M. M. Deza, M. Laurent, Geometry of cuts and metrics, Algorithms and Combinatorics, 15, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997, xii+587 pp.
M. Deza, M. Dutour Sikirić, Geometry of chemical graphs: polycycles and two-faced maps, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 119, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, x+306 pp.
M. M. Deza, E. Deza, Encyclopedia of distances, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009, xiv+590 pp.
M. Deza, I. G. Rosenberg (ed.), Combinatorics 79. Part I, Annals of Discrete Math., 8, North Holland Publ., Amsterdam–New York ; M. Deza, I. G. Rosenberg (ed.), Combinatorics 79. Part II, Annals of Discrete Math., 8, North Holland Publ., Amsterdam–New York
М. М. Деза, Е. И. Деза, М. Дютур Сикирич, “Полиэдральные конструкции, связанные с квази-метриками”, Чебышевский сб., 16:2 (2015), 79–92
М. Деза, М. Дютур Сикирич, М. И. Штогрин, “Фуллерены и диск-фуллерены”, УМН, 68:4(412) (2013), 69–128; M. Deza, M. Dutour Sikirić, M. I. Shtogrin, “Fullerenes and disk-fullerenes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 68:4 (2013), 665–720
S. Debroni, E. Delisle, W. Myrvold, A. Sethi, J. Whitney, J. Woodcock, P. W. Fowler, B. de La Vaissière, M. Deza, “Maximum independent sets of the 120-cell and other regular polytopes”, Ars Math. Contemp., 6:2 (2013), 197–210
M. M. Deza, E. Deza, Encyclopedia of distances, Ed. 2, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013 , xviii+650 pp.
M. E. Deza, M. Dutour Sikiric, M. Shtogrin, “Fullerene-like Spheres with Faces of Negative Curvature”, Diamond D5 and Related Nanostructures, Carbon Materials: Chemistry and Physics, 6, eds. M. V. Diudea, C. L. Nagy, Springer, 2013, 251–274 , arXiv: 1112.3320
M. Deza, E. Deza, J. Vidali, “Cones of weighted and partial metrics”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra 2010, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2012, 177–197
E. Deza, M. M. Deza, Figurate numbers, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2012 , xviii+456 pp.
M. E. Deza, M. Dutour Sikiric, “Space fullerenes: computer search for new Frank-Kasper structures II”, Structural Chemistry, 23:4 (2012), 1103–1115
M. E. Deza, V. Grishukhin, E. Deza, “Cones of weighted quasi-metrics, weighted quasi-hypermetrics and of oriented cuts”, Mathematics of Distances and Applications, Sofia, 2012, 31–53 , arXiv: 1201.1099v1
M. E. Deza, P. Chebotarev, “Protometrics”, Ivo G. Rosenberg: A commemoration of his outstanding research contributions and friendship, IEEE Computer Soceity, Victoria, BC, 2012, 79–82 , arXiv: 1112.4829
M. Deza, E. Deza, “Cones of partial metrics”, Contrib. Discrete Math., 6:1 (2011), 26–47
M. E. Deza, M. Dutour, “4-regular and self-dual analogs of fullerenes”, Chapter, Mathematics and Topology of Fullerenes, eds. O. Ori, A. Graovac, F. Cataldo, Springer, 2011, 103–116 , arXiv: 0910.5323
M. E. Deza, “Note on Petri duals and hypercube embeddings of semiregular polyhedra”, Symmetry, 22:1-2 (2011), 263–267
M. M. Deza, M. Laurent, Geometry of cuts and metrics, First softcover printing of the 1997 original [MR1460488], Algorithms and Combinatorics, 15, Springer, Heidelberg, 2010 , xii+587 pp.
M. Deza, “Some problems, I care most”, European J. Combin., 31:2 (2010), 649–675
M. E. Deza, M. Dutour Sikiric, O. Delgado-Friedrichs, “Space fullerenes: computer search for new Frank–Kasper structures”, Acta Crystallographica, A66:5 (2010), 602–615
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Новые примеры обобщенных фуллеренов”, УМН, 64:1(385) (2009), 145–146; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “New examples of generalized fullerenes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 64:1 (2009), 139–141
M. M. Deza, E. Deza, Encyclopedia of distances, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009 , xiv+590 pp.
M. Deza, M. D. Sikirić, P. W. Fowler, “The symmetries of cubic polyhedral graphs with face size no larger than 6”, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 61:3 (2009), 589–602
M. Deza, S. Shpectorov, “Polyhexes that are ℓ1 graphs”, European J. Combin., 30:5 (2009), 1090–1100
M. E. Deza, M. Dutour, M. Shtogrin), “Elementary elliptic (R,q)-polycycles”, Chapter, Analysis of Complex Networks: From Biology to Linguistics, eds. M. Dehmer, F. Emmert-Streib, Wiley, 2009, 351–376
M. Deza, M. Dutour Sikirić, S. Shpectorov, “Hypercube embeddings of Wythoffians”, Ars Math. Contemp., 1:1 (2008), 99–111
M. Deza, M. Dutour Sikirić, Geometry of chemical graphs: polycycles and two-faced maps, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 119, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008 , x+306 pp.
M. Deza, V. P. Grishukhin, “More about the 52 four-dimensional parallelotopes”, Taiwanese J. Math., 12:4 (2008), 901–916
М. М. Деза, В. Гришухин, М. Штогрин, Изометрические полиэдральные подграфы в гиперкубах и кубических решетках, МЦНМО, М., 2008
Е. И. Деза, М. М. Деза, Энциклопедический словарь расстояний, Наука, М., 2008
E. Lijnen, A. Ceulemans, P. W. Fowler, M. Deza, “The undecakisicosahedral group and a 3-regular carbon network of genus 26”, J. Math. Chem., 42:3 (2007), 617–644
М.-М. Деза, С. В. Шпекторов, М. И. Штогрин, “Нерасширяемые конечные полициклы”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 70:1 (2006), 3–22; M. Deza, S. V. Shpektorov, M. I. Shtogrin, “Non-extendible finite polycycles”, Izv. Math., 70:1 (2006), 1–18
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Типы и граничная единственность полипентагонов”, УМН, 61:6(372) (2006), 183–184; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Types and boundary uniqueness of polypentagons”, Russian Math. Surveys, 61:6 (2006), 1170–1172
M. E. Deza, E. Deza, Dictionary of Distances, Elsevier, 2006 , 400 pp.
M. E. Deza, P. J. Cameron), “Designs and Matroids”, Chapter VII.10, Handbook of Combinatorial Designs, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 42, 2nd edition, eds. C. J. Colbourn, J. Dinitz, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2006, 847–851
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Метрика постоянной кривизны на полициклах”, Матем. заметки, 78:2 (2005), 223–233; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “A metric of constant curvature on polycycles”, Math. Notes, 78:2 (2005), 204–212
М.-М. Деза, М. Дютур, М. И. Штогрин, “Эллиптические полициклы с дырами”, УМН, 60:2(362) (2005), 157–158; M. Deza, M. Dutour, M. I. Shtogrin, “Elliptic polycycles with holes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 60:2 (2005), 349–351
M. Deza, M. Dutour, “Zigzag structure of complexes”, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 29:2 (2005), 301–320
M. Deza, M. Dutour-Sikiric, S. Shpectorov, “Graphs 4n that are isometrically embeddable in hypercubes”, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 29:3 (2005), 469–484
M. Deza, M. Dutour, “Zigzag structures of simple two-faced polyhedra”, Combin. Probab. Comput., 14:1-2 (2005), 31–57
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Архимедовы полициклы”, УМН, 59:3(357) (2004), 165–166; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Archimedean polycycles”, Russian Math. Surveys, 59:3 (2004), 564–566
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Voronoĭ's conjecture and space tiling zonotopes”, Mathematika, 51:1-2 (2004), 1–10 (2005)
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, M. Shtogrin, Scale-isometric polytopal graphs in hypercubes and cubic lattices, Polytopes in hypercubes and Zn, Imperial College Press, London, 2004 , x+175 pp.
M. Dutour, M. Deza, “Goldberg-Coxeter construction for 3- and 4-valent plane graphs”, Electron. J. Combin., 11:1 (2004), Research Paper 20, 49
M. Deza, M. Dutour, P. W. Fowler, “Zigzags, Railroads, and Knots in Fullerenes”, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 44 (2004), 1282–1293
M. Deza, M. Dutour, M. Shtogrin, “4-valent plane graphs with 2-, 3- and 4-gonal faces”, Advances in algebra, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2003, 73–97
A. Andoni, M. Deza, A. Gupta, P. Indyk, S. Raskhodnikova, “Lower bounds for embedding edit distance into normed spaces”, Algorithms (2003, Baltimore, MD), ACM, New York, 2003, 523–526
M. Deza, P. W. Fowler, M. Shtogrin, “Version of Zones and Petri circuits of icosahedral fullerenes and icosadeltahedra”, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 43 (2003), 595–599
M. Deza, M. Dutour, “Data mining for cones of metrics, hemi-imetrics and super-metrics”, Annales of European Academy of Sciences, 2003, 141–162 , arXiv: 0201011
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Мозаики и их изометрические вложения”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 66:3 (2002), 3–22; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Mosaics and their isometric embeddings”, Izv. Math., 66:3 (2002), 443–462
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Критерий вложимости (r,q)-полициклов”, УМН, 57:3(345) (2002), 149–150; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “A criterion for the embeddability of (r,q)-polycycles”, Russian Math. Surveys, 57:3 (2002), 589–591
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Экстремальные и нерасширяемые полициклы”, Дискретная геометрия и геометрия чисел, Сборник статей. К 70-летию со дня рождения профессора Сергея Сергеевича Рышкова, Тр. МИАН, 239, Наука, М., 2002, 127–145; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Extremal and Nonextendible Polycycles”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 239 (2002), 117–135
M. Deza, M. Dutour, E. Panteleeva, “Small cones of oriented semi-metrics”, Amer. J. Math. Management Sci., Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics Proceedings on Statistics, Combinatorics & Related Areas (Bombay, 2000), 22, no. 3-4, 2002, 199–225
M. Deza, “Face-regular polyhedra and tilings with two combinatorial types of faces”, Codes and designs (2000, Columbus, OH), Ohio State Univ. Math. Res. Inst. Publ., 10, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2002, 49–71
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Rank 1 forms, closed zones and laminae”, J. Théor. Nombres Bordeaux, 14:1 (2002), 103–112
M. Deza, T. Huang, K. Lih-Wei, “Central circuit coverings of octahedrites and medial polyhedra”, J. Math. Res. Exposition, 22:1 (2002), 49–65
M. Deza, M. Shtogrin, “Isometric embedding of mosaics into cubic lattices”, Algebraic and topological methods in graph theory (Lake Bled, 1999), Discrete Math., 244:1-3 (2002), 43–53
M. Deza, D. V. Pasechnik, “On equicut graphs”, Ivo G. Rosenberg's 65th birthday, Part 2, Mult.-Valued Log., 7:5-6 (2001), 363–377
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Face-regular bifaced polyhedra”, Special issue on design combinatorics: in honor of S. S. Shrikhande, J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 95:1-2 (2001), 175–195
М. М. Деза, М. Лоран, Геометрия разрезов и метрик, МЦНМО, М., 2001
M. Deza, P. W. Fowler, V. P. Grishukhin, “Allowed boundary sequences for fused polycyclic patches and related algorithmic problems”, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 41:2 (2001), 300–308
M. Deza, P. W. Fowler, B. de La Vaissiere, “Addition patterns, codes and contact graphs for fullerene derivatives”, Journal of Molecular Modelling and Simulation, 19:2, Special Issue in honor of E. Osawa (2001), 199–204
M. Deza, P. W. Fowler, B. de la Vaissiere, “Codes in Archimedean and Catalan polyhedra”, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 41 (2001), 376–386
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Вложение химических графов в гиперкубы”, Матем. заметки, 68:3 (2000), 339–352; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Embeddings of chemical graphs in hypercubes”, Math. Notes, 68:3 (2000), 295–305
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Полициклы: симметрия и вложимость”, УМН, 55:6(336) (2000), 129–130; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Polycycles: symmetry and embeddability”, Russian Math. Surveys, 55:6 (2000), 1146–1147
M. Deza, M. Shtogrin, “Octahedrites”, Polyhedra, Symmetry Cult. Sci., 11:1-4 (2000), 27–64
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Hypermetric two-distance spaces”, Recent advances in interdisciplinary mathematics (Portland, ME, 1997), J. Combin. Inform. System Sci., 25:1-4 (2000), 89–132
M. Deza, M. Shtogrin, “Embedding the graphs of regular tilings and star-honeycombs into the graphs of hypercubes and cubic lattices”, Arrangements—Tokyo 1998, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 27, Kinokuniya, Tokyo, 2000, 73–92
M. Deza, M. Shtogrin, “Uniform partitions of 3-space, their relatives and embedding”, Discrete metric spaces (Marseille, 1998), European J. Combin., 21:6 (2000), 807–814
M. Deza, E. Panteleeva, “Quasi-semi-metrics, oriented multi-cuts and related polyhedra”, Discrete metric spaces (Marseille, 1998), European J. Combin., 21:6 (2000), 777–795
M. Deza, G. Brinkmann, “Tables of face-regular polyhedra”, Report LIENS 98-13, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1998)., Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 40:3 (2000), 530–541
M. Deza, P. W. Fowler, A. Rassat, K. M. Rogers, “Fullerenes as tilings of surfaces”, Report LIENS 99-4, Ecole Normale Superieure Paris (1999), Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 40:3 (2000), 550–558
M. Deza, P. W. Fowler, M. Shtogrin, K. Vietze, “Pentaheptite modifications of the graphite sheet”, Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Science, 40:6 (2000), 1325–1332
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Примитивные полициклы и гелицены”, УМН, 54:6(330) (1999), 159–160; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Primitive polycycles and helicenes”, Russian Math. Surveys, 54:6 (1999), 1238–1239
M. Deza, M. Shtogrin, “Three-, four-, and five-dimensional fullerenes”, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 23:1 (1999), 9–18
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “l1-embeddable polyhedra”, Algebras and combinatorics (1997, Hong Kong), Springer, Singapore, 1999, 189–210
M. Deza, V. P. Grishukhin, “Hexagonal sequences”, General Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Proc. of the Conference, Potsdam, 1998, eds. K. Denecke, H. J. Vogel, Shaker-Verlag, Aachen, 1999, 47–68http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
M. Deza, T. Huang, “Metrics on permutations, a survey”, J. N. Srivastava: felicitation volume, J. Combin. Inform. System Sci., 23:1-4 (1998), 173–185
A. Deza, M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Fullerenes and coordination polyhedra versus half-cube embeddings”, Discrete metric spaces (Villeurbanne, 1996), Discrete Math., 192:1-3 (1998), 41–80
M. Deza, V. P. Grishukhin, “Odd systems of vectors and related lattices”, Algebra and combinatorics: interactions and applications (Königstein, 1994), Acta Appl. Math., 52:1-3 (1998), 31–47
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Once more about 80 Steiner triple systems on 15 points”, R. C. Bose Memorial Conference (Fort Collins, CO, 1995), J. Statist. Plann. Inference, 72:1-2 (1998), 165–184
M. Deza, V. P. Grishukhin, “Erratum to: “Bounds on the covering radius of a lattice” [Mathematika 43 (1996), no. 1, 159–164; MR1401714 (98b:11074)]”, Mathematika, 45:1 (1998), 209
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Вложение графов в гиперкубы и кубические решетки”, УМН, 52:6(318) (1997), 155–156; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “The embedding of graphs in hypercubes and cubic lattices”, Russian Math. Surveys, 52:6 (1997), 1292–1293
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Lattice points of cut cones”, Combinatorics, geometry and probability (1993, Cambridge), Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1997, 193–216
M. Deza, V. P. Grishukhin, “A zoo of l1-embeddable polytopal graphs”, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, 25:3 (1997), 181–231
M. M. Deza, M. Laurent, Geometry of cuts and metrics, Algorithms and Combinatorics, 15, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1997 , xii+587 pp.
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “The skeleton of the 120-cell is not 5-gonal”, Graphs and combinatorics (Marseille, 1995), Discrete Math., 165/166 (1997), 205–210
М.-М. Деза, М. И. Штогрин, “Изометрические вложения полуправильных многогранников, разбиений и им дуальных в гиперкубы и кубические решетки”, УМН, 51:6(312) (1996), 199–200; M. Deza, M. I. Shtogrin, “Isometric embeddings of semiregular polyhedra, tilings and their duals in hypercubes and cubic lattices”, Russian Math. Surveys, 51:6 (1996), 1193–1194
A. Deza, M. Deza, K. Fukuda, “On skeletons, diameters and volumes of metric polyhedra”, Combinatorics and computer science (1995, Brest), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 1120, Springer, Berlin, 1996, 112–128
M. Deza, T. Huang, “Complementary l1-graphs and related combinatorial structures”, Combinatorics and computer science (1995, Brest), Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 1120, Springer, Berlin, 1996, 74–90
M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Bounds on the covering radius of a lattice”, Mathematika, 43:1 (1996), 159–164
M. Deza, T. Huang, “l1-embeddability of some block graphs and cycloids”, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, 24:2 (1996), 87–102
M. Deza, S. Shpectorov, “Recognition of the l1-graphs with complexity O(nm), or Football in a hypercube”, Discrete metric spaces (Bielefeld, 1994), European J. Combin., 17:2-3 (1996), 279–289
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M. Deza, V. Grishukhin, “Delaunay polytopes of cut lattices”, Linear Algebra Appl., 226/228 (1995), 667–685
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M. Deza, M. Laurent, “Hypercube embedding of generalized bipartite metrics”, Special Issue: Fifth Franco-Japanese Days (Kyoto, 1992), Discrete Appl. Math., 56:2-3 (1995), 215–230
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M. Deza, R. C. Mullin, S. A. Vanstone, “Recent results on (r,λ)-designs and related configurations”, Rev. Técn. Fac. Ingr. Univ. Zulia, 4:1-2 (1981), 139–158
L. Babai, P. J. Cameron, M. Deza, N. M. Singhi, “On sharply edge-transitive permutation groups”, J. Algebra, 73:2 (1981), 573–585
P. Assouad, M. Deza, “Espaces métriques plongeables dans un hypercube: aspects combinatoires”, Combinatorics 79 (Proc. Colloq., Univ. Montréal, Montreal, Que., 1979), Part I, Ann. Discrete Math., 8 (1980), 197–210
M. Deza, N. M. Singhi, “Some properties of perfect matroid designs”, Combinatorial mathematics, optimal designs and their applications (Proc. Sympos. Combin. Math. and Optimal Design, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colo., 1978), Ann. Discrete Math., 6 (1980), 57–76
G. Cohen, M. Deza, “Some metrical problems on Sn”, Combinatorics 79 (Proc. Colloq., Univ. Montréal, Montreal, Que., 1979), Part I, Ann. Discrete Math., 8 (1980), 211–216
M. Deza, “Finite commutative Moufang loops, related matroids, and association schemes”, and Computing (1979, Humboldt State Univ., Arcata, Calif.), Congress. Numer., XXVI, Utilitas Math., Winnipeg, Man., 1980, 3–15
M. Deza, S. A. Vanstone, “Some maximal equidistant permutation arrays”, J. Korean Math. Soc., 17:1 (1980/81), 45–51
M. Deza, “On permutation cliques”, Combinatorial mathematics, optimal designs and their applications (Proc. Sympos. Combin. Math. and Optimal Design, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, Colo., 1978), Ann. Discrete Math., 6 (1980), 41–55
M. Deza, “Maximal permutation anticodes”, Proceedings of the Tenth Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing (Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, Fla., 1979), Congress. Numer., XXIII–XXIV, Utilitas Math., Winnipeg, Man., 1979, 381–392
M. Deza, “Isometries of hypergraphs”, Proceedings of the Symposium on Graph Theory (Indian Statist. Inst., Calcutta, 1976), ISI Lecture Notes, 4, Macmillan of India, New Delhi, 1979, 174–189
I. F. Blake, G. Cohen, M. Deza, “Coding with permutations”, Inform. and Control, 43:1 (1979), 1–19
M. Deza, I. G. Rosenberg, “Intersection and distance patterns”, Graph theory and related topics, Proc. Conf., Univ. Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., 1977, Academic Press, New York, 1979, 133–143
G. Cohen, M. Deza, “Distances invariantes et L-cliques sur certains demi-groupes finis”, Mathematiques et Sciences Humaines, 67 (1979), 49–69https://eudml.org/doc/94230
M. Deza, S. Földes, “Some remarks on combinatorial metric spaces and association schemes”, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 2:1 (1978), 26–28
M. Deza, “Pavage généralisé parfait comme généralisation de matroïde-configurations et de simples t-configurations”, Problèmes combinatoires et théorie des graphes (Colloq. Internat. CNRS, Univ. Orsay, Orsay, 1976), Colloq. Internat. CNRS, 260, CNRS, Paris, 1978, 99–102
M. Deza, I. Rosenberg, “Cardinalités de sommets et d'arêtes d'hypergraphes satisfaisant à certaines conditions sur l'intersection d'arêtes”, Colloque Mathématiques Discrètes: Codes et Hypergraphes (Brussels, 1978), Cahiers Centre Études Rech. Opér., 20:3-4 (1978), 279–285
M. Deza, “Configurations géométriques parfaites”, Colloque Mathématiques Discrètes: Codes et Hypergraphes (Brussels, 1978), Cahiers Centre Études Rech. Opér., 20:3-4 (1978), 351–358
M. Deza, P. Erd{ő}s, N. M. Singhi, “Combinatorial problems on subsets and their intersections”, Studies in foundations and combinatorics, Adv. in Math. Suppl. Stud., 1, Academic Press, New York, 1978, 259–265
M. Deza, P. Erd{ő}s, P. Frankl, “Intersection properties of systems of finite sets”, Combinatorics (1976, Proc. Fifth Hungarian Colloq., Keszthely), Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai, 18, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978, 251–256
M. Deza, R. C. Mullin, S. A. Vanstone, “Orthogonal systems”, Aequationes Math., 17:2-3 (1978), 322–330
M. Deza, “On minimal number of terms in representation of natural numbers as a sum of Fibonacci numbers”, Fibonacci Quart., 15:3 (1977), 237–238
M. Deza, P. Eades, “On circulant codes with prescribed distances”, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 16:3 (1977), 361–369
P. Frankl, M. Deza, “On the maximum number of permutations with given maximal or minimal distance”, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 22:3 (1977), 352–360
G. Cohen, M. Deza, “Codes parfaits et uniformément empilés”, Rev. CETHEDEC, 49 (1976), 35–44
M. Deza, R. C. Mullin, S. A. Vanstone, “Room squares and equidistant permutation arrays”, Ars Combinatoria, 2 (1976), 235–244
P. Camion, M. Deza, “Propriétés des codes de Goppa”, Rev. CETHEDEC, 47 (1976), 75–82
M. Deza, “Matrices dont deux lignes quelconque coïncident dans un nombre donné de positions communes”, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 20:3 (1976), 306–318
M. Deza, “There exist only a finite number of tight t-designs Sλ(t,k,v) for every block size k”, Utilitas Math., 8 (1975), 347–348
M. Deza, P. Erd{ő}s, “Extension de quelques théorèmes sur les densités de séries d'éléments de N à des séries de sous-ensembles finis de N”, Discrete Math., 12:4 (1975), 295–308
M. Deza, “Problème de l'existence de (H1,H2,b)-hypergraphes”, Colloque sur la Théorie des Graphes (Paris, 1974), Cahiers Centre Études Recherche Opér., 17:2-4 (1975), 185–190
M. Deza, “Racine minimum d'un groupe élémentaire abélien”, Canad. J. Math., 27:4 (1975), 819–826
M. Deza, “Bref compte rendu des résultats liés au problème de la comparaison des bruits additifs avec un nombre donné de combinaisons de bruits”, Théories de l'information (Actes Colloq. Information et les Questionnaires, Centre de Rencontres Mathématiques de Luminy, 1973), Lecture Notes in Math., 398, Springer, Berlin, 1974, 118–125
M. Deza, “Solution d'un problème de Erdős-Lovász”, J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. B, 16 (1974), 166–167
М. Деза, “Сравнение произвольных аддитивных шумов по эффективности их обнаружения или исправления”, Пробл. передачи информ., 1:3 (1965), 29–38; M. Deza, “Comparison of Arbitrary Additive Noise Relative to the Effectiveness of Detection or Correction”, Problems Inform. Transmission, 1:3 (1965), 21–28
M. E. Deza, “On correction of an arbitrary noise and on the worst noise”, Problemy Peredači Informacii, 16 (1964), 26–31
М. Е. Тылкин, “О реализуемости матриц расстояний в единичных кубах”, Проблемы кибернетики, 7, Физматгиз, М., 1962, 31–72
M. E. Tylkin, “On Hamming geometry of unitary cubes”, Soviet Physics. Dokl., 5 (1960), 940–943
Доклады и лекции в базе данных Math-Net.Ru
Cones and polytopes of metrics, hypermetrics, quasimetrics and hemimetrics Michel Deza, Mathieu Dutour Sikirić XVI Международная конференция «Алгебра, теория чисел и дискретная геометрия: современные проблемы, приложения и проблемы истории», посвященная 80-летию со дня рождения профессора Мишеля Деза 13 мая 2019 г. 12:20