 (2010), 109–121; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 2:6 (2010), 790–799
\by E.~A.~Karakulin
\paper The research of dynamics of occurrence, spreading, growth and closure of bubble cavities and a~supercavity in a~pipe with the decontaminated liquid at hydroblows
\jour Mat. Model.
\yr 2010
\vol 22
\issue 5
\pages 109--121
\jour Math. Models Comput. Simul.
\yr 2010
\vol 2
\issue 6
\pages 790--799
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This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
Tsybry I.K., Vyalikov I.L., International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems 2016, IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering, 177, eds. Zykova A., Martyushev N., IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017
Karakulin E.A., “Metod chislennogo rascheta neustanovivshikhsya techenii zhidkosti v protochnoi chasti ustroistva (ili truboprovoda) pri skorostyakh zvuka, zavisyaschikh ot ego prodolnykh koordinat”, Izvestiya kabardino-balkarskogo nauchnogo tsentra ran, 2013, no. 1, 7–13
Method of numerical calculation of unsteady currents of liquid in a flowing part of the device (or the pipeline) at the speeds of sound depending from its longitudinal co-ordinates
E. A. Karakulin, “Metod chislennogo rascheta
neustanovivshikhsya techenii zhidkosti
v protochnoi chasti ustroistva (ili truboprovoda)
pri skorostyakh zvuka, zavisyaschikh
ot ego prodolnykh koordinat”, Izvestiya Kabardino-Balkarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN, 2013, no. 1, 7–13