topological dynamic, fractals, neuralnetwork, time series, forecastig.
Main publications:
V. A. Dergachev, N. G. Makarenko, L. M. Karimova, E. B. Danilkina. Nonlinear methods of analysis of data with gaps // Geochronometria, v. 20, p. 45–20 (2001).
N. Makarenko, L. Karimova, A. Terekhov, M. Novak. Topological classification of radioactive contamination // Physica A, v. 289, p. 278–289 (2001).
N. Makarenko, L. Karimova, M. Novak. Dynamics of Solar magnetic field from synoptic charts // in Emergent Nature. Patterns, Growth and Scaling in the Sciences. World Scientific, p.197–207 (2001).
A. G. Terekhov, N. G. Makarenko, I. T. Pak, “Automatic classification algorithm of QuickBird images in the problem of evaluating of forest completeness”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014), 580–583
N. G. Makarenko, D. B. Malkova, M. L. Machin, I. S. Knyazeva, I. N. Makarenko, “Methods of computational topology for the analysis of dynamics of active regions of the Sun”, Fundam. Prikl. Mat., 18:2 (2013), 79–93; J. Math. Sci., 203:6 (2014), 806–815