A sharp upper bound for the nilpotency index of the commutator ideal
of a $2$-generated subalgebra of an arbitrary model algebra is given;
this estimate is about half that for arbitrary
Lie nilpotent algebras of the same class. All identities in two variables
that hold in the model algebra of multiplicity $3$ are found. For any
$m\geqslant 3$, in a free Lie nilpotent algebra $F^{(2m+1)}$ of class $2m$,
the kernel polynomial of smallest possible degree is indicated.
It is proved that the degree of any identity of a model algebra is greater
than its multiplicity.
Keywords:Lie nilpotent algebra, model algebra, identity in two variables, algebra kernel.
Let $\Phi$ be an infinite field of characteristic different from $2$. In what follows, unless otherwise stated, only associative unital $\Phi$-algebras are considered. Let us introduce the following notation:
$F$ a free $\Phi$-algebra over a countable set $X={\{x_1,x_2,\dots}\}$ of free generators;
$[x_1,\dots,x_{n}]$ is a right-normed commutator of degree $n\geqslant 2$, that is, $[x_1,x_2]=x_1 x_2 -x_2 x_1 $ and, by induction, $[x_1, \dots,x_n]=[[x_1,\dots,x_{n-1}],x_n]$;
$T^{(n)}$ is the $T$-ideal in $F$ generated by a right-normed commutator of degree $n$;
$\mathrm{LN}(n)\colon [x_1,\dots,x_n]=0$ is the Lie identity of degree nilpotency $n$;
$F^{(n)}$ is the relatively free algebra with identity $\mathrm{LN}(n)$;
$F^{(n)}_{r}$ is a relatively free algebra with identity $\mathrm{LN}(n)$ on $r$ free generators;
$A'$ is a commutator ideal (commutant) of the algebra $A$; $Z(A)$ is the centre of $A$;
$Z^*(A)$ is the kernel of $A$ (the largest ideal of the algebra $A$ contained in the centre).
If $T$ is an ideal of $F$, and $A$ is an associative algebra, then by $T(A)$ we denote the set of values of the ideal $T$ in the algebra $A$.
An algebra is called a Lie nilpotent algebra of class $n-1$ if it satisfies the identity $\mathrm{LN}(n)$ but does not satisfy $\mathrm{ LN}(n-1)$.
A polynomial $p\in F$ is called proper if it is contained in the subalgebra generated by the commutators
Let us recall the concept of a model algebra, which first appeared in [1]. Let $E$ be the associative (unital) algebra over the field $\Phi$ given by the set of generators $\{e_m, \theta_{i,j}\mid m, i,j \in \mathbb{N},\, i\leqslant j\}$ and defining relations $e_i \circ e_j = \theta_{ij}$, $[\theta_{ij}, e_m] = 0$, where $x\circ y = xy + yx$ is the Jordan product of elements $x,y\in E$. Note that $e_i^2 = \frac{1}{2}\theta_{ii}$, and that the algebra $E$ is generated by the elements $\{e_m\mid m \in \mathbb{N}\}$.
We let $\Theta$ denote the ideal in $E$ generated by the elements $\theta _{ij}$. A model algebra of multiplicity $m$ is the quotient algebra $E^{(m)} = E/\Theta ^m$. Note that $E^{(1)}$ is a Grassmann algebra.
The original conjecture from [1] says the algebra $E^{(m)}$ generates a variety of associative algebras with the identity $\mathrm{LN}(2m+1)$ in the case of a field $\Phi$ of zero characteristic.
Model algebras play an important role in the study of free Lie nilpotent algebras. In [2] some general properties of model algebras were identified; it was also proved that the algebras $F^{(2m+1)}$ for $m\geqslant 2$ contain non-zero kernel elements, which are identities of the model algebra $E^{(m)}$. In [3] and [4], it was proved that the converse assertion is also true for the algebra $F^{(5)}$. In addition, in these papers, a basis of identities for the algebra $E^{(2)}$ was found (first, over a field of characteristic $0$, and then in the general case, where the characteristic of an infinite field is different from $2$ and $3$).
Some finitely generated subalgebras of model algebras were considered in [5]. In particular, it was proved that the nilpotency index of the commutator subalgebra $E_{2m+1}^{(m)}$ of the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ generated by the elements $\{e_1,\dots,e_{2m+1}\}$ is $2m$. For $n\leqslant 7$, a more general fact is proved: the nilpotency index of the commutator subgroup of the algebra $F_n^{(n)}$ is $n-1$. In [5], the conjecture on the validity of this result for all $n$ was also set forth.
In the present paper, we study the model algebras and their identities, and, in particular, arbitrary 2-generated subalgebras and identities in 2-variable model algebras. The paper consists of 10 sections.
In § 2, a sharp upper bound for the nilpotency index of the commutator ideal $A'$ 2-generated subalgebra $A$ of the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ is given; it is about half that in the case of 2-generated algebras with the identity $\mathrm{LN}(2m+1)$ (see [6] and [7]).
In § 3, it is proved that each proper polynomial in 2 variables of degree $7$ is an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$.
In [2], the kernel elements of the algebras $F^{(n)}$, $n \geqslant 4$, are indicated. For even $n$, the kernel element is the commutator of degree $n-1$, for odd $n$, this element is a weak Hall element of degree $n$. In § 4, for each $m\geqslant 3$, the kernel elements of the algebra $F^{(2m+1)}$ of degree $2m$ are given. Thus, the algebras $F^{(n)}$, $n \geqslant 4$, $n\neq 5$, contain kernel elements of degree $n-1$; this is the minimum possible degree of kernel elements, since a polynomial of degree $\leqslant n-2$ is not central. Note that the smallest degree of a kernel element of the algebra $F^{(5)}$ is $5$ (see [2]), and the algebra $F^{(3)}$ does not contain kernel elements.
Finally, in this section, we indicate a non-zero element $p\in F^{(7)}$ which is an identity of the model algebra $E^{(3)}$, but is not a central element in $F^{(7)}$. Thus, the kernel of the algebra $F^{(7)}$ does not coincide with the ideal of identities of the algebra $E^{(3)}$. In this section, we also formulate a conjecture about the kernel of the algebra $F^{(2m+1)}$, $m\geqslant 3$.
In § 5, the commutator identities of degree $6$ in $2$ variables that hold in the algebra $E^{(3)}$ are described. It is proved that all these identities are consequences of the identity $[a,b,b,b,[a,b]]=0$ (in § 8, this result is carried over to arbitrary proper $2$-identities of degree $6$).
In § 6, a more simple algebra $C^{(m)}$ with the same ideals of identities as in the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ is specified.
In § 7, it is proved that the model algebra $E^{(3)}$ has no identities of degree $5$ in $2$ variables. Let us recall that the model algebra $E^{(2)}$ has no identities of degree $4$.
In § 8, it is proved that the conjecture about the kernel of the algebra $F^{(7)}$ is valid for elements in 2 variables. It is not yet known whether the kernel conjecture is valid in general even for the algebra $F^{(7)}$.
Thus, a number of negative answers to the questions formulated in [2] is obtained.
In § 9, it is proved that there is no non-trivial identity that holds in all model algebras. Moreover, it is shown that the model algebra of multiplicity $m$ does not satisfy an identity of degree $m$.
Finally, in § 10, some open questions are formulated.
§ 2. $2$-generated subalgebras of model algebras
Before proceeding with the main part of the paper, we note the following three identities, which hold in any associative algebra:
where $v(\theta _{kl})$ is the standard normalized associative-commutative monomial of variables of the form $\theta _{kl}$ equipped with the lexicographic order, and $1\leqslant i_1 <\dots<i_n$.
We put $\theta(w) = v$ and call it the $\theta$-coefficient of an element $w$. If $q$ is a linear combination of elements $w_k$ of the form (2.4) and $q\in \Theta^m$, then each $\theta$-coefficients $\theta(w_k)$ lies in $\Theta^m$, and hence so each $w_k\in \Theta^m$.
Let us assume that $p=\sum_k \alpha_k w_k$, where $\alpha_k\in \Phi$, $w_k$ has the form (2.4). Assume that $p[x,y]\in \Theta^m$ for all $x,y\in E$. We choose a number $N$ that is greater than all indices $l$ such that $e_l$ is included in $p$. The element $p[e_N,e_{N+1}]$ is a linear combination of the elements $w_ke_Ne_{N+1}$ and $w_k\theta_{N,N+1}$, where the $\theta$-coefficients of the elements $w_ke_Ne_{N+1}$ and $w_k$ are the same. Hence $w_k\in \Theta^m$ for each $k$, that is, $p\in \Theta^m$. The lemma is proved.
Since the algebra $F^{(2m+1)}$ has non-zero kernel (see [2]), the variety $\operatorname{var}(E^{(m)})$ generated by the algebra $E^{(m)}$ differs from that given by the identity $\mathrm{LN}(2m+1)$.
In this section, we show that in the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ of multiplicities $m$ the nilpotency index of the commutant of any $2$-generated subalgebra is about half that in $2$-generated algebras with the Lie identity of nilpotency of class $2m$.
Theorem 1. The commutant of a $2$-generated subalgebra of the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ of multiplicity $m$ is nilpotent of index $\leqslant m+1$. This estimate is sharp if $m$ is odd, or if the characteristic of the field is equal to $0$, or if it is $\geqslant m/2$ for even $m$.
Proof. Let us first show that the above estimate is sharp, that is, $[a,b]^m \neq 0$ for suitable elements $a,b\in E^{(m)}$.
Now let $m = 2k$. In what follows, when passing from $E$ to the quotient algebra, we keep the previous notation for the images of $e_i$ under the canonical homomorphism. Assume that the following relations hold in the quotient algebra:
where $\Delta = - \theta _{11}\theta _{22}$. Second, since $\theta _{13}=\theta _{23}=0$, it follows that $e_3$ anticommutes both with $e_1$ and with $e_2$, and so $e_1e_2e_3 = -e_1e_3e_2 = e_3e_1e_2$, that is, $[e_1e_2,e_3] = 0$. Hence
Since the $\theta$-degree of the monomial $(\theta _{11}\theta _{22})^{k-1}\theta_{12}$ is $2k\,{-}\,1=m\,{-}\,1$, we have $w^m\,{\notin}\,\Theta^m$.
Let $A$ be a unital subalgebra of $E$ generated by elements $a$ and $b$. Let us prove that $(A')^{m+1} \subseteq \Theta^{m}$. By identity (2.1) and in view of the equality of the elements $a$ and $b$, it suffices to verify by induction on $m$ that $(A')^m[a,E] \subseteq \Theta^m$. The basis of induction for $m=1$ is true, since the identity $[x,t][t,y]=0$ holds in a Grassmann algebra. Moreover, $A'\equiv A[a,b]$ is true modulo $\Theta$. Note also that $[\Theta^m,[E,E]] \subseteq \Theta^{m+1}$. The induction step: let us show that $(A')^{m+1}[a,E] \subseteq \Theta^{m+1}$.
This proves the inclusion $(A')^m[a,E] \subseteq \Theta^m$, and, therefore, Theorem 1.
Remark 1. The commutant of the algebra $F_{2}^{(2m+1)}$ is nilpotent of index $2m$ (see [6] and [7]). On the other hand, the commutants of each of the algebras $E_{2m+1}^{(m)}$ and $F_{2m+1}^{(2m+1)}$ for $m=1,2,3$ have the same nilpotency indices equal to $2m$ (see [5]), where $E_{2m+1}^{(m)}$ is a subalgebra of $E^{(m)}$ generated by $e_1,\dots,e_{2m+1}$.
Remark 2. In § 8 of [5], the following conjecture was set forth
where $\psi_E(m, 2)$ is the nilpotency index of the commutant of the 2-generated subalgebra of the model algebra $E^{(m)}$, $\psi(2m+1, 2)$ is the nilpotency index of the commutant of the algebra $F_{2}^{(2m+1)}$. Theorem 1 verifies this conjecture, because
$1^{\circ}$. We have $[x,y,z] \equiv_1 0$ and $[x,y][x,z] \equiv_1 0$ for all $x,y,z \in E$, since the Grassmann algebra $E^{(1)}$ satisfies the identities $[x,y,z]=[x,y][x,z] = 0$.
$2^{\circ}$. We have $u_3u_2 \equiv_2 0$, since the weak Hall identity $[[a,b]^2,b] = 0$ holds in the algebra $E^{(2)}$ (see [2] and [4]).
$3^{\circ}$. We have $[\Theta^k,E,E] + [\Theta^k,[E,E]] \subseteq \Theta^{k+1}$, since every element of $\Theta^k$ can be linearly expressed via $v(\theta _{ij})e$, where $v(\theta _{ij})$ is a monomial of degree $k$ on the variables $\theta _{ij}$, $e\in E$, and $v(\theta _{ij})\in Z(E)$ and $[E,E,E] \subseteq \Theta$.
$4^{\circ}$. Let us prove that $[b,y]u_3 = [b,y][a,b,b] \equiv_2 [a,b][y,b,b]$. It suffices to linearize $a \to y$ the comparison $[a,b][a,b,b] \equiv_2 0$ from $2^{\circ}$.
$5^{\circ}$. Let us prove that $[a,x][a,b]^2\equiv_2 0$. By $1^{\circ}$ and $3^{\circ}$,
Now the required result easily follows from $6^{\circ}$. Lemma 2 is proved.
Lemma 3. The following relation holds: $u_4u_3 \equiv_3 0$.
Proof. It suffices to show that $u_4u_3[x,y] \equiv_3 0$, where $u_3=[a,b,b]$. Assume first that $u_4=[u'_3,b]$. Arguing as Lemma 2, we have, modulo the ideal $\Theta^3$,
Lemma 4. The following relation holds: $u_5u_2 \equiv_3 0$.
Proof. By identity (2.2), the mapping $D_x\colon r\mapsto [r,x]$, is a derivation of the algebra $A$, which is called the internal derivation. By the Leibniz formula,
that is, the element $u_5u_2$ is a linear combination of the elements $u_4u_3$, $u_3u_4$ and elements of the form $(u_3u_2)D_xD_y$, where $x, y \in \{a,b\}$. Now the required result follows from $2^{\circ}$ and $3^{\circ}$ in Lemma 2 and Lemma 3. This proves Lemma 4.
Theorem 2. A proper polynomial $p(a,b)$ in two variables of degree $\geqslant 7$ is an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$.
Proof. Let $A$ be the unital subalgebra of $E^{(3)}$ generated by $a$ and $b$. Let $T^{(n)}=T^{(n)}(A)$. From Lemmas 2–4 we have
A description of the kernel elements of the algebra $F^{(5)}$ is known, Namely, the kernel $Z^*(F^{(5)})$ coincides with the identity ideal of the model algebra $E^{(2)}$ of multiplicity $2$, and qua $T$-ideal is generated by a commutator of degree $5$ and a weak Hall element (see [3] and [4]).
By Lemma 2, the element $[a,b,b] \cdot [a,b]^2$ is an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$, but it is not central in $F^{(7)}$ because its weight is $5$, and the elements of weight $\geqslant 6$ are the only central elements of $2$ variables (see [7]).
The following conjecture seems plausible.
The kernel conjecture. $Z^*(F^{(2m+1)})=Z(F^{(2m+1)})\cap T(E^{(m)})$ for $m\geqslant 3$.
It is known that $0 \neq Z^*(F^{(2m+1)}) \subsetneq Z(F^{(2m+1)})$. More precisely, for $m\geqslant 2$ the elements of degree $2m+1$ of the following form were introduced in [2]:
where $h=[[a,b]^2,c]$ and $h'=[[a,b]^2,b]$ are Hall elements; it was also proved that
a) $H_{m-2}\in Z(F^{(2m+1)})$;
b) $0 \neq H'_{m-2} \in Z^*(F^{(2m+1)})$.
Note that the minimum degree of the central element in the algebra $F^{(n)}$ is $n- 1$. It is easy to show that in the algebra $F^{(2m)}$ the commutator of degree $2m-1$ is kernel (see Theorem 2 in [2]). Now we indicate the kernel element of the algebra $F^{(2m+1)}$ of the minimum possible degree $2m$.
Let $[a,b]_1=[a,b]$ and define by induction $[a,b]_{k+1}=[[a,b]_k,b]$.
Theorem 3. Let $c_k=[a,b]_{k-1}$, $k\geqslant 2$. The polynomial
is a kernel element of degree $2m$. In particular, $p_{2m}=0$ is an identity of degree $2m$ of the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ of multiplicity $m$.
Proof. Let $x,y\in F^{(2m+1)}$. Since $p_{2m} \in Z(F^{(2m+1)})$, it suffices to show that $p_{2m}[x,y]=0$ in the algebra $F^{(2m+1)}$. We proceed in several steps.
$1^{\circ}$. First, we note that the element $[c_k,x]$ can be represented as a linear combination of right-normed commutators of degree $k+1$, that start with $x$ and end with either $a$ or $b$. Indeed, by the Jacobi identity (2.3),
$2^{\circ}$. Hence, the commutator $[c_{2m-2},[x,y]]$ can be linearly expressed in terms of the commutators $[v_{2m-1},a]$ and $[v_{2m-1},b]$, where $v_{2m-1}$ is the commutator of degree $2m-1$.
§ 5. Commutator identities in 2 variables of degree $6$ of the algebra $E^{(3)}$
Lemma 5. Let $w(a,b)$ be a homogeneous Lie polynomial in two variables $a$, $b$ of degree $6$. If $w(a,b)=0$ is an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$, then it is a consequence of the commutator identity:
where $c_k=[c_{k-1},b]$, $k\geqslant 3$, $c_2=[a,b]$.
Proof. By Theorem 3, identity (5.1)holds in the algebra $E^{(3)}$. The proof is in several steps.
$1^{\circ}$. Let $v=v(a,b)$ be a commutator (Lie monomial) and $\operatorname{deg}_a v=2$, $\operatorname{deg}_b v=4$. Then the element $v$ is proportional to the commutator $v_0=[[a,b]_4,a]$.
Indeed, taking into account (2.3) and (5.1), we have
The argument for the other elements is similar. Before proving the linear independence of the elements $u_1$ and $u_2$, some special calculations are required.
$4^{\circ}$. Assuming $\theta_{12} = 0$, check the equality:
$5^{\circ}$. Let us now prove that the elements $u_1$ and $u_2$ are linearly independent. To this end, we calculate the elements $u_1(a,b)=[a,b,a,b,a,b]$ and $u_2(a,b)=[a,b,b,[b,a,a]]$ with $a= e_1$, $b=e_2$ and the condition $\theta_{12} = 0$. By (5.5),
§ 6. The Canonical algebra $C^{(m)}$ of multiplicity $m$
Since it is rather difficult to perform calculations in the model algebra $E^{(m)}$, we introduce a simpler object — the canonical algebra $C^{(m)}$ of multiplicity $m$. This algebra is obtained by factorizing the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ with respect to the ideal generated by the elements $\theta_{ij}$, $i\neq j$. In what follows, we assume that $e_i^2 = \theta_i$. Thus, the canonical algebra $C^{(m)}$ is generated by the elements $e_i$, $\theta_j$, $i, j \in \mathbb{N}$, and satisfies the defining relations
where $v(\theta_j)$ is a standard normalized monomial on the indicated variables of degree $m$, and $1\leqslant i_1 <\dots<i_n$. Let us prove that the algebras $E^{(m)}$ and $C^{(m)}$ cannot be distinguished by any multilinear identity.
Proposition 1. The algebras $E^{(m)}$ and $C^{(m)}$ have the same sets of multilinear identities.
Proof. Let $m=3$ (the argument in the general case follows the same lines). It suffices to show that if the multilinear polynomial $f(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ is not an identity in $E^{(3)}$, then it is also non-zero in the algebra $C^{(3)}$. A monomial of the form (6.1) is called normalized if its $\theta$-coefficient $v(\theta_j)$ is $1$. If $f(x_1,\dots,x_n)\neq 0$ in $E^{(3)}$, then there exist basis elements $w_i$ of the form (2.4) such that $f(w_1,\dots,w_n)\neq 0$. Without loss of generality we can assume that any the variables $e_k$ is not included in the two basic elements $w_i$, $i=1,\dots,n$. We have the representation
where $\beta_{ij,kl}\in \Phi^{\times}=\Phi\setminus \{0\}$, $\widehat{w}_{ijkl}$ are normalized monomials of the form (2.4) not containing the characters $e_i$, $e_j$, $e_k$, $e_l$.
Of course, it may turn out that this representation does not involve some factor $\theta$. However, this case can easily be reduced to the one under consideration by multiplying both parts by $\theta_{ij}$ with suitable indices $i$ and $j$. Note that the normalized monomial $\widehat{w}_{ijkl}$ may arise only together with the following products: $\theta_{ij} \theta_{kl}$, $\theta_{ik} \theta_{jl}$, $\theta_{il} \theta_{jk}$. Let $\varphi$ denote the endomorphism of the algebra $E^{(3)}$ translating $e_j\mapsto e_i$, $e_l\mapsto e_k$ and fixing the other generators motionless (such an endomorphism exists because the images satisfy the same defining relations as for the original generators). We have
since by (6.1) the last element is a basic element. This proves Lemma 7.
Theorem 4. The model algebra $E^{(3)}$ has no identities in two variables of degree $5$.
Proof. Let $f(a,b)=0$ be an identity of degree $5$ of the algebra $E^{(3)}$. Without loss of generality we can assume that $f(a,b)$ is a proper polynomial (see [10]). If $f$ is linear in $a$, then it is proportional to the commutator $[a,b,b,b,b]$, that is $f=\alpha [a,b,b,b,b]$. Since $[a,b,b,b,b]\neq 0$, we have $\alpha =0$.
Since the total degree of $f$ is $5$, it follows that $f$ can be considered quadratic in $a$. Hence using
Here, by Lemma 5, we obtain $\gamma [[a,b]^2,b,b] = 0$. The linearization of $b\to a$ gives the identity $\gamma [[a,b]^2,a,b] = 0$. Taking into account Lemma 7, we get $\gamma = 0$ and $\alpha [a,b,b,[a,b]]=0$. Now, in view of Lemma 5, we have $\alpha =0$ and $f=0$. This proves Theorem 4.
§ 8. Proper identities in 2 variables of degree $6$ of the algebra $E^{(3)}$
Theorem 5. Each proper identity of degree $6$ in two variables of the algebra $E^{(3)}$ is a consequence of the commutator identity (5.1).
Proof. Let $f(a,b)$ be a homogeneous identity of degree $6$. By inspecting the proof of Theorem 4 we can assume that $\operatorname{deg}_a(f)\geqslant 2$. Let $f$ be quadratic in $a$. Then, by (5.1),
Note that $[[a,b]^2,b,b] = [[a,b],[a,b^2],b] = 0$ if $b=e_2$. We claim that $[a,b,b,b]\circ [a,b]\neq 0$ for $b=e_2$. Indeed, if $a=e_1e_2 + g$, $b=e_2$ and $g=e_3$, then
Hence, in view of (8.1), we have $\gamma = \delta = 0$. Thus, we have shown that if $\operatorname{deg}_a(f) = 2$, then $f=0$ is a consequence of identity (5.1).
Now let $\operatorname{deg}_a(f)= 3$. We can assume that $f=0$ has the form
where $g(a,b)$ is a Lie polynomial. Linearizing $a\to b$, we obtain an identity of the form (8.1), which implies that $\gamma = \delta = 0$ and $g(a,b)=0$. However, by Lemma 5 the last identity is a consequence of (5.1). This proves Theorem 5.
Proposition 2. Let $A$ be a subalgebra of $E^{(3)}$ generated by two elements $a,b$. Then an algebra $A$ satisfies the identity
However, it does not satisfy any identity of degree $5$.
Proof. Without loss of generality we can assume that $x=a$, $y=b$. Let $w=[a,b]$. Setting $T^{(3)}=T^{(3)}(A)$, we have
[z,t]\in wA + T^{(3)},\qquad [u,v]\in wA + T^{(3)}.
We let $H'$ denote the $T$-ideal in $E$ generated by the weak Hall element $[w^2,a]$, let $\Theta_0$ denote the subalgebra in $E$ generated by the elements $\theta_{ij}$. Since the weak Hall element is an identity of the algebra $E^{(2)}$ (see [2]), we have
Let us show now that the kernel conjecture is valid in the algebra $F^{(7)}$ for elements of 2 variables. It is still unknown at present whether this conjecture is true in the general form even for the algebra $F^{(7)}$.
Proposition 3. The central element $f(a,b)$ of the algebra $F^{(7)}$ is kernel if and only if $f(a,b)$ is an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$.
Proof. The kernel element of the algebra $F^{(7)}$ is an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$. Conversely, let the element $f$ be central and $f=0$ be an identity of the algebra $E^{(3)}$. Using partial derivatives, we can assume that the element $f$ is proper. The element $f$ is central, and hence its weight is $\geqslant 6$ (see [7]). If its degree is $6$, then $f$ is a Lie polynomial. Hence by Lemma 5, the element $f$ is a consequence of the kernel element $p_6$ (see Theorem 3). If the degree of the proper polynomial $f$ is at least $7$, then the proof that $f$ is kernel is similar to that of Theorems 1–3. Proposition 3 is proved.
§ 9. On identities of the totality of all model algebras
Proposition 4. There are no non-zero identities which hold in all model algebras. In particular, the algebra $E$ is not a $\mathrm{PI}$-algebra.
Proof. The equality $\bigcap_m \Theta ^m = 0$ is true in the algebra $E$, and hence the algebra $E$ is approximated by the model algebras $E^{(m)}$. Hence, the algebra $E$ is a $\mathrm{PI}$-algebra if and only if all model algebras have some common identity.
The algebra $E$ has the following universal property. Let $V_n$ be a linear space over a field $\Phi$ with basis $b_1,\dots, b_n$ and let $f$ be a symmetric bilinear form on $V_n$. Then the mapping
(the images of all other generators $e_m$, $\theta_{ij}$ are zero), can be extended to a homomorphism of the algebra $E$ onto the Clifford algebra $\mathrm{Cl}(V_n, f)$.
Since the algebra $\mathrm{Cl}(V_{2n}, f)$ for the non-degenerate form $f$ is central simple (see [11]), we have $\overline{\Phi} \otimes _{\Phi} \mathrm{Cl}(V_{2n}, f)$, where $\overline{\Phi}$ is the algebraic closure of the field $\Phi$, is a complete matrix algebra over the field $\overline{\Phi}$ of dimension $2^{2n}$, and, as it is well known, it contains no identities of degree $2^{2n}$ (see Ch. X in [12]). This proves that $E$ is not a $\mathrm{PI}$-algebra. Proposition 4 is proved.
As an application of canonical algebras, we have the following result.
Theorem 6. The model algebra $E^{(m)}$ of multiplicity $m$ does not satisfy any identity of degree $\leqslant m$.
Proof. Assume that the algebra $E^{(m)}$ satisfies an identity of degree $m$. As usual, by $\operatorname{ad}(x)$ we denote the multiplication operator in the adjoint Lie algebra, that is $a\operatorname{ad}(x)= [a,x]$, $S_{k}$ is the permutation group, acting on the set $\{2,\dots,k\}$. Then the algebra $E^{(m)}$ satisfies the multilinear identity
Assume first that the polynomial $f(x_1,\dots,x_m)$ is a Lie polynomial. It is known [13] that every Lie polynomial is a linear combination of the right-normed commutators, starting with the smallest variable $x_1$,
For the general case, we will employ the Specht basis free associative algebra (see [13]).
Without loss of generality we can assume that the polynomial $f(x_1,\dots,x_m)$ is proper. Each proper polynomial can be represented as a linear combination of products of commutators $\pi = w_1w_2\cdots w_k$. Each commutator $w_i$ is right-normed and starts with the smallest variable included in this commutator; we denote this smallest variable by $x(w_i)$. In addition, in the product $\pi$, we have
(the variables are arranged in order of increasing indices). The above products $\pi$ form an additive basis for the space of multilinear proper polynomials of a free associative algebra [13]. Let us show that the products $\pi$ are linearly independent on the canonical algebra $C^{(m)}$. Let the product
be such that $\sum_{i=1}^k n_i = m$ and $x_1<y_1<\dots<z_1$. In addition, the following restrictions hold: $x_1$ is the smallest variable, $y_1$ is the smallest variable among the variables included in all commutators except the first one, and so on. So, we will assume that $f(x_1,\dots,x_m)$ is a linear combination of products of the type $\pi$, where we also assume that the number of the factors $k$ is the greatest possible among all the products $\pi$, from $f$.
We assume that the set of generators of the algebra $C^{(m)}$ is the union of disjoint countable sets
Note that if $i$, $j$, $k$ are distinct, then $[e_i, e_je_k] = 0$ and $[e_i, e_ie_j] = 2 \theta_i e_j$. In addition, as noted earlier, the value of the commutator $[x_1,x_2,\dots, x_{n_1}]$ at this point is
The values of the other commutators in the product $\pi$ have a similar form. Hence, the product $\pi$ at this point is obtained by multiplication of the basic element of the form
by some power of 2, where $g_i^2=\lambda_i$, $\dots$, $h_i^2=\mu_i$.
Note that if a permutation of variables takes place either within one commutator or from different commutators occurs in a $\pi$-type product, then the new product at this point will be equal to $0$. This proves Theorem 6.
§ 10. Open questions
In conclusion, we formulate some open questions.
1. Is it true that the model algebra $E^{(m)}$ satisfies all the proper identities in $2$ variables of degree $\geqslant 2m+1$?
2. What is the minimum degree of an identity in 2 variables that holds in the model algebra $E^{(m)}$?
3. Does some identity of degree $2m-1$ hold in $E^{(m)}$ for $m\geqslant 3$?
4. Does the kernel conjecture hold for the algebra $F^{(7)}$?
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