Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru |
Цитирования |
2015 |
1. |
B. F. Myasoedov, S. N. Kalmykov, “Nuclear power industry and the environment”, Mendeleev Commun., 25:5 (2015), 319–328 |
2012 |
2. |
V. M. Kovrugin, V. V. Gurzhiy, S. V. Krivovichev, I. G. Tananaev, B. F. Myasoedov, “Unprecedented layer topology in the crystal structure of a new organically templated uranyl selenite-selenate”, Mendeleev Commun., 22:1 (2012), 11–12 |
2011 |
3. |
G. A. Masyagutova, A. V. Mamykin, I. G. Tananaev, V. P. Kazakov, B. F. Myasoedov, “Chemiluminescence during the solid-phase interaction of uranium(IV) hydrophosphate and xenon difluoride powders”, Mendeleev Commun., 21:1 (2011), 7–8 |
2009 |
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A. M. Safiulina, E. I. Goryunov, A. A. Letyushov, I. B. Goryunova, S. A. Smirnova, A. G. Ginzburg, I. G. Tananaev, E. E. Nifantyev, B. F. Myasoedov, “Effect of anomalous aryl strengthening in the series of N-phosphorylureas”, Mendeleev Commun., 19:5 (2009), 263–265 |
2007 |
5. |
L. N. Khazimullina, E. G. Galkin, A. V. Mamykin, I. G. Tananaev, V. P. Kazakov, B. F. Myasoedov, “Mass-spectrometric study of the solid-phase reaction of Na<sub>4</sub>XeO<sub>6</sub>·8H<sub>2</sub>O with U(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O”, Mendeleev Commun., 17:1 (2007), 18–19 |
2005 |
6. |
L. N. Khazimullina, V. A. Antipin, A. V. Mamykin, I. G. Tananaev, V. P. Kazakov, B. F. Myasoedov, “Bright chemiluminescence during the solid-phase reaction of uranium(IV) sulfate and sodium perxenate powders”, Mendeleev Commun., 15:4 (2005), 138–140 |
7. |
M. V. Nikonov, A. V. Gogolev, I. G. Tananaev, B. F. Myasoedov, “Experimental data points to the existence of plutonium(VIII) in alkaline solutions”, Mendeleev Commun., 15:2 (2005), 50–52 |
2003 |
8. |
Yu. M. Kulyako, T. I. Trofimov, M. D. Samsonov, B. F. Myasoedov, “Dissolution of uranium, neptunium, plutonium and americium oxides in tri-n-butyl phosphate saturated with nitric acid”, Mendeleev Commun., 13:6 (2003), 248–249 |
9. |
Н. Н. Попова, И. Г. Тананаев, С. И. Ровный, Б. Ф. Мясоедов, “Технеций: поведение в процессах переработки облученного ядерного топлива и в объектах окружающей среды”, Усп. хим., 72:2 (2003), 115–137 ; N. N. Popova, I. G. Tananaev, S. I. Rovnyi, B. F. Myasoedov, “Technetium: behaviour during reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel and in environmental objects”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 72:2 (2003), 101–121 |
2001 |
10. |
T. I. Trofimov, M. D. Samsonov, S. C. Lee, B. F. Myasoedov, Ch. M. Wai, “Dissolution of uranium oxides in supercritical carbon dioxide containing tri-n-butyl phosphate and thenoyltrifluoroacetone”, Mendeleev Commun., 11:4 (2001), 129–130 |
1999 |
11. |
Ch. M. Wai, Yu. M. Kulyako, B. F. Myasoedov, “Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of caesium from aqueous solutions in the presence of macrocyclic and fluorinated compounds”, Mendeleev Commun., 9:5 (1999), 180–181 |
1998 |
12. |
V. V. Yagov, A. S. Korotkov, B. K. Zuev, B. F. Myasoedov, “Drop-spark discharge: an atomization and excitation source for atomic emission sensors”, Mendeleev Commun., 8:4 (1998), 161–162 |
1997 |
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Yu. M. Kulyako, D. A. Malikov, M. K. Chmutova, M. N. Litvina, B. F. Myasoedov, “The use of 100”, Mendeleev Commun., 7:5 (1997), 193–195 |
14. |
Yu. M. Kulyako, D. A. Malikov, M. K. Chmutova, B. F. Myasoedov, “A new method of americium and curium extraction from nitric acid solutions using diphenyl[dibutylcarbamoylmethyl]phosphine oxide”, Mendeleev Commun., 7:4 (1997), 135–137 |
1996 |
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Yu. M. Kulyako, D. A. Malikov, T. I. Trofimov, B. F. Myasoedov, “A behavioural study of some transplutonium elements in condensed phosphate solutions”, Mendeleev Commun., 6:6 (1996), 226–228 |
16. |
Yu. M. Kulyako, D. A. Malikov, T. I. Trofimov, B. F. Myasoedov, “Behaviour of transplutonium and rare earth elements in acidic and alkaline solutions of potassium ferricyanide”, Mendeleev Commun., 6:5 (1996), 173–174 |
1994 |
17. |
E. S. Gryzlova, N. A. Kozyreva, B. F. Myasoedov, “Multicomponent Reciprocal Salt Systems of Metals: Determination of the Maximum Work of Chemical Exchange Reactions by the Differential Thermal Analysis Conversion Method”, Mendeleev Commun., 4:6 (1994), 228–230 |
1990 |
18. |
Л. А. Федоров, Б. Ф. Мясоедов, “Диоксины: химико-аналитические аспекты проблемы”, Усп. хим., 59:11 (1990), 1818–1866 ; L. A. Fedorov, B. F. Myasoedov, “Dioxins: analytical chemical aspects of the problem”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 59:11 (1990), 1063–1092 |
2023 |
19. |
Э. Э. Боос, С. Н. Дмитриев, Р. И. Илькаев, М. Г. Иткис, А. В. Карпов, В. Д. Кекелидзе, В. А. Матвеев, Б. Ф. Мясоедов, А. М. Сергеев, С. И. Сидорчук, Н. П. Тарасова, Г. В. Трубников, “Юрий Цолакович Оганесян (к 90-летию со дня рождения)”, УФН, 193:8 (2023), 909–910 ; E. E. Boos, S. N. Dmitriev, R. I. Il'kaev, M. G. Itkis, A. V. Karpov, V. D. Kekelidze, V. A. Matveev, B. F. Myasoedov, A. M. Sergeev, S. I. Sidorchuk, N. P. Tarasova, G. V. Trubnikov, “Yuri Tsolakovich Oganessian (on his 90th birthday)”, Phys. Usp., 66:8 (2023), 852–854 |
2011 |
20. |
М. П. Егоров, Б. Ф. Мясоедов, “Номер посвящен главному редактору журнала “Успехи химии” академику ОЛЕГУ МАТВЕЕВИЧУ НЕФЕДОВУ в связи с 80-летием”, Усп. хим., 80:11 (2011), 1057–1059 ; M. P. Egorov, B. F. Myasoedov, “The issue is dedicated to Editor-in-Chief of Russian Chemical Reviews Academician OLEG M NEFEDOV on the occasion of his 80th birthday”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 80:11 (2011), I |