Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2023 |
1. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Isogeny classes and endomorphism algebras of abelian varieties over finite fields”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 87:3 (2023), 56–74 ; Izv. Math., 87:3 (2023), 469–487 |
2. |
T. Bandman, Yu. G. Zarhin, “Automorphism groups of $\mathbb{P}^1$-bundles over a non-uniruled base”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 78:1(469) (2023), 3–66 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 78:1 (2023), 1–64 |
3. |
Tatiana Bandman, Yuri G. Zarhin, “Simple Complex Tori of Algebraic Dimension 0”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 320 (2023), 27–45 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 320 (2023), 21–38 |
2021 |
4. |
Vladimir L. Popov, Yuri G. Zarhin, “Root lattices in number fields”, Bull. Math. Sci., 11:3 (2021), 2050021–22 |
5. |
Vladimir L. Popov, Yuri G. Zarhin, “Root systems in number fields”, Indiana Univ. Math. J., 70:1 (2021), 285–300 |
6. |
B. M. Bekker, Yu. G. Zarhin, “Versal families of elliptic curves with rational 3-torsion”, Mat. Sb., 212:3 (2021), 6–19 ; Sb. Math., 212:3 (2021), 274–287 |
2020 |
7. |
V. L. Popov, Yu. G. Zarhin, “Rings of integers in number fields and root lattices”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 492 (2020), 58–61 ; Dokl. Math., 101:3 (2020), 221–223 |
2019 |
8. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Division by 2 on odd-degree hyperelliptic curves and their Jacobians”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 83:3 (2019), 93–112 ; Izv. Math., 83:3 (2019), 501–520 |
9. |
Yuri G. Zarhin, “Complex Tori, Theta Groups and Their Jordan Properties”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 307 (2019), 32–62 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 307 (2019), 22–50 |
2018 |
10. |
V. L. Popov, Yu. G. Zarhin, “Types of root systems in number fields”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 483:4 (2018), 363–365 ; Dokl. Math., 98:3 (2018), 600–602 |
2017 |
11. |
B. M. Bekker, Yu. G. Zarhin, “The divisibility by $2$ of rational points on elliptic curves”, Algebra i Analiz, 29:4 (2017), 196–239 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:4 (2018), 683–713 |
12. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Endomorphism rings of reductions of elliptic curves and Abelian varieties”, Algebra i Analiz, 29:1 (2017), 110–144 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:1 (2018), 81–106 |
2013 |
13. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “One-dimensional polynomial maps, periodic points and multipliers”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 77:4 (2013), 59–72 ; Izv. Math., 77:4 (2013), 700–713 |
2012 |
14. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Polynomials in One Variable and Ranks of Certain Tangent Maps”, Mat. Zametki, 91:4 (2012), 539–550 ; Math. Notes, 91:4 (2012), 508–516 |
2010 |
15. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Endomorphisms of Abelian varieties, cyclotomic extensions and Lie algebras”, Mat. Sb., 201:12 (2010), 93–102 ; Sb. Math., 201:12 (2010), 1801–1810 |
2009 |
16. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Absolutely Simple Prymians of Trigonal Curves”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 264 (2009), 212–223 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 264 (2009), 204–215 |
2003 |
17. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Homomorphisms of Hyperelliptic Jacobians”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 241 (2003), 90–104 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 241 (2003), 79–92 |
2002 |
18. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Very simple 2-adic representations and hyperelliptic Jacobians”, Mosc. Math. J., 2:2 (2002), 403–431 |
19. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Endomorphism rings of certain Jacobians in finite characteristic”, Mat. Sb., 193:8 (2002), 39–48 ; Sb. Math., 193:8 (2002), 1139–1149 |
2001 |
20. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “$p$-Adic abelian integrals and commutative lie groups”, Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Sovrem. Mat. Pril. Temat. Obz., 33 (2001), 251–264 ; J. Math. Sci., 81:3 (1996), 2744–2750 |
1996 |
21. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, A. Silverberg, “Rigidity theorems for abelian varieties”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 351:1 (1996), 9–10 |
22. |
A. Silverberg, Yu. G. Zarhin, “Hodge groups of abelian varieties with purely multiplicative reduction”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 60:2 (1996), 149–158 ; Izv. Math., 60:2 (1996), 379–389 |
1995 |
23. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Local heights and Néron pairings”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov., 208 (1995), 111–127 ; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 208 (1995), 100–114 |
1991 |
24. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Torsion and endomorphisms of Abelian varieties over infinite extensions of number fields”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 55:3 (1991), 658–669 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 38:3 (1992), 647–657 |
1985 |
25. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Representations of the Lie algebra $sl(2)$ in $l$-adic cohomologies”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 19:3 (1985), 65–66 ; Funct. Anal. Appl., 19:3 (1985), 217–218 |
1984 |
26. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Weights of simple Lie algebras in the cohomology of algebraic varieties”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 48:2 (1984), 264–304 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 24:2 (1985), 245–281 |
1982 |
27. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “The Brauer group of an Abelian variety over a finite field”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 46:2 (1982), 211–243 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 20:2 (1983), 203–234 |
1981 |
28. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Cohomologies of algebraic manifolds and representations of semisimple Lie algebras”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 15:4 (1981), 77–78 ; Funct. Anal. Appl., 15:4 (1981), 295–297 |
29. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “The equations defining the moduli of abelian varieties with endomorphisms from a totally real field”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 42 (1981), 3–49 |
1979 |
30. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Abelian varieties, $l$-adic representations and $\mathrm{SL}_2$”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 43:2 (1979), 294–308 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 14:2 (1980), 275–288 |
1977 |
31. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Torsion of Abelian varieties of finite characteristic”, Mat. Zametki, 22:1 (1977), 3–11 ; Math. Notes, 22:1 (1977), 493–498 |
32. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Endomorphisms of abelian varieties and points of finite order in characteristic $p$”, Mat. Zametki, 21:6 (1977), 737–744 ; Math. Notes, 21:6 (1977), 415–419 |
1976 |
33. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Abelian varieties in characteristic $p$”, Mat. Zametki, 19:3 (1976), 393–400 ; Math. Notes, 19:3 (1976), 240–244 |
1975 |
34. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Endomorphisms of abelian varieties over fields of finite characteristic”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 39:2 (1975), 272–277 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 9:2 (1975), 255–260 |
1974 |
35. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Finiteness theorem for isogenies of Abelian varieties over function fields of finite characteristic”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 8:4 (1974), 31–34 ; Funct. Anal. Appl., 8:4 (1974), 301–303 |
36. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “A remark on endomorphisms of abelian varieties over function fields of finite characteristic”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 38:3 (1974), 471–474 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 8:3 (1974), 477–480 |
37. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Noncommutative cohomologies and Mumford groups”, Mat. Zametki, 15:3 (1974), 415–419 ; Math. Notes, 15:3 (1974), 241–244 |
38. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Isogenies of Abelian varieties over fields of finite characteristic”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 95(137):3(11) (1974), 461–470 ; Math. USSR-Sb., 24:3 (1974), 451–461 |
1972 |
39. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Néron pairing and quasicharacters”, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 36:3 (1972), 497–509 ; Math. USSR-Izv., 6:3 (1972), 491–503 |
40. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, Yu. I. Manin, “Height on families of Abelian varieties”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 89(131):2(10) (1972), 171–181 ; Math. USSR-Sb., 18:2 (1972), 169–179 |
2023 |
41. |
F. A. Bogomolov, A. M. Vershik, S. V. Vostokov, S. O. Gorchinskiy, A. B. Zheglov, Yu. G. Zarhin, S. V. Konyagin, Vik. S. Kulikov, Yu. V. Nesterenko, D. O. Orlov, D. V. Osipov, I. A. Panin, V. P. Platonov, V. L. Popov, Yu. G. Prokhorov, A. L. Smirnov, “Alexey Nikolaevich Parshin (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 78:3(471) (2023), 165–169 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 78:3 (2023), 549–554 |
2021 |
42. |
V. A. Alexeev, C. Birkar, F. A. Bogomolov, Yu. G. Zarhin, V. V. Nikulin, D. O. Orlov, A. N. Parshin, Yu. G. Prokhorov, M. Reid, A. S. Tikhomirov, I. A. Cheltsov, “Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shokurov (on his 70th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 76:3(459) (2021), 189–192 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 76:3 (2021), 553–556 |
43. |
B. M. Bekker, Yu. G. Zarhin, “Letter to the editors”, Mat. Sb., 212:9 (2021), 164 |
2017 |
44. |
A. I. Aptekarev, A. L. Afendikov, F. I. Ataullakhanov, N. K. Balabaev, V. N. Biktashev, I. V. Biktasheva, R. M. Borisyuk, N. D. Vvedenskaya, R. D. Dagkesamanskii, Yu. G. Zarkhin, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, V. D. Lakhno, V. Yu. Lunin, N. L. Lunina, E. V. Nikolaev, V. S. Posvyanskii, M. A. Roitberg, V. S. Ryaben'kii, L. B. Ryashko, Ya. G. Sinai, V. M. Tikhomirov, A. A. Tokarev, A. G. Urzhumtsev, A. I. Khibnik, “To the memory of Èmmanuil Èl'evich Shnol'”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 72:1(433) (2017), 197–208 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 72:1 (2017), 185–198 |
2014 |
45. |
Yu. G. Zarhin, “Letter to the editors”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 78:4 (2014), 224 ; Izv. Math., 78:4 (2014), 854 |
2013 |
46. |
S. V. Vostokov, S. O. Gorchinskiy, A. B. Zheglov, Yu. G. Zarkhin, Yu. V. Nesterenko, D. O. Orlov, D. V. Osipov, V. L. Popov, A. G. Sergeev, I. R. Shafarevich, “Aleksei Nikolaevich Parshin (on his 70th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 68:1(409) (2013), 201–207 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 68:1 (2013), 189–197 |
2010 |
47. |
F. A. Bogomolov, Yu. G. Zarhin, Vik. S. Kulikov, Yu. I. Manin, V. V. Nikulin, D. O. Orlov, A. N. Parshin, Yu. G. Prokhorov, M. Reid, I. A. Cheltsov, “Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Shokurov (on his 60th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 65:6(396) (2010), 195–199 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 65:6 (2010), 1193–1198 |
2007 |
48. |
V. A. Vassiliev, Yu. G. Zarhin, V. A. Iskovskikh, D. B. Kaledin, Vik. S. Kulikov, Yu. I. Manin, D. O. Orlov, A. N. Parshin, I. R. Shafarevich, “Fedor Alekseevich Bogomolov (on his 60th birthday)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 62:6(378) (2007), 193–197 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 62:6 (2007), 1233–1237 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
Odd and Even Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication Yu. G. Zarhin
Arithmetic geometry seminar December 20, 2024 18:00
2. |
Non-isogenous elliptic curves (Zoom) Yu. G. Zarhin
“Numbers and functions” – Memorial conference for 80th birthday of Alexey Nikolaevich Parshin November 29, 2022 17:00
3. |
The most non-algebraic complex tori - an algebraic construction Yu. G. Zarhin
Algebra and geometry: conference on the occasion of V.S. Kulikov 70th
birthday May 23, 2022 13:10
4. |
Torsion points of order $2g+1$ on odd-degree genus $g$ hyperelliptic curves Yu. G. Zarhin
Shafarevich Seminar June 30, 2020 15:00
5. |
О теореме Жордана для групп автоморфизмов алгебраических и гладких многообразий Yu. G. Zarhin
Zykin Memorial Conference June 15, 2017 15:40
6. |
О теореме Жордана для групп автоморфизмов алгебраических и гладких многообразий Yu. G. Zarhin
Globus Seminar June 15, 2017 15:40
7. |
Compatible systems of $\ell$-adic representations arising from abelian varieties Yu. G. Zarhin
"Algebra, algebraic geometry, and number theory". Memorial conference for academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich June 6, 2017 14:30
8. |
Расслоения на коники, абелевы многообразия и жордановы группы Yu. G. Zarhin
Shafarevich Seminar February 14, 2017 15:00
9. |
Division by two on elliptic curves and hyperelliptic jacobians Yu. G. Zarhin
Arithmetic geometry seminar February 13, 2017 17:00
10. |
Families of abelian varieties with big monodromy Yu. G. Zarhin
Weekly seminar of Laboratory of algebraic geometry December 6, 2013 17:00
11. |
Абелевы многообразия с гомотетиями (и без) над полями конечной характеристики Yu. G. Zarhin
International conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich June 5, 2013 11:45
12. |
Opening address Yu. G. Zarhin
International conference "Arithmetic as Geometry: Parshin Fest" November 26, 2012 11:30
13. |
Гомоморфизмы абелевых многообразий над круговыми расширениями Yuri Zarhin
Weekly seminar of Laboratory of algebraic geometry March 11, 2011 17:00
14. |
On Hodge groups of superelliptic jacobians Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry March 9, 2011 13:00
15. |
Гомоморфизмы суперэллиптических якобианов над полем комплексных чисел и ранги абелевых многообразий в башнях функциональных полей Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department May 25, 2010 15:00
16. |
Families of hyperelliptic jacobians without complex multiplications Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department June 2, 2009 15:00
17. |
Теоремы конечности для группы Брауэра (по совместной работе с А. Н. Скоробогатовым) Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department May 6, 2007 15:00
18. |
Поверхности дель Пеццо степени 1 и якобианы Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department March 20, 2007 15:00
19. |
Кубические поверхности и трехмерные кубики, якобианы и промежуточные якобианы Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department October 17, 2006
20. |
Families of abelian varieties Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department December 27, 2005
21. |
Поверхности дель Пеццо и якобианы без комплексного умножения Yu. G. Zarhin
Seminar by Algebra Department December 28, 2004
Organisations |