Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2015 |
1. |
A. Borichev, A. Hartmann, K. Kellay, X. Massaneda, “Multiple sampling and interpolation in the classical Fock space”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 434 (2015), 53–56 ; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 215:5 (2016), 574–576 |
2009 |
2. |
A. Borichev, Yu. Lyubarskiĭ, E. Malinnikova, P. Thomas, “Radial growth of functions in the Korenblum space”, Algebra i Analiz, 21:6 (2009), 47–65 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 21:6 (2010), 877–891 |
2002 |
3. |
A. Borichev, “On convolution equations with restrictions on supports”, Algebra i Analiz, 14:2 (2002), 1–10 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 14:2 (2003), 179–187 |
1995 |
4. |
A. A. Borichev, A. L. Vol'berg, “The finiteness of limit cycles, and uniqueness theorems for asymptotically holomorphic functions”, Algebra i Analiz, 7:3 (1995), 43–75 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 7:3 (1996), 343–368 |
1992 |
5. |
A. A. Borichev, “Analytic quasi-analyticity and asymptotically holomorphic functions”, Algebra i Analiz, 4:2 (1992), 70–87 ; St. Petersburg Math. J., 4:2 (1993), 259–272 |
1989 |
6. |
A. A. Borichev, “The generalized Fourier transform, the Titchmarsh theorem and almost analytic functions”, Algebra i Analiz, 1:4 (1989), 17–53 ; Leningrad Math. J., 1:4 (1990), 825–857 |
7. |
A. A. Borichev, A. L. Vol'berg, “Uniqueness theorems for almost analytic functions”, Algebra i Analiz, 1:1 (1989), 146–177 ; Leningrad Math. J., 1:1 (1990), 157–191 |
8. |
A. A. Borichev, “Convolution equations and the structure of $1$- and $2$-invariant
subspaces in the scale of spaces of rough growth”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 304:4 (1989), 788–792 ; Dokl. Math., 39:1 (1989), 140–144 |
1988 |
9. |
A. A. Borichev, “Boundary uniqueness theorems for almost analytic functions, and asymmetric algebras of sequences”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 136(178):3(7) (1988), 324–340 ; Math. USSR-Sb., 64:2 (1989), 323–338 |
1986 |
10. |
A. A. Borichev, “Сверточные уравнения в пространствах последовательностей с экспоненциальным ограничением роста”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 149 (1986), 107–115 |
1990 |
11. |
A. A. Borichev, “Letter to the editors”, Algebra i Analiz, 2:5 (1990), 236–237 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
Organisations |