Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2025 |
1. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kaschenko, I. N. Maslenikov, “Dynamics of second-order equations with implulse-type delayed feedback”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 80:1(481) (2025), 159–160 |
2024 |
2. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kaschenko, I. N. Maslenikov, “Stability of solutions to the logistic equation with delay, diffusion, and nonclassical boundary conditions”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 517 (2024), 101–108 ; Dokl. Math., 109:3 (2024), 275–281 |
3. |
S. A. Kaschenko, A. O. Tolbey, “Quasinormal forms for systems of two equations with large delay”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 32:6 (2024), 782–795 |
4. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Chains with Diffusion-Type Couplings Containing a Large Delay”, Mat. Zametki, 115:3 (2024), 355–370 ; Math. Notes, 115:3 (2024), 323–335 |
5. |
Sergey A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotics of Self-Oscillations in Chains of Systems
of Nonlinear Equations” |
6. |
S. V. Aleshin, D. S. Glyzin, S. A. Kaschenko, “Wave propagation in the Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piscounov–Fisher equation with delay”, TMF, 220:3 (2024), 415–435 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 220:3 (2024), 1411–1428 |
2023 |
7. |
S. A. Kaschenko, D. S. Kosterin, S. D. Glyzin, “A family of piecewise-smooth solutions of a class of spatially distributed equations”, CMFD, 69:2 (2023), 263–275 |
8. |
S. A. Kaschenko, A. O. Tolbey, “Dynamics of a system of two equations with a large delay”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 513 (2023), 51–56 ; Dokl. Math., 108:2 (2023), 369–373 |
9. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of full-coupled chains of a great number of oscillators with a large delay in couplings”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 31:4 (2023), 523–542 |
10. |
S. A. Kaschenko, A. O. Tolbey, “Bifurcations in the Logistic Equation with Diffusion and Delay in the Boundary Condition”, Mat. Zametki, 113:6 (2023), 940–944 ; Math. Notes, 113:6 (2023), 869–873 |
11. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kaschenko, “Local dynamics of the model of a semiconductor laser with delay”, TMF, 215:2 (2023), 232–241 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 215:2 (2023), 658–666 |
12. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of chains of many oscillators with unidirectional and bidirectional delay coupling”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 63:10 (2023), 1617–1636 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 63:10 (2023), 1817–1836 |
2022 |
13. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Quasi-normal forms in the problem of vibrations of pedestrian bridges”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 506 (2022), 49–53 ; Dokl. Math., 106:2 (2022), 343–347 |
14. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of the chain of logistic equations with delay and antidiffusive linkage”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 502 (2022), 23–27 ; Dokl. Math., 105:1 (2022), 18–22 |
15. |
S. A. Kaschenko, D. O. Loginov, “The influence of external environment resistance coefficient on population dynamics”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2022, no. 1, 65–73 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 66:1 (2022), 53–61 |
16. |
E. V. Grigoryeva, S. A. Kaschenko, “Local dynamics of laser chain model with optoelectronic delayed unidirectional coupling”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 30:2 (2022), 189–207 |
17. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of the Relaxation Cycle in the Modified Logistic Equation with Delay”, Mat. Zametki, 112:1 (2022), 143–147 ; Math. Notes, 112:1 (2022), 154–158 |
2021 |
18. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Construction of families of equations to describe irregular solutions in the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam problem”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 501 (2021), 52–56 ; Dokl. Math., 104:3 (2021), 360–364 |
19. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of Spatially Distributed Chains of Coupled Systems of Equations in a Two-Dimensional Domain”, Mat. Zametki, 110:5 (2021), 715–725 ; Math. Notes, 110:5 (2021), 709–717 |
20. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Comparative dynamics of chains of coupled van der Pol equations and coupled systems of van der Pol equations”, TMF, 207:2 (2021), 277–292 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 207:2 (2021), 640–654 |
21. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Corporate dynamics in chains of coupled logistic equations with delay”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 61:7 (2021), 1070–1081 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 61:7 (2021), 1063–1074 |
2020 |
22. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Bifurcations in a delay logistic equation under small perturbations”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2020, no. 10, 47–64 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 64:10 (2020), 43–58 |
23. |
S. A. Kaschenko, D. O. Loginov, “Estimation of the region of global stability of the equilibrium state of the logistic equation with delay”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2020, no. 9, 39–55 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 64:9 (2020), 34–49 |
24. |
E. V. Grigorieva, S. A. Kashchenko, “Normalized boundary value problems in the model of optoelectronic oscillator delayed”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 28:4 (2020), 361–382 |
25. |
S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kaschenko, A. O. Tolbey, “Features of the algorithmic implementation of difference analogues of the logistic equation with delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 27:3 (2020), 344–355 |
26. |
S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kashchenko, “Family of finite-dimensional maps induced by a logistic equation with a delay”, Mat. Model., 32:3 (2020), 19–46 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 12:6 (2020), 856–873 |
27. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Local Dynamics of Chains of Van der Pol Coupled Systems”, Mat. Zametki, 108:6 (2020), 936–940 ; Math. Notes, 108:6 (2020), 901–905 |
28. |
S. A. Kashchenko, D. O. Loginov, “Andronov–Hopf Bifurcation in Logistic Delay Equations with Diffusion and Rapidly Oscillating Coefficients”, Mat. Zametki, 108:1 (2020), 47–63 ; Math. Notes, 108:1 (2020), 50–63 |
29. |
D. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of a System of Two Simple Self-Excited Oscillators with Delayed Step-by-Step Feedback”, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 16:1 (2020), 23–43 |
30. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Bifurcations in spatially distributed chains of two-dimensional systems of equations”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 75:6(456) (2020), 171–172 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 75:6 (2020), 1153–1155 |
31. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic behavior of rapidly oscillating solutions of the modified
Camassa–Holm equation”, TMF, 203:1 (2020), 40–55 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 203:1 (2020), 469–482 |
32. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of regular solutions to the Camassa–Holm problem”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 60:2 (2020), 253–266 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 60:2 (2020), 258–271 |
2019 |
33. |
S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kashchenko, A. O. Tolbey, “Equations with the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and dislocations nonlinearity”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 27:4 (2019), 52–70 |
34. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of equation with two delays modelling the number of population”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 27:2 (2019), 21–38 |
35. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Homogenization over the spatial variable in nonlinear parabolic systems”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 80:1 (2019), 63–86 ; Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 80 (2019), 53–71 |
36. |
S. A. Kashchenko, D. O. Loginov, “Bifurcations Due to the Variation of Boundary Conditions in the Logistic Equation with Delay and Diffusion”, Mat. Zametki, 106:1 (2019), 138–143 ; Math. Notes, 106:1 (2019), 136–141 |
37. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of rapidly oscillating solutions of the generalized Korteweg–de Vries–Burgers equation”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 74:4(448) (2019), 181–182 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 74:4 (2019), 755–757 |
2018 |
38. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Analysis of local dynamics of difference and close to them differential-difference equations”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2018, no. 9, 29–41 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 62:9 (2018), 24–34 |
39. |
S. A. Kashchenko, M. M. Preobrazhenskaya, “Bifurcations in the generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2018, no. 2, 54–68 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 62:2 (2018), 49–61 |
40. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of two-component parabolic systems of Schrödinger type”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 26:5 (2018), 81–100 |
41. |
E. V. Grigoryeva, S. A. Kashchenko, D. V. Glazkov, “Features of the local dynamics of the opto-electronic oscillator model with delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 25:1 (2018), 71–82 |
42. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “The simplest critical cases in the dynamics of nonlinear systems with small diffusion”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 79:1 (2018), 97–115 ; Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 2018, 85–100 |
43. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Application of the Averaging Principle to the Study of the Dynamics of the Delay Logistic Equation”, Mat. Zametki, 104:2 (2018), 216–230 ; Math. Notes, 104:2 (2018), 231–243 |
44. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Regular and irregular solutions in the problem of dislocations in solids”, TMF, 195:3 (2018), 362–380 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 195:3 (2018), 807–824 |
45. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of a delay logistic equation with slowly varying coefficients”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 58:12 (2018), 1999–2013 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:12 (2018), 1926–1936 |
2017 |
46. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Stability of the solutions of the simplest space-distributed discrete equations”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 24:5 (2017), 537–549 |
47. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “About bifurcations at small perturbations in a logistic equation with delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 24:2 (2017), 168–185 |
48. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic of eigenvalues of periodic and antiperiodic boundary value problem for second order differential equations”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 24:1 (2017), 13–30 |
49. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Equations Generalizing Logistic Equations with Delay”, Mat. Zametki, 102:2 (2017), 216–230 ; Math. Notes, 102:2 (2017), 181–192 |
50. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Bifurcations in Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equations”, TMF, 192:1 (2017), 23–40 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 192:1 (2017), 958–973 |
51. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Rapidly oscillating solutions of a generalized Korteweg–de Vries equation”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 57:11 (2017), 1812–1823 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:11 (2017), 1778–1788 |
2016 |
52. |
S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kashchenko, A. O. Tolbey, “Two wave interactions in a Fermi–Pasta–Ulam model”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 23:5 (2016), 548–558 |
53. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues of periodic and antiperiodic boundary problems for singularly perturbed second order differential equation with turning points”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 23:1 (2016), 61–85 |
54. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic expansions of eigenvalues of the first boundary problem for singularly perturbed second order differential equation with turning points”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 23:1 (2016), 41–60 |
55. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Local dynamics of two-component singularly perturbed parabolic systems”, Tr. Mosk. Mat. Obs., 77:1 (2016), 67–82 ; Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 77 (2016), 55–68 |
56. |
Sergey A. Kashchenko, “The Dynamics of Second-order Equations with Delayed Feedback and a Large Coefficient of Delayed Control”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 21:7-8 (2016), 811–820 |
2015 |
57. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of eigenvalues of first boundary value problem for singularly pertubed second-order differential equation with turning points”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:5 (2015), 682–710 |
58. |
S. V. Aleshin, S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamical properties of the Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piscounov equation with deviation of the spatial variable”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:5 (2015), 609–628 |
59. |
N. D. Bykova, S. A. Kaschenko, “Corporate dynamics of systems of logistic delay equations with large delay control”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:3 (2015), 372–391 |
60. |
S. V. Aleshin, S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kaschenko, “Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovskii–Piscounov equation with delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 22:2 (2015), 304–321 |
61. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of the Logistic Equation with Delay”, Mat. Zametki, 98:1 (2015), 85–100 ; Math. Notes, 98:1 (2015), 98–110 |
62. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of strongly coupled spatially distributed logistic equations with delay”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 55:4 (2015), 610–620 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 55:4 (2015), 607–617 |
2014 |
63. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kaschenko, “Local dynamics of difference and difference-differential equations”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 22:1 (2014), 71–92 |
64. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “The dynamics of the logistic equation with delay and delayed control”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 21:5 (2014), 61–77 |
65. |
S. A. Kaschenko, V. E. Frolov, “Asymptotics of a Steady-State Condition of Finite-Difference Approximation of a Logistic Equation with Delay and Small Diffusion”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 21:1 (2014), 94–114 |
66. |
S. V. Aleshin, S. A. Kaschenko, “Local Dynamics of a Logistic Equation with Delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 21:1 (2014), 73–88 |
67. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Local dynamics of an equation with large delay and distributed deviation of the space variable”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 55:2 (2014), 315–323 ; Siberian Math. J., 55:2 (2014), 254–261 |
68. |
D. S. Glyzin, S. A. Kashchenko, “Spatially distributed control of the dynamics of the logistic delay equation”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 54:6 (2014), 953–968 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 54:6 (2014), 963–976 |
69. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of the logistic delay equation with a large spatially distributed control coefficient”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 54:5 (2014), 766–778 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 54:5 (2014), 785–796 |
2013 |
70. |
S. A. Kaschenko, E. V. Grigorieva, “Local Dynamics of a Laser with Rapidly Oscillating Parameters”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:5 (2013), 45–61 |
71. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Relaxation Oscillations in Models of Multi-Species Biocenose”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:5 (2013), 5–24 |
72. |
N. D. Bykova, S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kaschenko, “Parametric Resonance in the Logistic Equation with Delay under a Two-Frequency Perturbation”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:3 (2013), 86–98 |
73. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Relaxation Oscillations in a System with Delays Modeling the Predator–Prey Problem”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:1 (2013), 52–98 |
74. |
E. V. Grigorieva, I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Quasinormal Forms for Lang–Kobayashi Equations with a Large Control Coefficient”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 20:1 (2013), 18–29 |
2012 |
75. |
D. S. Glyzin, S. A. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of a Complex Spatially Distributed Hutchinson Equation”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:5 (2012), 35–39 |
76. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Stationary States of a Delay Differentional Equation of Insect Population's Dynamics”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:5 (2012), 18–34 |
77. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of Solutions of the Generalized Hutchinson's Equation”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:3 (2012), 32–61 |
78. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “The dynamics of Kuramoto equation with spatially-distributed control”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:1 (2012), 24–35 |
79. |
S. A. Kashchenko, A. S. Polstyanov, “The asymptotic of periodic solutions of autonomous parabolic equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients and equations with large diffusion coefficients”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 19:1 (2012), 7–23 |
80. |
I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Quasi-normal forms for parabolic systems with strong nonlinearity and weak diffusion”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 52:8 (2012), 1482–1491 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 52:8 (2012), 1163–1172 |
2011 |
81. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Principal quasinormal forms for two-component systems of parabolic equations”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 18:3 (2011), 12–20 |
82. |
D. S. Glyzin, S. A. Kashchenko, A. S. Polst'yanov, “Spatially inhomogeneous periodic solutions in the Hutchinson equation with distributed saturation”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 18:1 (2011), 37–45 |
83. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of a quasi-linear boundary problem generalizing the equation with large delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 18:1 (2011), 28–31 |
2010 |
84. |
D. V. Glazkov, S. A. Kashchenko, “Local dynamics of DDE with large delay in the vicinity of the self-similar cycle”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 17:3 (2010), 38–47 |
85. |
E. V. Grigorieva, I. S. Kashchenko, S. A. Kashchenko, “Multistability in a laser model with large delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 17:2 (2010), 17–27 |
2009 |
86. |
S. D. Glyzin, S. A. Kashchenko, A. S. Polstyanov, “Spatially inhomogeneous periodic solutions in distributed Hutchinson equation”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 16:4 (2009), 77–85 |
2008 |
87. |
S. A. Kashchenko, V. V. Maiorov, M. L. Myachin, “Complex oscillation in systems of two and three spiking neurons”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 15:2 (2008), 72–74 |
88. |
S. A. Kashchenko, A. S. Polst'yanov, “Relaxation oscillations in the simplest models with delay”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 15:2 (2008), 55–60 |
2001 |
89. |
T. S. Achromeeva, M. A. Kapustin, S. A. Kashchenko, P. V. Kurakin, G. G. Malinetskii, I. G. Medvedev, N. A. Mitin, Yu. N. Orlov, A. V. Podlazov, S. A. Posashkov, A. I. Rusakov, D. V. Serebryakov, S. A. Solov'ev, D. S. Chernavskii, “New researches in systems analysis and computation modeling of Russian educational strategy and politics”, Keldysh Institute preprints, 2001, 089 |
2000 |
90. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Bifurcations in the neighborhood of a cycle under small perturbations with a large delay”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 40:5 (2000), 693–702 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 40:5 (2000), 659–668 |
1999 |
91. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Local dynamics of nonlinear singularly perturbed systems with delay”, Differ. Uravn., 35:10 (1999), 1343–1355 ; Differ. Equ., 35:10 (1999), 1360–1373 |
92. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Dynamics of equations with feedback of impulse type”, Differ. Uravn., 35:7 (1999), 889–898 ; Differ. Equ., 35:7 (1999), 896–904 |
93. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic analysis of the auto-generators dynamics with different non-linear delay feedback”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 5:4 (1999), 1027–1060 |
94. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Bifurcation peculiarities of a singularly perturbed equation with delay”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 40:3 (1999), 567–572 ; Siberian Math. J., 40:3 (1999), 483–487 |
1998 |
95. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “The Ginzburg–Landau equation as a normal form for a second-order difference-differential equation with a large delay”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 38:3 (1998), 457–465 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 38:3 (1998), 443–451 |
1997 |
96. |
S. A. Kashchenko, V. V. Maiorov, I. Yu. Myshkin, “Wave structures in ring neuron systems”, Mat. Model., 9:3 (1997), 29–39 |
1995 |
97. |
S. A. Kaschenko, V. V. Maiorov, M. L. Myachin, “Oscillations in systems of equations with delay and difference
diffusion that model local neural networks”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 344:3 (1995), 319–322 |
98. |
S. A. Kaschenko, V. V. Maiorov, “Wave structures in ring systems of homogeneous neuron modules”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 342:3 (1995), 318–321 |
99. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotics of relaxation oscillations in systems of differential-difference equations with a compactly supported nonlinearity. II”, Differ. Uravn., 31:12 (1995), 1968–1976 ; Differ. Equ., 31:12 (1995), 1938–1946 |
100. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotics of relaxation oscillations in systems of differential-difference equations with a compactly supported nonlinearity. I”, Differ. Uravn., 31:8 (1995), 1330–1339 ; Differ. Equ., 31:8 (1995), 1275–1285 |
101. |
E. V. Grigoryeva, S. A. Kashchenko, “Poincaré mappings in laser models with periodic modulation of the parameters”, Differ. Uravn., 31:1 (1995), 16–22 ; Differ. Equ., 31:1 (1995), 12–17 |
102. |
S. A. Kashchenko, V. V. Maiorov, I. Yu. Myshkin, “Wave distribution in simplest ring neural structures”, Mat. Model., 7:12 (1995), 3–18 |
1994 |
103. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “The construction of normalized systems for investigating the dynamics of hybrid and hyperbolic equations”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 34:4 (1994), 564–575 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 34:4 (1994), 479–489 |
1993 |
104. |
S. A. Kaschenko, V. V. Maiorov, I. Yu. Myshkin, “Investigation of oscillations in ring neural structures”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 333:5 (1993), 594–597 ; Dokl. Math., 38:12 (1993), 483–485 |
105. |
A. S. Dmitriev, S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of nonregular oscillations in a model of a
self-induced generator with delayed feedback”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 328:2 (1993), 174–177 |
106. |
S. A. Kashchenko, V. V. Maiorov, “On a differential-difference equation modeling neuron impulse activity”, Mat. Model., 5:12 (1993), 13–25 |
1992 |
107. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Rapidly oscillating traveling waves in systems with small diffusion”, Differ. Uravn., 28:2 (1992), 254–262 ; Differ. Equ., 28:2 (1992), 218–225 |
1991 |
108. |
E. V. Grigor'eva, S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotic investigation of multistability phenomena in laser
models with opto-electronic feedback”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 316:2 (1991), 327–331 ; Dokl. Math., 36:1 (1991), 35–38 |
109. |
E. V. Grigoryeva, S. A. Kashchenko, “Relaxation oscillations in a system of equations describing the operation of a solid-state laser with a nonlinear element of delaying action”, Differ. Uravn., 27:5 (1991), 752–758 ; Differ. Equ., 27:5 (1991), 506–512 |
110. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic form of spatially non-uniform structures in coherent nonlinear optical systems”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 31:3 (1991), 467–473 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 31:3 (1991), 97–102 |
1990 |
111. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “The local dynamics of two-component contrast structures in the neighborhood of a bifurcation point”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 312:2 (1990), 345–350 ; Dokl. Math., 35:5 (1990), 420–422 |
112. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Spatial heterogeneous structures in the simplest models with delay and diffusion”, Mat. Model., 2:9 (1990), 49–69 |
113. |
E. V. Grigoryeva, S. A. Kashchenko, N. A. Loiko, A. M. Samson, “Application of asymptotic methods for investigation of stationary regimes of generation in lasers with delay element”, Mat. Model., 2:4 (1990), 97–120 |
114. |
E. V. Grigor'eva, S. A. Kaschenko, N. A. Loiko, A. M. Samson, “Multistability and chaos in a negative-feedback laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:8 (1990), 1023–1028 [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:8 (1990), 938–943 ] |
115. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Asymptotic behaviour of rapidly oscillating contrasting spatial structures”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 30:2 (1990), 254–269 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 30:1 (1990), 186–197 |
1989 |
116. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Short-wave bifurcations in systems with small diffusion”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 307:2 (1989), 269–273 ; Dokl. Math., 40:1 (1990), 54–58 |
117. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Complex periodic solutions of a system of differential-difference
equations with small diffusion”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 306:1 (1989), 35–38 ; Dokl. Math., 39:3 (1989), 442–445 |
118. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Application of the normalization method to the study of the dynamics of a differential-difference equation with a small factor multiplying the derivative”, Differ. Uravn., 25:8 (1989), 1448–1451 |
119. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Spatial singularities of high-mode bifurcations of two-component systems with small diffusion”, Differ. Uravn., 25:2 (1989), 262–270 ; Differ. Equ., 25:2 (1989), 193–199 |
1988 |
120. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Quasinormal forms for parabolic equations with small diffusion”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 299:5 (1988), 1049–1052 ; Dokl. Math., 37:2 (1988), 510–513 |
121. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “On miniversal deformations of matrices”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 43:1(259) (1988), 201–202 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 43:1 (1988), 241–242 |
1987 |
122. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Steady regimes of the Hutchinson equation with diffusion”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 292:2 (1987), 327–330 |
123. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Investigation of the asymptotic behavior of periodic solutions of autonomous parabolic equations by methods of the larger parameter”, Differ. Uravn., 23:2 (1987), 283–292 |
1986 |
124. |
A. B. Vasil'eva, S. A. Kashchenko, Yu. S. Kolesov, N. Kh. Rozov, “Bifurcation of self-oscillations of nonlinear parabolic equations with small diffusion”, Mat. Sb. (N.S.), 130(172):4(8) (1986), 488–499 ; Math. USSR-Sb., 58:2 (1987), 491–503 |
125. |
S. A. Kaschenko, “Asymptotics of periodic solutions of autonomous parabolic equations with small diffusion”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 27:6 (1986), 116–127 ; Siberian Math. J., 27:6 (1986), 880–889 |
1985 |
126. |
S. A. Kashchenko, Yu. S. Kolesov, “Diffusion instability of a torus”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 281:6 (1985), 1307–1309 |
127. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Optimization of the hunting process”, Differ. Uravn., 21:10 (1985), 1706–1709 |
1983 |
128. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Stationary modes of an equation describing fluctuations of an
insect population”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 273:2 (1983), 328–330 |
1982 |
129. |
S. A. Kashchenko, “Investigation, by large parameter methods, of a system of nonlinear differential-difference equations modeling a predator-prey problem”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 266:4 (1982), 792–795 |
1980 |
130. |
S. A. Kaschenko, Yu. S. Kolesov, “Parametric resonance in systems with lag under two-frequency perturbation”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 21:2 (1980), 113–118 ; Siberian Math. J., 21:2 (1980), 231–235 |
1974 |
131. |
S. A. Kashchenko, Yu. S. Kolesov, “A test for the stability of the solutions of singularly perturbed second order equations with periodic coefficients”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 29:4(178) (1974), 171–172 |
2012 |
132. |
D. V. Anosov, V. S. Afraimovich, L. A. Bunimovich, S. V. Gonchenko, V. Z. Grines, Yu. S. Ilyashenko, A. B. Katok, S. A. Kashchenko, V. V. Kozlov, L. M. Lerman, A. D. Morozov, A. I. Neishtadt, Ya. B. Pesin, A. M. Samoilenko, Ya. G. Sinai, D. V. Treschev, D. V. Turaev, A. N. Sharkovskii, A. L. Shil'nikov, “Leonid Pavlovich Shil'nikov (obituary)”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 67:3(405) (2012), 175–178 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 67:3 (2012), 573–577 |
2010 |
133. |
E. Grigorieva, S. Kaschenko, “Dynamics of spikes in delay coupled semiconductor lasers”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 15:2-3 (2010), 319–327 |