Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
A. E. Petrova, S. Yu. Gavrilkin, S. S. Khasanov, V. A. Stepanov, S. M. Stishov, “Магнетосопротивление объемного образца FeSi”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 120:11 (2024), 871–876 |
2. |
S. M. Stishov, “On the thermodynamics of simple systems”, UFN, 194:9 (2024), 967–973 ; Phys. Usp., 67:9 (2024), 912–918 |
3. |
S. M. Stishov, “Notes on the properties of helium”, UFN, 194:4 (2024), 360–364 ; Phys. Usp., 67:4 (2024), 338–342 |
2023 |
4. |
S. M. Stishov, A. E. Petrova, “Thermodynamic, elastic, and electronic properties of substances with a chiral crystal structure: MnSi, FeSi, and CoSi”, UFN, 193:6 (2023), 614–624 ; Phys. Usp., 66:6 (2023), 576–585 |
2021 |
5. |
S. M. Stishov, A. E. Petrova, “Spin fluctuations and negative heat capacity (brief review)”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 114:5 (2021), 318–322 ; JETP Letters, 114:5 (2021), 269–273 |
2019 |
6. |
S. M. Stishov, “Mysteries of diamond synthesis at the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union”, UFN, 189:7 (2019), 752–758 ; Phys. Usp., 62:7 (2019), 704–710 |
7. |
S. M. Stishov, “Quantum effects in a system of Boltzmann hard spheres”, UFN, 189:6 (2019), 659–664 ; Phys. Usp., 62:6 (2019), 617–622 |
2018 |
8. |
S. M. Stishov, “Crystallization of a “Boltzmann” system of quantum hard spheres”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 107:9 (2018), 574–577 ; JETP Letters, 107:9 (2018), 549–552 |
2017 |
9. |
S. M. Stishov, A. E. Petrova, “Helical itinerant MnSi magnet: magnetic phase transition”, UFN, 187:12 (2017), 1365–1374 ; Phys. Usp., 60:12 (2017), 1268–1276 |
2016 |
10. |
S. M. Stishov, “Notes on phase transitions and the role of spin fluctuations”, UFN, 186:9 (2016), 953–956 ; Phys. Usp., 59:9 (2016), 866–868 |
2011 |
11. |
S. M. Stishov, A. E. Petrova, “Itinerant helimagnet MnSi”, UFN, 181:11 (2011), 1157–1170 ; Phys. Usp., 54:11 (2011), 1117–1130 |
2005 |
12. |
P. I. Arseev, S. V. Demishev, V. N. Ryzhov, S. M. Stishov, “Strongly correlated electron systems and quantum critical phenomena”, UFN, 175:10 (2005), 1125–1139 ; Phys. Usp., 48:10 (2005), 1071–1084 |
2004 |
13. |
S. M. Stishov, “Quantum phase transitions”, UFN, 174:8 (2004), 853–860 ; Phys. Usp., 47:8 (2004), 789–795 |
2002 |
14. |
S. M. Stishov, “The discovery story”, UFN, 172:4 (2002), 473–475 ; Phys. Usp., 45:4 (2002), 433–435 |
2001 |
15. |
S. M. Stishov, “Quantum effects in condensed matter at high pressure”, UFN, 171:3 (2001), 299–305 ; Phys. Usp., 44:3 (2001), 285–290 |
1988 |
16. |
A. B. Bykov, L. N. Dem’yanets, I. P. Zibrov, G. V. Kanunnikov, O. K. Melnikov, S. M. Stishov, “Crystallization of the high-temperature superconducting material consisting of nonstoichiometric melts”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 300:3 (1988), 611–613 |
17. |
S. M. Stishov, “Entropy, disorder, melting”, UFN, 154:1 (1988), 93–122 ; Phys. Usp., 31:1 (1988), 52–67 |
1979 |
18. |
S. M. Stishov, “Recent events in the physics of high pressures”, UFN, 127:4 (1979), 719–721 ; Phys. Usp., 22:4 (1979), 283–285 |
1978 |
19. |
S. M. Stishov, “Does metallic ammonium exist? (From old and new literature)”, UFN, 125:4 (1978), 731–732 ; Phys. Usp., 21:8 (1978), 719–720 |
1974 |
20. |
S. M. Stishov, “The thermodynamics of melting of simple substances”, UFN, 114:1 (1974), 3–40 ; Phys. Usp., 17:5 (1975), 625–643 |
1968 |
21. |
S. M. Stishov, “Melting at high pressures”, UFN, 96:3 (1968), 467–496 ; Phys. Usp., 11:6 (1969), 816–830 |
2019 |
22. |
I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, V. E. Zakharov, N. A. Inogamov, I. V. Kolokolov, E. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Lebedev, S. P. Novikov, R. Z. Sagdeev, A. A. Starobinskii, S. M. Stishov, V. E. Fortov, I. M. Khalatnikov, “In memory of Sergei Ivanovich Anisimov”, UFN, 189:12 (2019), 1367–1368 ; Phys. Usp., 62:12 (2019), 1282–1283 |
2017 |
23. |
B. M. Bolotovskii, M. A. Vasiliev, B. L. Voronov, A. V. Gurevich, K. P. Zybin, N. S. Kardashev, A. I. Nikishov, M. A. Solov'ev, S. M. Stishov, I. V. Tyutin, V. E. Fortov, A. E. Shabad, “Vladimir Ivanovich Ritus (on his 90th birthday)”, UFN, 187:7 (2017), 799–800 ; Phys. Usp., 60:7 (2017), 743–744 |
2008 |
24. |
S. M. Stishov, “The Institute for High Pressure Physics is now 50 (opening address)”, UFN, 178:10 (2008), 1095–1099 ; Phys. Usp., 51:10 (2008), 1055–1059 |
25. |
A. F. Andreev, A. I. Buzdin, A. A. Varlamov, Yu. Kh. Vekilov, L. P. Gor'kov, I. E. Dzyaloshinskii, Yu. M. Kagan, S. I. Mukhin, Yu. A. Osip'yan, L. P. Pitaevskii, S. M. Stishov, L. A. Falkovsky, “Aleksei Alekseevich Abrikosov (on his 80th birthday)”, UFN, 178:6 (2008), 669–670 ; Phys. Usp., 51:6 (2008), 637–638 |
2004 |
26. |
S. V. Demishev, V. N. Ryzhov, S. M. Stishov, “Strongly correlated electron systems and quantum critical phenomena (11 April 2003, Troitsk, Moscow Region)”, UFN, 174:4 (2004), 449–456 ; Phys. Usp., 47:4 (2004), 401–407 |
2000 |
27. |
N. A. Bendeliani, G. B. Demishev, T. I. Dyuzheva, G. N. Ermolaev, E. S. Itskevich, T. N. Kolobyanina, Yu. S. Konyaev, Z. V. Malyushitskaya, S. V. Popova, S. M. Stishov, “In memory of Sarra Samsonovna Kabalkina”, UFN, 170:4 (2000), 467–468 ; Phys. Usp., 43:4 (2000), 425–426 |
1999 |
28. |
A. F. Andreev, B. M. Bolotovskii, V. L. Ginzburg, N. S. Kardashov, L. V. Keldysh, A. D. Linde, V. I. Ritus, Yu. A. Romanov, A. N. Skrinsky, S. M. Stishov, M. M. Fiks, G. V. Shpatakovskaya, “In memory of David Abramovich Kirzhnits”, UFN, 169:1 (1999), 107–108 ; Phys. Usp., 42:1 (1999), 99–100 |
29. |
S. M. Stishov, “In memory of Leonid Alexandrovich Falkovsky”, UFN, 0 |