Combinatorics of $A_2$-crystals, J. of Algebra, 310 (2007), 218&ndah;234 (with
V. Danilov and A. Karzanov).
Matroids on convex geometries (cg-matroids), Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007), 1936–1950 (with S. Fujishige and Y. Sano).
Massifs and Combinatorics of Young Tableaux, Uspekhi Mathematicheskikh Nauk, 60:2 (2005), 79–142 (with V. I. Danilov) (in Russian) (translation in Russian Math. Surveys, 60
(2005), no. 2, 269–334).
Mathematics of Plott choice functions.
Mathematical Social Sciences, 49 (2005), 245–272 (with V. I. Danilov).
Discrete Convexity and Unimodularity. I. Advances in Mathematics, 189 (2004), 301–324 (with V. I. Danilov).
Discrete convexity and Hermitian matrices. Proc. V. A. Steklov
Inst. Math.; Vol. 241 (2003), 68–90 (translation in Proc. Steklov
Inst. Math. 2003, no. 2 (241), 58–78) (with V. Danilov).
Equilibria in Economies with Indivisible Goods and Money, Mathematical Social Sciences, 41 (2001), 251–273 (with V. I. Danilov and K. Murota).
Choice functions and abstract convex geometries, Mathematical Social Sciences, 38 (1999), 35–44.
Equilibrium in an economy of information goods, in Markets, Information and Uncertainty (ed. G. Chichilnisky), Cambridge University Press, 1999, 26–44 (with V. I. Danilov and A. I. Sotskov).
Zonoid trimming for multivariate distributions, The Annals of Statistics, 25 (1997), 1998–2017 (with K. Mosler).
Multivariate Lorenz majorization, Social Choice and Welfare, 12 (1995), 93–102.
V. I. Danilov, A. V. Karzanov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Cubillages of cyclic zonotopes”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 74:6(450) (2019), 55–118; Russian Math. Surveys, 74:6 (2019), 1013–1074
V. P. Grishukhin, V. I. Danilov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Unimodular Systems of Vectors are Embeddable in the $(0,1)$-Cube”, Mat. Zametki, 88:6 (2010), 938–941; Math. Notes, 88:6 (2010), 891–893
V. I. Danilov, A. V. Karzanov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Separated set-systems and their geometric models”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 65:4(394) (2010), 67–152; Russian Math. Surveys, 65:4 (2010), 659–740
V. I. Danilov, G. A. Koshevoy, “The Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence and the bijections of commutativity and associativity”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 72:4 (2008), 67–96; Izv. Math., 72:4 (2008), 689–716
V. I. Danilov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Existence of Fixed Points for Mappings of Finite Sets”, Mat. Zametki, 82:2 (2007), 201–206; Math. Notes, 82:2 (2007), 174–179
V. I. Danilov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Arrays and the combinatorics of Young tableaux”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 60:2(362) (2005), 79–142; Russian Math. Surveys, 60:2 (2005), 269–334
V. I. Danilov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Nilpotent operators and discretely concave functions”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 67:1 (2003), 3–20; Izv. Math., 67:1 (2003), 1–15
V. I. Danilov, G. A. Koshevoy, “Discrete Convexity and Hermitian Matrices”, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 241 (2003), 68–89; Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 241 (2003), 58–78
G. A. Koshevoy, “Curves of infinite genus that are uniformizable in the sense of Schottky”, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 44:4(268) (1989), 239–240; Russian Math. Surveys, 44:4 (1989), 207–208
Continuous combinatorics G. A. Koshevoy The ninth international conference "Quasilinear Equations, Inverse Problems and their Applications" (QIPA 2023) December 5, 2023 12:00
Schur positivity and cluster mutations G. A. Koshevoy New Perspectives in Asymptotic Representation Theory. In memory of Sergei Kerov (1946–2000) August 24, 2021 14:00