Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
1990 |
1. |
A. D. Venttsel', S. A. Molchanov, V. N. Tutubalin, “Asymptotic problems in probability theory and the theory of random media”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 35:1 (1990), 27–34 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 35:1 (1990), 87–93 |
1989 |
2. |
O. G. Bulycheva, A. D. Ventzel, “On the Differentiability of Expectations of Functionals of a Wiener Process”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 34:3 (1989), 565–568 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 34:3 (1989), 509–512 |
3. |
A. D. Ventzel, “Refinement of the Central Limit Theorem for Stationary Processes”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 34:3 (1989), 451–464 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 34:3 (1989), 402–415 |
1985 |
4. |
A. D. Ventsel, “Infinitesimal characteristics of Markov processes in a functional space decribing the past”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 30:4 (1985), 625–639 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 30:4 (1986), 661–676 |
1984 |
5. |
A. D. Wentzell, S. A. Gladyšev, G. N. Mil'štein, “Piecewise constant approximation for the Monte-Carlo calculation of Wiener integrals”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 29:4 (1984), 715–722 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 29:4 (1985), 744–752 |
1982 |
6. |
A. D. Wentzel', “Rough limit theorems on large deviations for Markov stochastic processes. IV”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 27:2 (1982), 209–227 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 27:2 (1983), 209–227 |
1979 |
7. |
A. D. Wentzell, “Rough limit theorems on large deviations for Markov stochastic processes. III”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 24:4 (1979), 673–691 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 24:4 (1980), 675–692 |
1977 |
8. |
A. D. Venttsel', “The first boundary exit point of a diffusion process with small diffusion”, Mat. Zametki, 22:3 (1977), 411–420 ; Math. Notes, 22:3 (1977), 720–725 |
1976 |
9. |
A. D. Wentzell, “Rough limit theorems on large deviations for Markov stochastic processes. II”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 21:3 (1976), 512–526 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 21:3 (1977), 499–512 |
10. |
A. D. Wentzell, “Routh limit theorems on large deviations for Markov stochastic processes. I”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 21:2 (1976), 235–252 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 21:2 (1977), 227–242 |
1975 |
11. |
A. D. Wentzel', “On the asymptotic behaviour of the first eigenvalue of a second-order differential operator with small parameter by the higher derivatives”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 20:3 (1975), 610–613 |
1973 |
12. |
A. D. Wentzell, “Formulas for eigen-functions and eigen-measures associated with Markov process”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 18:1 (1973), 3–28 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 18:1 (1973), 1–26 |
1972 |
13. |
A. D. Venttsel', “On the asymptotics of eigenvalues of matrices with elements of order eхр{−Vij/(2ε2)}”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 202:2 (1972), 263–265 |
14. |
A. D. Ventcel, “On the asymptotic behavior of the greatest eigenvalue of a second-order elliptic differential operator with a small parameter in the higher derivatives”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 202:1 (1972), 19–22 |
15. |
A. D. Venttsel', “A formula for eigenmeasures connected with Markov processes”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 27:1(163) (1972), 239–240 |
16. |
A. D. Venttsel', “Theorems on the action functional for Gaussian random functions”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 17:3 (1972), 542–545 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 17:3 (1973), 515–517 |
17. |
A. D. Venttsel', M. I. Freidlin, “Some problems concerning stability under small stochastic perturbations”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 17:2 (1972), 281–295 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 17:2 (1973), 269–283 |
1970 |
18. |
A. D. Venttsel', M. I. Freidlin, “On small random perturbations of dynamical systems”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 25:1(151) (1970), 3–55 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 25:1 (1970), 1–55 |
1969 |
19. |
A. D. Venttsel', M. I. Freidlin, “The limiting behavior of the invariant measure under small perturbations of a dynamical system”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 188:1 (1969), 13–16 |
20. |
A. D. Venttsel', M. I. Freidlin, “Small random perturbations of a dynamical system with stable equilibrium position”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 187:3 (1969), 506–509 |
21. |
A. D. Venttsel', M. I. Freidlin, “The motion of a diffusing particle against the flow”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 24:5(149) (1969), 229–230 |
1968 |
22. |
A. D. Venttsel', “On absolute continuity of transition probabilities of a multidimensional generalized Brownian motion”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 13:1 (1968), 3–16 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 13:1 (1968), 1–4 |
1965 |
23. |
A. D. Venttsel', “On functions which are continuous along trajectories of a Wiener process”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 10:4 (1965), 730–732 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 10:4 (1965), 662–664 |
1962 |
24. |
A. D. Venttsel', “On continuous additive functionals of a multidimensional Wiener process”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 142:6 (1962), 1223–1226 |
1961 |
25. |
A. D. Venttsel', “Additive functionals on a multi-dimensional Wiener process”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 139:1 (1961), 13–16 |
26. |
A. D. Venttsel', “Non-negative additive functionals of Markov processes”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 137:1 (1961), 17–20 |
27. |
A. D. Venttsel', “Sur la Continuité Absolue des Probabilites de transition d'un
Processus de Diffucion un-dimensionnel”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 6:4 (1961), 439–446 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 6:4 (1961), 404–410 |
1959 |
28. |
A. D. Venttsel', “On Boundary Conditions For Multidimensional Diffusion Processes”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 4:2 (1959), 172–185 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 4:2 (1959), 164–177 |
2004 |
29. |
S. R. S. Varadhan, A. D. Venttsel', E. B. Dynkin, S. A. Molchanov, S. P. Novikov, Ya. G. Sinai, I. M. Sonin, D. Struk, “Mark Iosifovich Freidlin”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 59:3(357) (2004), 185–188 ; Russian Math. Surveys, 59:3 (2004), 593–597 |
1981 |
30. |
A. D. Wentzel, “Letter to the editors”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 26:2 (1981), 446 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 26:2 (1982), 435 |
1966 |
31. |
A. D. Venttsel', E. B. Dynkin, “Рецензия на книгу К. Itô, Н. Р. Мс Кеап «Diffusion processes and their sample paths»”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 11:2 (1966), 356–359 ; Theory Probab. Appl., 11:2 (1966), 314–319 |