List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2022 |
1. |
S. F. Dolbeeva, V. N. Pavlenko, S. V. Matveev, O. N. Dementiev, E. A. Sbrodova, A. A. Soloviev, V. I. Ukhobotov, V. E. Fedorov, A. A. Ershov, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 7:2 (2022), 135–138 ; |
2021 |
2. |
A. A. Bragina, V. L. Dilman, A. V. Herreinstein, M. M. Gol'denberg, V. V. Karachik, M. M. Kipnis, A. V. Kungurtseva, A. S. Makarov, E. V. Martynova, L. V. Matveeva, S. V. Matveev, L. D. Menikhes, V. A. Shtraus, G. A. Sviridyuk, P. B. Utkin, S. A. Zagrebina, V. I. Zalyapin, A. A. Zamyshlyaeva, et al., “Evnin Alexander Yurevich (September 24, 1960 – November 19, 2020)”, J. Comp. Eng. Math., 8:1 (2021), 74–48 |
2020 |
3. |
S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, “Recognition and tabulation of $3$-manifolds up to complexity $13$”, Chebyshevskii sb., 21:2 (2020), 290–300 ; |
2019 |
4. |
S. V. Matveev, “An example of the decomposition non-uniqueness for a 3-dimensional geometric object”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 4:3 (2019), 265–275 |
2018 |
5. |
A. Yu. Vesnin, S. V. Matveev, E. A. Fominykh, “New aspects of complexity theory for 3-manifolds”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:4 (2018), 615–660 |
2017 |
6. |
S. King, S. Matveev, V. Tarkaev, V. Turaev, “Dijkgraaf-Witten $Z_2$-invariants for Seifert manifolds”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 26:1 (2017), 1750006 , 7 pp. |
2018 |
7. |
A. A. Akimova, S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, “Classification of links of small complexity in a thickened torus”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 303, suppl. 1 (2018), 12–24 |
2017 |
8. |
J. Glock, C. Hog-Angeloni, S. Matveev, “2-Complexes and 3-Manifolds”, Advances in Two-Dimensional Homotopy and Combinatorial Group Theory, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, eds. W. Metzler, S. Rosebrock, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017, 103–127 |
9. |
A. Chernavski, D. Fuchs, S. Gusein-Zade, Yu. Ilyashenko, O. Karpenkov, A. Kirillov, S. Lando, S. Matveev, M. Skopenkov, V. Tikhomirov, M. Tsfasman, V. Vassiliev, “Alexei Bronislavovich Sossinsky turns 80”, Mosc. Math. J., 17:3 (2017), 555–558 |
10. |
S. M. Voronin, S. F. Dolbeeva, O. N. Dementiev, A. A. Ershov, M. G. Lepchinski, S. V. Matveev, N. B. Medvedeva, D. K. Potapov, E. A. Rozhdestvenskaya, E. A. Sbrodova, I. M. Sokolinskaya, A. A. Soloviev, V. I. Ukhobotov, V. E. Fedorov, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 2:4 (2017), 383–387 |
11. |
S. F. Dolbeeva, V. N. Pavlenko, S. V. Matveev, O. N. Dementiev, A. V. Mel'nikov, E. A. Sbrodova, A. A. Soloviev, V. I. Ukhobotov, V. E. Fedorov, E. A. Fominykh, A. A. Ershov, “Arlen Mikhaylovich Il’in. Towards 85th birthday”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 2:1 (2017), 5–9 |
2016 |
12. |
S. V. Matveev, L. R. Nabeeva, “Tabulating knots in the thickened Klein bottle”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 57:3 (2016), 542–548 |
2015 |
13. |
S. V. Matveev, V. G. Turaev, “Dijkgraaf-Witten Invariants over $Z_2$ for 3-Manifolds”, Doklady Mathematics, 91:1 (2015), 9–11 |
14. |
S. V. Matveev, “Mnogomernye mnogoobraziya i ob'edineniya vokselei”, Trudy Chetvertoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy” (Bannoe, 25 fevralya–1 marta 2015 g.), eds. Yu.S. Popkov, A.V. Melnikov, Chelyabinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Chelyabinsk, 2015, 19 |
2014 |
15. |
A. A. Akimova, S. V. Matveev, “Classification of genus 1 virtual knots having at most five classical crossings”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 23:6 (2014), 1450031 , 19 pp.
16. |
S. V. Matveev, D. O. Nikolaev, “The structure of 3-manifolds of complexity zero”, Doklady Mathematics, 89:2 (2014), 143–145 |
17. |
S. V. Matveev, “Zadanie trekhmernykh ob'ektov v pamyati kompyutera”, Trudy Tretei mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy” (Bannoe, 26 fevralya–2 marta 2014 g.), eds. Yu.S. Popkov, A.V. Melnikov, Chelyabinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Chelyabinsk, 2014, 38–39 |
2015 |
18. |
V. I. Berdyshev, V. V. Vasin, S. V. Matveev, A. A. Makhnev, Yu. N. Subbotin, N. N. Subbotina, V. N. Ushakov, M. Yu. Khachai, A. G. Chentsov, “Ivan Ivanovich Eremin”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 289:Supplement 1 (2015), 1–8 |
2013 |
19. |
S. V. Matveev, A. V. Chernavskii, “O teoreme L.V. Keldysh i mnogokanalnoi svyazi”, Trudy Vtoroi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii “Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy” (Bannoe, 27 fevralya–3 marta 2013 g.), eds. A.V. Melnikov, Chelyabinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Chelyabinsk, 2013, 9–10 |
2012 |
20. |
S. V. Matveev, “Roots and decompositions of three-dimensional topological objects”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 67:3 (2012), 459–507 |
21. |
S. V. Matveev, “Moves on special spines”, Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2012, no. 15, 129–133 |
2014 |
22. |
A. A. Akimova, S. V. Matveev, “Classification of Knots of Small Complexity in Thickened Tori”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 202:1 (2014), 1–12 |
2012 |
23. |
S. V. Matveev, “Prime decompositions of knots in $T^{2}\times I$”, Topology and its Applications, 159:7 (2012), 1820–1824
24. |
S. V. Matveev, “Kompyuternoe predstavlenie trekhmernykh mnogoobrazii i vokselnye izobrazheniya”, Materialy Pervoi Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Informatsionnye tekhnologii i sistemy” (Bannoe, 28 fevralya–4 marta 2012 g.), eds. V. A. Melnikov, Chelyabinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Chelyabinsk, 2012, 16–19 |
25. |
P. Korablev, S. Matveev, “Five lectures on 3-manifold topology”, Strasbourg Master Class on Geometry, IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 18, eds. A. Papadopoulos, European Mathematical Society, Zurich, 2012, 255–284 |
26. |
S. V. Matveev, “Kompyuternoe tabulirovanie trekhmernykh mnogoobrazii”, First Yaroslavl Summer School on Discrete and Computational Geometry. Lecture Notes, Delaunay Library, 1, Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, 2012, 147–163 |
2011 |
27. |
S. Matveev, V. Turaev, “A semigroup of theta-curves in 3-manifolds”, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 11:4 (2011), 805–814
28. |
A. Yu. Vesnin, S. V. Matveev, E. A. Fominykh, “Complexity of 3-dimensional manifolds: exact values and estimates”, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 8 (2011), 341–364 |
29. |
F. G. Korablev, S. V. Matveev, “Reduction of knots in thickened surfaces and virtual knots”, Doklady Mathematics, 83:2 (2011), 262–264 |
30. |
S. V. Matveev, “On prime decompositions of knots in thickened surfaces”, Bulletin of Kemerovo State University, 2011, 67–72 |
2012 |
31. |
N. N. Krasovskii, I. I. Eremin, A. M. Il'in, A. V. Kryazhimskii, A. B. Kurzhanskii, V. I. Berdyshev, V. V. Vasin, A. A. Makhnev, S. V. Matveev, Yu. N. Subbotin, A. G. Chentsov, V. N. Ushakov, V. V. Kabanov, V. I. Maksimov, “On the 75th birthday of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yurii Sergeevich Osipov”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 276:Supplement 1 (2012), S1–S3 |
2010 |
32. |
S. V. Matveev, “Decomposition of homologically trivial knots in $F\times I$”, Doklady Mathematics, 82:1 (2010), 511–513 |
2009 |
33. |
S. Matveev, M. Polyak, “A simple formula for the Casson-Walker invariant”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 18:6 (2009), 841–864
34. |
S. Matveev, C. Petronio, A. Vesnin, “Two-sided asymptotic bounds for the complexity of some closed hyperbolic three-manifolds”, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 86:2 (2009), 205–219
35. |
F. G. Korablëv, S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, “O trekhmernykh mnogoobraziyakh roda 2”, Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Matematika, mekhanika, informatika, 2009, no. 20, 105–121 |
36. |
S. V. Matveev, “Virtual 3-manifolds”, Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, 6 (2009), 518–521 |
37. |
F. G. Korablev, S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, Vestnik Chelyabinsk. Gos. Univ., 2009, no. 11, 105–121 |
2008 |
38. |
C. Hog-Angeloni, S. Matveev, “Roots in 3-manifold topology”, Geometry & Topology Monographs, 14 (2008), 295–319
2007 |
39. |
A. Yu. Vesnin, S. V. Matveev, C. Petronio, “Two-sided complexity bounds for Löbell manifolds”, Doklady Mathematics, 76:2 (2007), 689–691 |
40. |
S. V. Matveev, Algoritmicheskaya topologiya i klassifikatsiya trekhmernykh mnogoobrazii, Moskovskii tsentr nepreryvnogo matematicheskogo obrazovaniya, Moskva, 2007 , 456 pp. |
41. |
S. Matveev, Algorithmic Topology and Classification of 3-Manifolds, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, 9, Second Edition, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007 , xiv+492 pp.
42. |
A. V. Chernavskii, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, S. K. Lando, S. V. Matveev, M. A. Tsfasman, V. A. Vassiliev, “Alexei Bronislavovich Sossinsky”, Moscow Mathematical Journal, 7:4 (2007), 763–764 |
2006 |
43. |
C. Hog-Angeloni, S. Matveev, A. Mednykh, W. Metzler, “Workshop on geometry and topology of three-dimensional manifolds”, Sibirskie elektronnye matematicheskie izvestiya, 3 (2006), A.1–A.3 |
2005 |
44. |
S. V. Matveev, “Tabulation of three-dimensional manifolds”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 60:4 (2005), 673–698 |
45. |
S. V. Matveev, “Recognition and tabulation of 3-manifolds”, Doklady Mathematics, 71:1 (2005), 20–22 |
2004 |
46. |
S. Matveev, A. Perfilyev, “Periodicity of the degrees of maps between seifert manifolds”, Doklady Mathematics, 69:2 (2004), 225–227 |
2003 |
47. |
S. Matveev, M. Polyak, “Finite-type invariants of cubic complexes”, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 75:1-3 (2003), 125–132
48. |
S. Matveev, Algorithmic Topology and Classification of 3-Manifolds, Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics, 9, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003 , xii+478 pp.
2006 |
49. |
S. V. Matveev, Lectures on Algebraic Topology, EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics, 3, European Mathematical Society, Zurich, 2006 , viii+99 pp. |
2003 |
50. |
S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, “Kompyuternaya klassifikatsiya rasshirennykh diagramm khegora”, Vestnik Chelyabinskogo universiteta. Seriya 3. Matematika, mekhanika, informatika, 2(8) (2003), 146–152 |
51. |
S. V. Matveev, V. V. Tarkaev, Vestnik Chelyabinsk. Gos. Univ., 2003, no. 8, 146–152 |
52. |
T. B. Bigil'deeva, S. V. Matveev, A. F. Shorikov, Vestnik Chelyabinsk. Gos. Univ., 2003, no. 8, 5–12 |
2002 |
53. |
S. V. Matveev, E. A. Fominykh, “Normal surfaces in 3-manifolds”, Doklady Mathematics, 65:3 (2002), 429–432 |
54. |
S. Matveev, M. Polyak, “Cubic complexes and finite type invariants”, Geometry & Topology Monographs, 4 (2002), 215–233
2001 |
55. |
S. V. Matveev, E. L. Pervova, “Lower bounds on the complexity of three-dimensional manifolds”, Doklady Mathematics, 63:3 (2001), 314–315 |
56. |
S. V. Matveev, “Algorithmic classification of 3-manifolds and knots”, Gazette des Mathematiciens, 89 (2001), 49–61 |
57. |
C. Hayat-Legrand, S. Matveev, H. Zieschang, “Computer calculation of the degree of maps into the Poincare homology sphere”, Experimental Mathematics, 10:4 (2001), 497–508
58. |
S. V. Matveev, “On invariants of Turaev-Viro type”, Atti del Seminario matematico e fisico dell'Università di Modena, 49 (2001), 155–166 |
2003 |
59. |
S. V. Matveev, “Complexity of three-dimensional manifolds”, Proceedings of the Conference “Geometry and Applications" dedicated to the seventieth birthday of V. A. Toponogov, Siberian Advances in Mathematics, 13, no. 3, 2003 |
2001 |
60. |
S. Matveev, “Computer Presentation of 3-Manifolds”, Digital and Image Geometry, Advanced Lectures, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2243, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001, 59–74 |
2000 |
61. |
S. V. Matveev, “Computer classification of 3-manifolds”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 7:3 (2000), 319–329 |
62. |
S. Matveev, A. Oshemkov, A. Tuzhilin, “On a topological obstruction for constructing hyperbolic structures”, Proceedings of the International Conference “Low-dimensional topology and combinatorial group theory” (Chelyabinsk, 31 july – 7 august 1999), Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, 2000, 227–233 |
2003 |
63. |
S. V. Matveev, M. A. Ovchinnikov, M. V. Sokolov, “Construction and properties of the $t$-invariant”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 113:6 (2003), 849–855 |
1999 |
64. |
S. V. Matveev, “Algorithmic Classification of 3-Manifolds: Problems and Results”, Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 225 (1999), 250–260 |
65. |
S. Matveev, D. Rolfsen, “Spines and embeddings of $n$-manifolds”, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 59:1 (1999), 359–368 |
1998 |
66. |
S. V. Matveev, “Generalized graph manifolds and their effective recognition”, Sbornik: Mathematics, 189:10 (1998), 1517–1531 |
67. |
S. V. Matveev, “Computer recognition of three-manifolds”, Experimental Mathematics, 7:2 (1998), 153–161
68. |
S. V. Matveev, A. T. Fomenko, Algoritmicheskie i kompyuternye metody v trekhmernoi topologii, Kibernetika – neogranichennye vozmozhnosti i vozmozhnye ogranicheniya, vtoroe izdanie, Nauka, Moskva, 1998 , 302 pp. |
1997 |
69. |
S. V. Matveev, “Classification of sufficiently large three-dimensional manifolds”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 52:5 (1997), 1029–1055 |
70. |
S. V. Matveev, “On the recognition problem for Haken 3-manifolds”, The proceedings of the Workshop on Differential Geometry and Topology (Palermo (Italy), June 3–9, 1996), Supplemento ai Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 49, no. 2, 1997, 131–148 |
71. |
A. T. Fomenko, S. V. Matveev, Algorithmic and Computer Methods for Three-Manifolds, Mathematics and Its Applications, 425, Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, 1997 , xii+337 pp.
1999 |
72. |
S. V. Matveev, M. V. Sokolov, “On a simple invariant of Turaev-Viro type”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 94:2 (1999), 1226–1229 |
1995 |
73. |
S. V. Matveev, “An algorithm for the recognition of 3-spheres (according to Thompson)”, Sbornik: Mathematics, 186:5 (1995), 695–710 |
1994 |
74. |
S. Matveev, M. Polyak, “On a tangle presentation of the mapping class groups of surfaces”, Contemporary Mathematics, 164 (1994), 219–229
75. |
S. Matveev, M. Polyak, “A geometrical presentation of the surface mapping class group and surgery”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 160:3 (1994), 537–550
76. |
D. Gillman, S. Matveev, D. Rolfsen, “Collapsing and reconstruction of manifolds”, Contemporary Mathematics, 164 (1994), 35–39
77. |
S. V. Matveev, T. Nowik, “On 3-Manifolds having the same Turaev-Viro invariants”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2:3 (1994), 317–324 |
1995 |
78. |
S. V. Matveev, “Three-manifolds. Classical results”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 74:1 (1995), 834–860 |
1993 |
79. |
S. Matveev, D. Rolfsen, “Zeeman's collapsing conjecture”, Two-dimensional homotopy and combinatorial group theory, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, 197, Cambridge University Press, 1993, 335–364
1991 |
80. |
S. V. Matveev, A. T. Fomenko, Algoritmicheskie i kompyuternye metody v trekhmernoi topologii, Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova, Moskva, 1991 , 301 pp. |
1990 |
81. |
A. V. Bolsinov, S. V. Matveev, A. T. Fomenko, “Topological classification of integrable Hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom. List of systems of small complexity”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 45:2 (1990), 59–94 |
82. |
S. V. Matveev, “Complexity theory of three-dimensional manifolds”, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 19:2 (1990), 101–130
1989 |
83. |
S. V. Matveev, “Additivity of complexity and Haken’s method in the topology of three-dimensional manifolds”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 41:9 (1989), 1063–1068 |
1988 |
84. |
S. V. Matveev, A. T. Fomenko, “Morse-type theory for integrable Hamiltonian systems with tame integrals”, Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 43:5 (1988), 382–386 |
85. |
S. V. Matveev, A. T. Fomenko, “Constant energy surfaces of Hamiltonian systems, enumeration of three-dimensional manifolds in increasing order of complexity, and computation of volumes of closed hyperbolic manifolds”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 43:1 (1988), 3–24 |
1989 |
86. |
S. V. Matveev, A. T. Fomenko, V. V. Sharko, “Round Morse functions and isoenergy surfaces of integrable Hamiltonian systems”, Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 63:2 (1989), 319–336 |
87. |
S. V. Matveev, “Complexity of three-dimensional manifolds and their enumeration in the order of increasing complexity”, Soviet Mathematics. Doklady, 38:1 (1989), 75–78 |
1988 |
88. |
S. V. Matveev, “Slozhnost geometricheskikh mnogoobrazii”, Sbornik nauchnykh trudov “Nekotorye voprosy analiza i differentsialnoi topologii”, Institut matematiki Akademii nauk USSR, 1988, 48–55 |
89. |
S. V. Matveev, Teoriya slozhnosti trekhmernykh mnogoobrazii, Preprint № 88.13, Institut matematiki Akademii nauk USSR, Kiev, 1988 , 32 pp. |
90. |
S. V. Matveev, Spetsialnye spainy i teoriya slozhnosti 3-mnogoobrazii, dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, MGU, Moskva, 1988 , 300 pp. |
91. |
S. V. Matveev, “Transformations of special spines and the Zeeman conjecture”, Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya, 31:2 (1988), 423–434 |
1987 |
92. |
S. V. Matveev, “Generalized surgery of three-dimensional manifolds and representations of homology spheres”, Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 42:2 (1987), 651–656 |
93. |
S. V. Matveev, “Universal 3-deformations of special polyhedra”, Russian Mathematical Surveys, 42:3 (1987), 226–227 |
94. |
S. V. Matveev, “Zeeman's conjecture for unthickened special polyhedra is equivalent to the Andrews-Curtis conjecture”, Siberian Mathematical Journal, 28:6 (1987), 917–928 |
95. |
S. V. Matveev, “Structure of the second homotopy group of the union of two spaces”, Journal of Soviet Mathematics, 37:3 (1987), 1135–1141 |
1984 |
96. |
S. V. Matveev, Algebraicheskaya topologiya: metodicheskie ukazaniya, Chelyabinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Chelyabinsk, 1984 , 24 pp. |
1983 |
97. |
S. V. Matveev, “Raspravlenie konturov na ploskosti”, Kvant, 1983, no. 4, 22–28 |
1984 |
98. |
S. V. Matveev, “Distributive groupoids in knot theory”, Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 47:1 (1984), 73–83 |
1981 |
99. |
A. L. Zil'berg, S. V. Matveev, “Relations in the homeotropy group of a complete pretzel and the group of plat braids”, Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 29:4 (1981), 290–295 |
1980 |
100. |
S. V. Matveev, “Trekhmernye mnogoobraziya, skonstruirovannye na zamknutykh tsepochkakh”, Prikladnaya matematika. Tematicheskii sbornik nauchnykh trudov, 252, Chelyabinskii politekhnicheskii institut, Chelyabinsk, 1980, 79–82 |
1975 |
101. |
S. V. Matveev, “Odin sposob zadaniya 3-mnogoobrazii”, Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 1: Matematika. Mekhanika., 1975, no. 3, 11–20 |
102. |
A. V. Chernavskii, S. V. Matveev, Sovremennaya topologiya mnogoobrazii, Voronezhskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Voronezh, 1975 , 70 pp. |
1974 |
103. |
S. V. Matveev, V. V. Savvateev, “Trekhmernye mnogoobraziya, imeyuschie prostye spetsialnye ostovy”, Colloquium Mathematicum, 32:1 (1974), 83–97
104. |
A. V. Chernavskii,S. V. Matveev, Osnovy topologii mnogoobrazii, Nauchnye trudy, 192, Kubanskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, Krasnodar, 1974 , 176 pp. |
1973 |
105. |
S. V. Matveev, “Special spines of piecewise linear manifolds”, Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 21:2 (1973), 279–291 |
106. |
S. V. Matveev, Spetsialnye spainy kusochno-lineinykh mnogoobrazii, dissertatsiya na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, MGU, Moskva, 1973 , 88 pp. |
1972 |
107. |
S. V. Matveev, “Approksimatsiya vlozhenii mnogoobrazii lokalno ploskimi v korazmernosti bolshe dvukh”, Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 1: Matematika. Mekhanika., 1972, no. 6, 53–57 |