List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2025 |
1. |
N. F. Valeev, A. Eskermesuly, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “Asymptotics of solutions of a system of differential equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients”, Mat. Zametki, 117:3 (2025) (to appear) |
2023 |
2. |
N. F. Valeev, È. A. Nazirova, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “Construction of asymptotics of solutions to the Sturm–Liouville differential equations in the class of oscillating coefficients”, Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin, 78:5 (2023), 253–257 |
3. |
V. A. Sadovnichii, Ya. T. Sultanaev, N. F. Valeev, “Optimization spectral problem for the Sturm–Liouville operator in the space of vector functions”, Dokl. Math., 108:2 (2023), 406–410 |
2021 |
4. |
N. F. Valeev, È. A. Nazirova, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “On a Method for Studying the Asymptotics of Solutions of Odd-Order Differential Equations with Oscillating Coefficients”, Math. Notes, 109:6 (2021), 980–985 |
2020 |
5. |
N. F. Valeev, Y. Sh. Ilyasov, “Inverse spectral problem for Sturm–Liouville operator with prescribed partial trace”, Ufa Math. J., 12:4 (2020), 19–29 |
2019 |
6. |
Y. Sh. lIyasov,N. F. Valeev, “On nonlinear boundary value problem corresponding to N -dimensional inverse spectral problem.”, J. Differ. Equations, 266:8 (2019), 4533-4543
7. |
N. F. Valeev, Ya. T. Sultanaev, É. A. Nazirova, “Spectral properties of differential operators with oscillating coefficients”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 80 (2019), 153–167 |
2018 |
8. |
N. F. Valeev, O. V. Myakinova, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “On the Asymptotics of Solutions of a Singular $n$th-Order Differential Equation with Nonregular Coefficients”, Math. Notes, 104:4 (2018), 606–611 |
9. |
N. F. Valeev, Ya. Sh. Il'yasov, “On an Inverse Optimization Spectral Problem and a Corresponding Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problem”, Math. Notes, 104:4 (2018), 601–605 |
2021 |
10. |
N. F. Valeev, È. A. Nazirova, “Direct and Inverse Spectral Problems in the Theory of Oscillations of Elastic Plates with Additional Point Interactions”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 252:2 (2021), 147–155 |
2018 |
11. |
Ufa Math. J., 10:4 (2018), 122–128 |
2016 |
12. |
N. F. Valeev, A. Eskermesuly, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “On the Deficiency Index of a Differential Operator with Fast Oscillating Coefficients”, Math. Notes, 100:3 (2016), 486–490 |
13. |
N. F. Valeev, Yu. V. Martynova, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “Solution of a model inverse spectral problem for the Sturm–Liouville operator on a graph”, Vychisl. Metody Programm., 17:3 (2016), 204–211 |
14. |
Valeev N.F., Eskermesuly A., Nazirova E.A., “Ob asimptotike reshenii singulyarnogo differentsialnogo uravneniya chetvertogo poryadka s neregulyarnymi koeffitsientami”, Matematicheskii zhurnal., 16:1 (2016), 58-76 |
2015 |
15. |
N. F. Valeev, E. A. Nazirova, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “On a new approach for studying asymptotic behavior of solutions to singular differential equations”, Ufa Math. Journal, 7:3 (2015), 9–14 |
2014 |
16. |
N. F. Valeev, È. A. Nazirova, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “Distribution of the eigenvalues of singular differential operators in a space of vector-functions”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 75 (2014), 89–102 |
17. |
N. F. Valeev, E. A. Nazirova ,Ya. T. Sultanaev, “The asymptotic of solutions of singular differential equations with large spectral parameter.”, Proc. Inst. Math. Mech., Natl. Acad. Sci. Azerb., 40:Special Issue (2014), 342-350 |
2013 |
18. |
N. F. Valeev, “On quasiregular spectrum of matrix pencils”, Dokl. Math., 452:4 (2013), 359–362.
19. |
N. F. Valeev, “On quasiregular spectrum of matrix pencils”, Doklady Mathematics, 88:2 (2013), 545–547
2012 |
20. |
N. F. Valeev, “On a spectral property of irregular pencils”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 4:4 (2012), 45–53 |
2010 |
21. |
N. F. Valeev, “The multiparameter inverse spectral problems for finite-dimensional operators”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 2:2 (2010), 3–19 |
2009 |
22. |
N. F. Valeev, M. G. Yumagulov, “Inverse spectral problems of the theory of identification of linear dynamic systems”, Autom. Remote Control, 70:11 (2009), 1776–1782 |
23. |
N. F. Valeev, “Regular Solutions of a Multiparameter Inverse Spectral Problem”, Math. Notes, 85:6 (2009), 890–893 |
24. |
N. F. Valeev, S. A. Rabtsevich, E. R. Nugumanov, “About the problem of characterization of the Shturm–Loiuville operator's boundary conditions by the spectrum”, Vestnik SamGU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 2009, no. 6(72), 12–20 |
25. |
V. A. Sadovnichii, Ya. T. Sultanaev, N. F. Valeev, “Multiparameter inverse spectral problems and their applications”, Doklady Mathematics, 79:3 (2009), 457-460 |
2008 |
26. |
N. F. Valeev, “On localization of the spectrum of non-self-adjoint differential operators”, J. Math. Sci., 150:6 (2008), 2460–2466 |
2002 |
27. |
N. F. Valeev, “On the Density of Discrete Spectra of Sturm–Liouville Singular Operators”, Math. Notes, 71:2 (2002), 276–280 |
2000 |
28. |
N. F. Valeev,Ya. T. Sultanaev, “On the deficiency indices of a singular Sturm-Liouville operator with a rapidly oscillating perturbation”, Doklady Mathematics, 62:2 (2000), 271-273 |
1999 |
29. |
N. F. Valeev, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “Spectral properties of the Sturm–Liouville operator in the space of vector functions”, Math. Notes, 65:6 (1999), 781–786 |
1994 |
30. |
N. F. Valeev, Ya. T. Sultanaev, “Asymptotic behavior of the solutions of a singular Sturm–Liouville
equation”, Dokl. Math., 49:2 (1994), 403–407 |