A grid approximation of the boundary value problem for a singularly perturbed parabolic reaction-diffusion equation is considered in a domain with the boundaries moving along the axis x in the positive direction. For small values of the parameter ε (this is the coefficient of the higher order derivatives of the equation, ε∈(0,1]), a moving boundary layer appears in a neighborhood of the left lateral boundary SL1. In the case of stationary boundary layers, the classical finite difference schemes on piece-wise uniform grids condensing in the layers converge ε-uniformly at a rate of O(N−1lnN+N0), where N and N0 define the number of mesh points in x and t. For the problem examined in this paper, the classical finite difference schemes based on uniform grids converge only under the condition N−1+N−10≪ε. It turns out that, in the class of difference schemes on rectangular grids that are condensed in a neighborhood of SL1 with respect to x and t, the convergence under the condition N−1+N−10⩽ε1/2 cannot be achieved. Examination of widths that are similar to Kolmogorov's widths makes it possible to establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the ε-uniform convergence of approximations of the solution to the boundary value problem. These conditions are used to design a scheme that converges ε-uniformly at a rate of O(N−1lnN+N0).
Key words:
boundary value problem for parabolic equations, perturbation parameter ε, parabolic reaction-diffusion equation, finite difference approximation, moving boundary layer, Kolmogorov's width, ε-uniform convergence.
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