Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2024 |
1. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Optimization of calculations in modeling the breaking of plasma oscillations”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2024, no. 8, 81–93 |
2. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On errors in the PIC-method when modeling Langmuir oscillations”, Num. Meth. Prog., 25:1 (2024), 47–63 |
3. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical simulation of oscillations in a cold but viscous plasma”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2024, no. 4, 32–41 ; Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 79:4 (2024), 182–191 |
4. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical solution of the Vlasov–Ampère equations”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 64:7 (2024), 1268–1280 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 64:7 (2024), 1537–1548 |
2023 |
5. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On numerical simulation of traveling Langmuir waves in warm plasma”, Matem. Mod., 35:11 (2023), 21–34 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 16:2 (2024), 169–176 |
6. |
O. S. Rozanova, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the numerical solution of one extended hyperbolic system”, Num. Meth. Prog., 24:2 (2023), 213–230 |
7. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Rusanov’s third-order accurate scheme for modeling plasma oscillations”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 63:5 (2023), 864–878 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 63:5 (2023), 905–918 |
2022 |
8. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the stabilization of nonlinear cylindrical oscillations in a plasma with a current”, Matem. Mod., 34:12 (2022), 43–58 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 15:3 (2023), 554–563 |
9. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Simulation of a cylindrical slow extraordinary wave in cold magnetoactive plasma”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 62:5 (2022), 872–888 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 62:5 (2022), 845–860 |
2021 |
10. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On breaking of a slow extraordinary wave in a cold magnetoactive plasma”, Matem. Mod., 33:6 (2021), 3–16 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 14:1 (2022), 1–9 |
11. |
O. S. Rozanova, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Analytical and numerical solutions of one-dimensional cold plasma equations”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 61:9 (2021), 1508–1527 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 61:9 (2021), 1485–1503 |
2020 |
12. |
O. S. Rozanova, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the existence of a global solution of a hyperbolic problem”, Dokl. RAN. Math. Inf. Proc. Upr., 492 (2020), 97–100 ; Dokl. Math., 101:3 (2020), 254–256 |
13. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical simulation of a slow extraordinary wave in magnetoactive plasma”, Num. Meth. Prog., 21:4 (2020), 420–439 |
14. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On second-order accuracy schemes for modeling of plasma oscillations”, Num. Meth. Prog., 21:1 (2020), 115–128 |
15. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Application of the energy conservation law in the cold plasma model”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 60:3 (2020), 503–519 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 60:3 (2020), 498–513 |
2018 |
16. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “The effect of electron-ion collisions on the breaking of cylindrical plasma oscillations”, Matem. Mod., 30:10 (2018), 86–106 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 11:3 (2019), 438–450 |
17. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical modeling of plasma oscillations with consideration of electron thermal motion”, Num. Meth. Prog., 19:2 (2018), 194–206 |
2017 |
18. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Artificial boundary conditions for numerical modeling of electron oscillations in plasma”, Num. Meth. Prog., 18:1 (2017), 65–79 |
19. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Breaking of two-dimensional relativistic electron oscillations under small deviations from axial symmetry”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 57:11 (2017), 1844–1859 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:11 (2017), 1808–1821 |
2016 |
20. |
A. A. Konik, E. V. Chizhonkov, “A difference scheme for plasma wakefield simulation”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2016, no. 1, 44–48 ; Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 71:1 (2016), 27–30 |
2015 |
21. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “The effect of ions dynamics on the breaking of plane electron oscillations”, Matem. Mod., 27:12 (2015), 3–19 ; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 8:4 (2016), 409–421 |
2014 |
22. |
A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Relativistic breaking effect of electron oscillations in a plasma slab”, Num. Meth. Prog., 15:3 (2014), 537–548 |
2013 |
23. |
S. V. Milyutin, A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Spatial modeling of breaking effects in nonlinear plasma oscillations”, Num. Meth. Prog., 14:3 (2013), 295–305 |
2012 |
24. |
A. V. Popov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “A finite-difference scheme for computing axisymmetric plasma oscillations”, Num. Meth. Prog., 13:1 (2012), 1–13 |
25. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Iteration in a subspace for solving matrix games”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 52:9 (2012), 1601–1613 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 52:9 (2012), 1221–1232 |
2011 |
26. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the method of fictitious unknowns for the numerical solution of matrix games”, Num. Meth. Prog., 12:3 (2011), 338–347 |
27. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “To the question of large-amplitude electron oscillations in a plasma slab”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 51:3 (2011), 456–469 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 51:3 (2011), 423–434 |
2010 |
28. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical modeling of axial solutions to some nonlinear problems”, Num. Meth. Prog., 11:3 (2010), 215–227 |
29. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Iterative solution of matrix games by the methods of grid variational inequalities”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 50:8 (2010), 1367–1380 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 50:8 (2010), 1299–1311 |
2009 |
30. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “A multi-level method for solving large-scale matrix games”, Num. Meth. Prog., 10:3 (2009), 327–339 |
31. |
I. V. Fedorova, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical solution of some unstable problem”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2009, no. 5, 50–53 |
32. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical solution to a stokes interface problem”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 49:1 (2009), 111–122 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 49:1 (2009), 105–116 |
2008 |
33. |
L. M. Gorbunov, A. A. Frolov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On modeling of nonrelativistic cylindrical oscillations in plasma”, Num. Meth. Prog., 9:1 (2008), 58–65 |
2007 |
34. |
S. V. Milyutin, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On two methods of approximate projection onto a stable manifold”, Num. Meth. Prog., 8:2 (2007), 177–182 |
2006 |
35. |
L. M. Gorbunov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical modeling of dynamics of 3D nonlinear wakefields in hydrodynamic approach”, Num. Meth. Prog., 7:1 (2006), 17–22 |
2004 |
36. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On projection operators for numerical stabilization”, Num. Meth. Prog., 5:1 (2004), 161–169 |
37. |
Yu. V. Bychenkov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Solution of irregular saddle point problems”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 2004, no. 1, 17–20 |
38. |
M. V. Gorelova, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the preconditioning of saddle problems by means of saddle operators”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 44:9 (2004), 1523–1533 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 44:9 (2004), 1445–1455 |
2003 |
39. |
M. V. Gorelova, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the solution of saddle problems by methods with model saddle operators on the upper layer”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2003, no. 8, 19–27 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 47:8 (2003), 17–25 |
2002 |
40. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Improving the convergence of the Lanczos method in solving algebraic saddle point problems”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 42:4 (2002), 504–513 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 42:4 (2002), 483–491 |
2001 |
41. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On generalized relaxation method for linear saddle point problems”, Matem. Mod., 13:12 (2001), 107–114 |
42. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On solving an algebraic system of Stokes type under block diagonal preconditioning”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 41:4 (2001), 549–557 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 41:4 (2001), 514–521 |
2000 |
43. |
M. A. Ol'shanskii, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the best constant in the inf-sup condition for elongated rectangular domains”, Mat. Zametki, 67:3 (2000), 387–396 ; Math. Notes, 67:3 (2000), 325–332 |
1999 |
44. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the Arrow–Hurwicz algorithm with variable iterative parameters”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 1999, no. 5, 65–72 ; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 43:5 (1999), 61–68 |
45. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “Some results on the convergence of the Arrow–Hurwicz algorithm for Stokes-type algebraic systems”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 39:3 (1999), 523–533 ; Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 39:3 (1999), 499–508 |
1996 |
46. |
L. M. Gorbunov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical simulation of the thermal self-focusing process in plazma”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 2:3 (1996), 789–801 |
47. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the convergence of the artificial compressibility method”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1996, no. 2, 13–20 |
1995 |
48. |
P. P. Aristov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “On some finite-difference approximations of Stokes problem”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 1:3 (1995), 573–580 |
49. |
N. E. Andreev, L. M. Gorbunov, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Numerical modelling of dynamic wave beam self-focusing in plasmas”, Matem. Mod., 7:9 (1995), 65–71 |
50. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “On the optimization of algorithms for solving the Stokes problem”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1995, no. 6, 93–96 |
1990 |
51. |
A. B. Borovskii, A. L. Galkin, V. G. Priymak, E. V. Chizhonkov, “Methods for the simultaneous solution of the equations of gas dynamics and the kinetics of multiply-charged plasma”, Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 30:9 (1990), 1381–1393 ; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 30:5 (1990), 72–81 |
1984 |
52. |
E. V. Chizhonkov, “A system of equations of magnetohydrodynamics type”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 278:5 (1984), 1074–1077 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
Organisations |