The paper proposes an approach for construction of families of optimal methods
for the recovery of linear operators from inaccurately given information.
The proposed method of construction is then applied to recover derivatives from inaccurately specified other
derivatives in the multidimensional case and to recover solutions of the heat equation
from inaccurately specified temperature distributions at some time instants.
optimal recovery, linear operators, heat equation, difference equations.
Let $X$ be a linear space, $Y,Z$ be normed linear spaces. The problem of optimal recovery of a linear operator $\Lambda\colon X\to Z$ from inaccurately given values of a linear operator $I\colon X\to Y$ on a set $W\subset X$ is posed as follows:
the value $E(\Lambda,W,I,\delta)$ is called the error of optimal recovery, and the mapping $\varphi$ on which the lower bound is attained is called an optimal recovery method (here, $\delta\geqslant0$ is a parameter that characterizes the error of setting the values of the operator $I$). Initially, this problem was posed by Smolyak [1] in the case where $\Lambda$ is a linear functional, $Y$ is a finite-dimensional space, and the information is known exactly ($\delta=0$). In fact, this problem generalizes that posed by A. N. Kolmogorov’s for a best quadrature formula on a class of functions [2] in which both the integral and the values of the functions are replaced by arbitrary linear functionals, and there is no linearity condition for the recovery method. Subsequently, much effort has been placed to extensions of this problem (see [3]–[10], and the references given there).
Traub and Woźniakowski [4] were one of the first to consider the problem of construction of an optimal recovery method for a linear operator. This topic was further developed [11]–[19]. It turned out that in some cases it is possible to construct a whole family of optimal recovery methods for a linear operator. The study of such families began in [20] and continued in [21], [22], [14] and [19].
The aim of this paper is to propose an approach for construction of families of optimal recovery methods for linear operators and demonstrate its potency in a number of concrete problems.
§ 2. General setting and construction of families of optimal recovery methods
We will consider the case where, in the optimal recovery problem, the set $W$ (containing the a priori information about elements from the space $X$) is given in the form of constraints associated with a certain set of linear operators. Let $Y_0,\dots,Y_n$ be normed linear spaces and $I_j\colon X \to Y_j$, $j=0,\dots,n$, be linear operators. Let, in addition, $\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n\geqslant0$ be given numbers, and $J\subset\{1,\dots,n\}$ be a set of natural numbers. We put $\overline J=\{1,\dots,n\}\setminus J$.
The problem is to optimally recover the operator $I_0$ on the set
from the values of the operators $I_j$ given with errors $\delta_j$, $j\in\overline J$ (for $J=\varnothing$, we assume that $W=X$). More precisely, we will assume that, for each $x\in W$, we know a vector
such that $\|I_jx-y_j\|_{Y_j}\leqslant\delta_j$, $j\in\overline J$. As recovery methods we will consider arbitrary mappings $\varphi\colon Y_{\overline J}\to Y_0$. The error of a method $\varphi(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is defined by
is known as the optimal recovery error (here, $I=(I_0,\dots,I_n)$, $\delta=(\delta_1,\dots,\delta_n)$). A method on which the lower bound in (2.1) is attained (if exists) is an optimal method.
Theorem 1. Let $1\leqslant p<+\infty$. Assume that there exist $\widehat{\lambda}_j\geqslant0$, $j=1,\dots,n$, such that
Proof. Let $\varphi\colon Y_{\overline J}\to Y_0$ be an arbitrary method of recovery and $x\in X$ be such that $\|I_jx\|_{Y_j}\leqslant\delta_j$, $j=1,\dots,n$. Then
“does not distinguish” which of the operators $I_j$ are informational, and which of them define the class on which the recovery problem is considered. In other words, the dual extremal problem does not distinguish between a priori and a posteriori information. In view of this, Theorem 1 shows that if operators $S_j\colon Y_j\to Y_0$, $j=1,\dots,n$, are found to satisfy conditions (2.2) and (2.3), then $2^n$ recovery problems are immediately solved. Moreover, to obtain an appropriate optimal method, it is sufficient to put $y_j=0$, $j\in J$, in the method
Let $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_d)\in\mathbb R_+^d$. For a given vector $\xi=(\xi_1,\dots,\xi_d)\in\mathbb R^d$, we set $(i\xi)^\alpha=(i\xi_1)^{\alpha_1}\cdots(i\xi_d)^{\alpha_d}$, $|\xi|^\alpha=|\xi_1|^{\alpha_1}\cdots|\xi_d|^{\alpha_d}$. For $\alpha^0,\dots,\alpha^n\in\mathbb R_+^d$, we put
Let $X$ be the set of all measurable functions $x(\,{\cdot}\,)$ such that $\|I_jx(\,{\cdot}\,)\|_{L_p(\mathbb R^d)}<\infty$, $j=1,\dots,n$. Consider problem (2.1) with $Y_0=Y_1=\dots=Y_n=L_p(\mathbb R^d)$.
where we assume that $S(\alpha)=-\infty$ if the set in the curly brackets is empty.
Let $\alpha^0\in\operatorname{co}\{\alpha^1,\dots,\alpha^n\}$. Then the point $(\alpha^0,S(\alpha^0))$ lies in the boundary of the convex polyhedron $Q$. A support hyperplane to the convex polyhedron $Q$ at the point $(\alpha^0,S(\alpha^0))$ can be written as $z=\langle\alpha,\widehat{\eta}\,\rangle+\widehat{a}$ for some $\widehat{\eta}=(\widehat{\eta}_1,\dots,\widehat{\eta}_d)\in\mathbb R^d$ and $\widehat{a}\in\mathbb R$ ($\langle\alpha,\widehat{\eta}\,\rangle$ denotes the inner product of the vectors $\alpha$ and $\widehat{\eta}$ ). By the Carathéodory theorem, there exist points $(\alpha^{j_k},\ln1/\delta_{j_k})$, $k=1,\dots,s$, $s\leqslant d+1$, from this hyperplane such that
We set $\widehat{A}=e^{-p\widehat{a}}$, $\widehat{\xi}_j=e^{-\widehat{\eta}_j}$, $j=1,\dots,d$, $\widehat{\xi}=(\widehat{\xi}_1,\dots,\widehat{\xi}_d)$. For a sufficiently small $\varepsilon>0$, consider the cube
on $\mathbb R^d$. It is easy to see that $f(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is a convex function, $f(\widehat{\eta})=0$, and the derivative of this function at the point $\widehat{\eta}$ is also zero. Hence $f(\eta)\geqslant0$ for all $\eta\in\mathbb R^d$. Consequently,
Let $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_d)\in\mathbb R^d_+$. Given $x(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L_2(\mathbb R^d)$, let $D^\alpha x(\,{\cdot}\,)$ denote the Weyl derivative of order $\alpha$, which is defined by
Denote by $X$ the set of measurable functions $x(\,{\cdot}\,)$ such that $\|D^{\alpha^j}x(\,{\cdot}\,)\|_{L_2(\mathbb R^d)}<\infty$, $j=1,\dots,n$. Consider problem (2.1) with $Y_0=\dots=Y_n=L_2(\mathbb R^d)$. Using the above notation for $p=2$, we get the following result.
Theorem 3. Let $\alpha^0\in\operatorname{co}\{\alpha^1,\dots,\alpha^n\}$. Then, for any $J\subset\{1,\dots,n\}$,
is optimal for the corresponding optimal recovery problem. Here, $\Lambda_j\colon L_2(\mathbb R^d)\to L_2(\mathbb R^d)$, $j\in J_0$, are continuous linear operators which act in Fourier images by the rule $F\Lambda_jy_j(\,{\cdot}\,)=a_j(\,{\cdot}\,) Fy_j(\,{\cdot}\,)$, and measurable functions $a_j(\,{\cdot}\,)$, $j\in J_0$ satisfy the conditions
The extremal problem in the left-hand side of (3.9) is closely related to the exact constant problem in the generalized Hardy–Littlewood–Pólya inequality, which in our case has the form
where $|x|=\sqrt{x_1^2+\dots+x_d^2}$. Given a function $Y$ on the unit sphere $\mathbb S^{d-1}$, the Laplace–Beltrami operator $\Delta_S$ is defined by
where $\Delta$ is the Laplace operator. Denote by $\mathcal{H}_k$ the set of spherical harmonics of order $k$. It is known (see [24]) that $L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})=\sum_{k=0}^\infty\mathcal{H}_k$, $\dim\mathcal{H}_0=a_0=1$, and
Let $Y_j^{(k)}(\,{\cdot}\,)$, $j=1,\dots,a_k$, be an orthonormal basis for $\mathcal{H}_k$. For $\alpha>0$, the operator $(-\Delta_S)^{\alpha/2}$ is defined by
Assume that the solutions of the problem under consideration are approximately known at $t=0,T$. It is required to recover the solution at any time $\tau$, $0<\tau<T$. For any function $f(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$ with expansion (4.2) we put $I_1f(\,{\cdot}\,)=f(\,{\cdot}\,)$,
This reduces the problem to problem (2.1) with $X=Y_0=Y_1=Y_2=L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$, $p=2$ and $J=\varnothing$.
Theorem 4. Let $\delta_1/\delta_2\in\bigl[e^{\Lambda_m^{\alpha/2}T}, e^{\Lambda_{m+1}^{\alpha/2}T}\bigr]$ for some $m\in\mathbb Z_+$, and let $\alpha_{kj}$, $k=0,1,\dots$, $j=1,\dots,a_k$, satisfy
If $\delta_1/\delta_2\in(0,1]$, then the sequence $\{f_k\}$, in which $f_0=\delta_1^2$, and $f_k=0$ for $k\geqslant1$, is admissible in the extremal problem (4.4). Therefore, in this case
Let again $\delta_1/\delta_2\in\bigl[e^{\Lambda_m^{\alpha/2}T},e^{\Lambda_{m+1}^{\alpha/2}T}\bigr]$. Given a function $f(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$ with expansion (4.2), let the operators $S_j\colon L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})\to L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$, $j=1,2$, be defined by
where $\alpha_{kj}$ satisfy condition (4.3). It is easy to see that $I_0=S_1I_1+S_2I_2$. For $f_1(\,{\cdot}\,),f_2(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$, we have
where $f_{kj}^{(1)},f_{kj}^{(2)}$ are the Fourier coefficients of $f_1(\,{\cdot}\,),f_2(\,{\cdot}\,)$. From the Cauchy–Schwartz–Bunyakovskii inequality and (4.3), we get
We claim that there exist $\alpha_{kj}$, $k=0,1,\dots$, $j=1,\dots,a_k$, which satisfy (4.3). On the plane $(x,y)$, consider the set of points with coordinates
This set lies on the concave curve $y=x^{\tau/T}$. The straight line through the points $(x_{m+1},y_{m+1})$ and $(x_m,y_m)$ has the equation $y=\lambda_1+\lambda_2x$. By concavity of the curve which contains the points under consideration, we have
then Theorem 1 (for $J=\{1\}$) implies that the methods $\widehat{\varphi}(0,y_2)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ are optimal. It turns out that this family of optimal methods contains a subfamily of optimal methods which are superior to the other methods in this family.
In order to specify this subfamily, we first formulate an extended version of the problem under consideration. Let $\mathcal F\subset L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$ be a given function class. We set
The problem of finding the error of optimal recovery $E(\mathcal F,\delta)$ and of the corresponding optimal method differs from that considered above only by an arbitrary class $\mathcal F$.
A method $\varphi(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is said to be exact on a set $L\subset L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$ if $\varphi(u(\,{\cdot}\,,T))(\,{\cdot}\,)=u(\,{\cdot}\,,\tau)$ for all $f(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L$.
Proposition 1. If $\widehat{\varphi}(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is an optimal method for a class $\mathcal F$, and if $\widehat{\varphi}(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is linear and exact on a set $L\subset L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$ containing the origin, then $\widehat{\varphi}(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is optimal on the class $\mathcal F+L$. Moreover,
Proof. Let $f(\,{\cdot}\,)\in\mathcal F+L$, $f(\,{\cdot}\,)=f_1(\,{\cdot}\,)+f_2(\,{\cdot}\,)$, where $f_1(\,{\cdot}\,) \in \mathcal F$, $f_2(\,{\cdot}\,) \in L$. Let $u_j(\,{\cdot}\,,{\cdot}\,)$ be the solution of equation (4.1) with initial function $f_j(\,{\cdot}\,)$, $j=1,2$. Let $y(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$ be such that $\|u(\,{\cdot}\,,T)-y(\,{\cdot}\,)\|_{L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})}\leqslant\delta$. We set $y_1(\,{\cdot}\,)=y(\,{\cdot}\,)-u_2(\,{\cdot}\,,T)$. It is clear that $y_1(\,{\cdot}\,)\in L_2(\mathbb S^{d-1})$. Since $u_1(\,{\cdot}\,,T)-y_1(\,{\cdot}\,)=u(\,{\cdot}\,,T)-y(\,{\cdot}\,)$ we have
By (4.7) the expression on the right of (4.6) is majorized by $e(\mathcal F,\delta,\widehat{\varphi})$. In addition, $e(\mathcal F,\delta,\widehat{\varphi})= E(\mathcal F,\delta)$ since the method $\widehat{\varphi}(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is optimal. Hence, taking the supremum on the left of (4.7) with respect to $f(\,{\cdot}\,)\in\mathcal F+L$ and the corresponding $y(\,{\cdot}\,)$, we get that
Consequently, $\widehat{\varphi}(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ is an optimal method for the class $\mathcal F+L$, and (4.5) holds. This proves Proposition 1.
Assume that $\delta_1/\delta_2\in [e^{\Lambda_m^{\alpha/2}T}, e^{\Lambda_{m+1}^{\alpha/2}T}]$. It is easy to show that $\lambda_2\geqslant1$ for sufficiently large $m$. Thus, if $\delta_1$ is fixed, then $\lambda_2\geqslant 1$ for sufficiently small $\delta_2$. In this case, we put
Thus, it follows from Proposition 1 that the methods $\widehat{\varphi}_0(y)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ are not only optimal on the class $W$, but they are also optimal on the wider class $W+L_{\widehat{k}}$.
§ 5. Optimal recovery of solutions of difference equations
Let us consider the process of heat propagation in an infinite rod described by a discrete model, namely, by the implicit difference scheme
Here $\tau$ and $h$ are positive numbers, $(s,j)\in\mathbb Z_+\times\mathbb Z$, and $u_{s,j}$ is the temperature of the rod at time $s\tau$ at the point $jh$.
Let $l_{2,h}$ be the set of vectors $x=\{x_j\}_{j\in\mathbb Z}$ such that
Suppose that the temperature of the rod is approximately measured at time zero and at time $n\tau$, that is, the vectors $u_0=\{u_{0,j}\}$ and $u_n=\{u_{n,j}\}$ are approximately known. More precisely, we know vectors $y_1,y_2\in l_{2,h}$ such that
where $\delta_j>0$, $j=1,2$. From this information it is required to recover the vector $u_m=\{u_{m,j}\}$, where $0<m<n$, that is, to recover the value of the rod temperature at time $m\tau$.
Thus, we again come to problem (2.1) with $X=Y_0=Y_1=Y_2= l_2$, $p=2$, $J=\varnothing$, and with the operators $I_j\colon l_{2,h}\to l_{2,h}$, $j=0,1,2$, are defined by
Assume that $\delta_2/\delta_1\in(a^n,1)$. For $\xi\in[0,\pi/h]$, the function $\Lambda(\xi)$ is monotone decreasing from $1$ to $a$. Therefore, there is $\widehat{\xi}\in(0,\pi/h)$ such that $\Lambda^n(\widehat{\xi})=\delta_2/\delta_1$. For sufficiently small $\varepsilon>0$, we put
We claim that, for $\delta_2/\delta_1\in(a^n,1)$, the set of functions $\alpha(\,{\cdot}\,)$ satisfying condition (5.3) is non-empty. Consider the concave function
Theorem 1 implies that the methods $\widehat{\varphi}(0,y_2)(\,{\cdot}\,)$ are optimal for this problem.
Note that, for a continuous model of heat propagation, the result obtained in [25] for $t_1=0$, $t_2=T$ ($n=2$) and an intermediate point $\tau_0$, at which it is required to recover the temperature distribution, coincides, in the one-dimensional case, with the limiting error of recovery and with one of the methods constructed in Theorem 5 for $h\to0$ and $\tau\to0$ (in this case, we should put $a=0$).
We also note that a similar problem for heat propagation on a circle was considered in [22].
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K. Yu. Osipenko, “On the construction of families of optimal recovery methods for linear operators”, Izv. Math., 88:1 (2024), 92–113
\by K.~Yu.~Osipenko
\paper On the construction of families of optimal recovery methods for linear operators
\jour Izv. Math.
\yr 2024
\vol 88
\issue 1
\pages 92--113
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