A diffusion filtering algorithm is proposed based on the solution to an initial-boundary value problem for the two-dimensional diffusion equation with a special nonlinear source.
This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
Shustova E.P., 12Th International Conference - Mesh Methods For Boundary: Value Problems and Applications, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 1158, IOP Publishing Ltd, 2019
Korotkin A.A., Maksimov A.A., “Cellular-local algorithm for localizing and estimating of changes in binary images”, Autom. Control Comp. Sci., 50:7 (2016), 453–459
A. A. Korotkin, A. A. Maksimov, “Kletochno-lokalnyi algoritm vydeleniya i otsenki izmenenii na binarnykh izobrazheniyakh”, Model. i analiz inform. sistem, 21:4 (2014), 64–74