Kozyrev, Sergei Vladimirovich

Total publications: 111 (109)
in MathSciNet: 82 (81)
in zbMATH: 59 (58)
in Web of Science: 73 (72)
in Scopus: 69 (68)
Cited articles: 78
Citations: 1709
Presentations: 96

Number of views:
This page:10044
Abstract pages:20356
Full texts:6233
Kozyrev, Sergei Vladimirovich
Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)
Speciality: 01.01.03 (Mathematical physics)
Birth date: 14.04.1968
Keywords: p-adic wavelets, spectral analysis of ultrametric pseudodifferential operators.
UDC: 517.58, 517.518.34, 517.983.37, 517.984.57, 517.94, 512.625, 517.96
MSC: 35S05, 47G10, 26E30, 54E45, 42C40


Ultrametric and p-adic analysis and applications in physics and biology, quantum probability and applications in physics, stochastic limit of quantum theory.


Graduated from Physical Faculty of Moscow State University (department of Quantum Statistics and Field Theory). Ph.D. obtained in 1991 at Steklov Mathematical Institute. D.Sci. degree obtained in 2007 at Steklov Mathematical Institute. Published more than 50 papers.

Main publications:
  1. S.V. Kozyrev, Methods and applications of ultrametric and $p$-adic analysis: from wavelet theory to biophysics, Sovrem. Probl. Mat., 12, Steklov Math. Inst., RAS, Moscow, 2008  mathnet
  2. S.V. Kozyrev, “Wavelet theory as $p$-adic spectral analysis”, Izv. Math., 66:2 (2002), 367–376, arXiv: math-ph/0012019
  3. V.A. Avetisov, A.H. Bikulov, S.V. Kozyrev, “Application of p-adic analysis to models of spontaneous breaking of replica symmetry”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 32:50 (1999), 8785–8791, arXiv: cond-mat/9904360
  4. S.V. Kozyrev, I.V. Volovich, “The Arrhenius formula in kinetic theory and Witten's spectral asymptotics”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 44 (2011), 215202, 10 pp., arXiv: 1008.4487
  5. L. Accardi, S.V. Kozyrev, I.V. Volovich, “Dynamics of dissipative two-level system in the stochastic approximation”, Phys. Rev. A, 56:4 (1997), 2557–2562, arXiv: quant-ph/9706021

List of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. S. V. Kozyrev, “Lotka–Volterra model with mutations and generative adversarial networks”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 218:2 (2024), 276–284  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus
2. Sergei V. Kozyrev, Ilya A. Lopatin, Alexander N. Pechen, “Control of overfitting with physics”, Entropy, 26:12 (2024), 1090 , 16 pp., arXiv: 2412.10716  mathnet  crossref;
3. S. V. Kozyrev, “Transformers as a physical model in AI”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 45:2 (2024), 710–717  mathnet  crossref; 1
4. S. V. Kozyrev, How to explain grokking, 2024 , 6 pp., arXiv: 2412.18624

5. S. V. Kozyrev, “Learning by population genetics and matrix Riccati equation”, Entropy, 25:2 (2023), 348 , 9 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 2
6. S. V. Kozyrev, “Category theory and theory of evolution”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 44:6 (2023), 2065–2071  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib; 1
7. Sergei V. Kozyrev, Alexander N. Pechen, “Amplification of quantum transfer and quantum ratchet”, Phys. Scr., 98:12 (2023), 125122 , 12 pp.  mathnet  crossref;
8. B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, “On the Occasion of the Centenary of the Birth of V. S. Vladimirov (1923–2012)”, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 15:3 (2023), 243–244  crossref 1

9. B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “Giorgio Parisi: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2021”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 14:1 (2022), 81–83  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 1
10. Sergei V. Kozyrev, Alexander N. Pechen, “Quantum feedback control in quantum photosynthesis”, Phys. Rev. A, 106 (2022), 32218 , 10 pp., arXiv: 2105.12128  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 5
11. S. V. Kozyrev, “Learning theory and population genetics”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 43:7 (2022), 1655–1662  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 3
12. L. Accardi, B. Dragovich, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin, “Preface”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 37:20-21 (2022), 2202002 , 1 pp.  mathnet  crossref;
13. S. V. Kozyrev, “Landau–Zener formula and non-secular transitions”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 37:20-21 (2022), 2243015 , 9 pp., arXiv: 2201.07223  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet;

14. Branko Dragovich, Andrei Yu. Khrennikov, Sergei V. Kozyrev, Nataša. Ž. Mišić, “$p$-Adic Mathematics and Theoretical Biology”, Biosystems, 199 (2021), 104288 , 10 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; 12
15. Alexei N. Nekrasov, Yuri P. Kozmin, Sergey V. Kozyrev, Rustam H. Ziganshin, Alexandre G. de Brevern, Anastasia A. Anashkina, “Hierarchical structure of protein sequence”, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22:15 (2021), 8339 , 12 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus; 7
16. S. V. Kozyrev, “Is genome written in Haskell?”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 42:10 (2021), 2358–2363  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 4

17. Sergei V. Kozyrev, “Learning problem for functional programming and model of biological evolution”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 12:2 (2020), 112–122  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 2
18. S. V. Kozyrev, “$q$-Deformation and Free Statistics for Interaction of a Field and a Particle”, Phys. Part. Nucl., 51:4 (2020), 452–457  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
19. S. V. Kozyrev, “Genome as a functional program”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 41:12 (2020), 2326–2331 , arXiv: 2006.09980  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus; 5
20. A. N. Nekrasov, Y. P. Kozmin, S. V. Kozyrev, N. G. Esipova, R. H. Ziganshin, A. A. Anashkina, “Levels of hierarchical organization of protein sequences. Entropy Characteristics Analysis”, Biophysics, 65:6 (2020), 1965–1071  mathnet  crossref  elib

21. S. V. Kozyrev, “Model of Vibrons in Quantum Photosynthesis as an Analog of a Model of Laser”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 306 (2019), 145–156  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
22. Sergei V. Kozyrev, “Code Biology and Kolmogorov Complexity”, Advances in Artificial Systems for Medicine and Education II. AIMEE2018 2018., International Conference of Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education (6-8 October, Moscow, Russia), Adv. Intell. Syst. Comput., 902, eds. Hu Z., Petoukhov S., He M., Springer, 2019, 93–101  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus;

23. S. V. Kozyrev, “Quantum Transport in Degenerate Systems”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 301 (2018), 134–143  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
24. A.Yu. Khrennikov, S.V. Kozyrev, W.A. Zuniga-Galindo, Ultrametric Pseudodifferential Equations and Applications, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2018 , 250 pp.  mathscinet  zmath
25. S.V. Kozyrev, I.V. Volovich, “Dark states in quantum photosynthesis”, Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling, Optimization and Computational Problems, Proceedings of BIOMAT 2017 Conference (Institut vychislitelnoi matematiki RAN, Moskva, 30 oktyabrya –3 noyabrya 2017 g), eds. R.P. Mondaini, Springer, Berlin, 2018, 13-26 , arXiv: 1603.07182  crossref  zmath 6
26. S. V. Kozyrev, “Biology as a constructive physics”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 10:4 (2018), 305–311 , arXiv: 1804.10518  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 6
27. V. S. Anashin, B. Dragovich, A. N. Kochubei, S. V. Kozyrev, and I. V. Volovich, “Andrei Yurievich Khrennikov and his Research”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 10:4 (2018), 344–347  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

28. B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, E. I. Zelenov, “p-Adic Mathematical Physics: The First 30 Years”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 9:2 (2017), 87–121 , arXiv: 1705.04758  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 95
29. I. Ya. Aref'eva, G. S. Djordjevic, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, Z. Rakic, I. V. Volovich, “p-Adic mathematical physics and B. Dragovich research”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 9:1 (2017), 82–85  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 1
30. S. V. Kozyrev, A. A. Mironov, A. E. Teretenkov, I. V. Volovich, “Flows in nonequilibrium quantum systems and quantum photosynthesis”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 20:4 (2017), 1750021 , 19 pp., arXiv: 1612.00213  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 11

31. I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, “Manipulation of states of a degenerate quantum system”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 294 (2016), 241–251  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
32. S. V. Kozyrev, “Model of protein fragments and statistical potentials”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 8:4 (2016), 325–337 , arXiv: 1504.03940  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  isi  elib  scopus 3
33. A. N. Nekrasov, A. A. Zinchenko, D. M. Karlinskii, S. V. Kozyrev, “Metod issledovaniya ierarkhicheskikh elementov v prirodnykh aminokislotnykh posledovatelnostyakh”, Uspekhi sovremen. estestvozn., 2016, no. 11, 242–248  mathnet  elib

34. I. Ya. Aref'eva, I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, “Stochastic limit method and interference in quantum many-particle systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 183:3 (2015), 782–799  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
35. A. Khrennikov, S. Kozyrev, A. Månsson, “Hierarchical model of the actomyosin molecular motor based on ultrametric diffusion with drift”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 18:2 (2015), 1550013 , 16 pp., arXiv: 1312.7528  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 4
36. S. V. Kozyrev, “Ultrametricity in the theory of complex systems”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 185:2 (2015), 1665–1677  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus

37. S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “Quinary lattice model of secondary structures of polymers”, Phys. A, 393 (2014), 86–95 , arXiv: 1206.4424  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 2
38. S. V. Kozyrev, A. Yu. Khrennikov, V. M. Shelkovich, “$p$-adic wavelets and their applications”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 285 (2014), 157–196  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  elib  scopus
39. S. V. Kozyrev, “Cluster networks and Bruhat–Tits buildings”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 180:2 (2014), 958–966  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus

40. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, K. Oleschko, A. G. Jaramillo, M. de Jesus Correa Lopez, “Application of p-adic analysis to time series”, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 16:4 (2013), 1350030 , 15 pp., arXiv: 1312.3878  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 22

41. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, “Clustering by hypergraphs and dimensionality of cluster systems”, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 4:3 (2012), 167–178 , arXiv: 1204.5952  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 3
42. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, Lattice model of protein conformations, 2012 , arXiv: 1207.7317
43. S. V. Kozyrev, Classification by ensembles of neural networks, 2012 , arXiv: 1202.4170

44. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “$p$-Adic integral operators in wavelet bases”, Dokl. Math., 83:2 (2011), 209–212  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
45. S. V. Kozyrev, A. Yu. Khrennikov, “Multidimensional $p$-adic metric and genetic code”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki, 1(22) (2011), 113–117  mathnet  crossref  rsci  elib
46. S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “The Arrhenius formula in kinetic theory and Witten's spectral asymptotics”, J. Phys. A, 44:21 (2011), 215202 , 10 pp., arXiv: 1008.4487  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 14
47. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Genetic code and deformation of the 2-dimensional 2-adic metric”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 3:2 (2011), 165–168  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 8
48. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Replica procedure for probabilistic algorithms as a model of gene duplication”, Dokl. Math., 84:2 (2011), 726–729 , arXiv: 1105.2893  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

49. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “2-Adic degeneration of the genetic code and energy of binding of codons”, Quantum bio-informatics III, QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 26, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2010, 193–204  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi 3
50. S. V. Kozyrev, “Multidimensional clustering and hypergraphs”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 164:3 (2010), 1163–1168  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
51. S. V. Kozyrev, A. Yu. Khrennikov, “2-adic numbers in genetics and Rumer's symmetry”, Dokl. Math., 81:1 (2010), 128–130  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
52. S. V. Kozyrev, “Dynamics on rugged landscapes of energy and ultrametric diffusion”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 2:2 (2010), 122–132  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 22
53. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, “Pseudodifferential p-adic vector fields and pseudodifferentiation of a composite p-adic function”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 2:1 (2010), 21–34 , arXiv: 1105.1506  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 6
54. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, “Multidimensional $p$-adic wavelets for the deformed metric”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 2:4 (2010), 265–277 , arXiv: 1105.1524  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 8

55. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, “Frames of $p$-adic wavelets and orbits of the affine group”, P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 1:1 (2009), 18–33 , arXiv: 0801.4713  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
56. B. Dragovich, A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “On $p$-adic mathematical physics”, P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 1:1 (2009), 1–17 , arXiv: 0904.4205  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 228
57. I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, $p$-Adicheskaya matematicheskaya fizika: osnovnye konstruktsii, primeneniya k slozhnym i nanoskopicheskim sistemam, Matematicheskaya fizika i eë prilozheniya. Vvodnye kursy. Vypusk 1, Samarskii gos. un-t, Samara, 2009
58. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, “Multidimensional ultrametric pseudodifferential equations”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 265 (2009), 13–29 , arXiv: 0708.2074  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
59. S. Albeverio, S. V. Kozyrev, “Multidimensional basis of $p$-adic wavelets and representation theory”, P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications, 1:3 (2009), 181–189 , arXiv: 0903.0461  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 25
60. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “2-Adic clustering of the PAM matrix”, J. Theoretical Biology, 261:3 (2009), 396–406 , arXiv: 0903.0137  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 27

61. S. V. Kozyrev, “Methods and applications of ultrametric and $p$-adic analysis: From wavelet theory to biophysics”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 274, suppl. 1 (2011), 1–84  mathnet  crossref  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

62. S. V. Kozyrev, “Toward an ultrametric theory of turbulence”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 157:3 (2008), 1713–1722 , arXiv: 0803.2719  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
63. S.V.Kozyrev, A.Yu.Khrennikov, “$p$-Adicheskie chisla v bioinformatike”, Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Estestvennonauchnaya seriya, 8/1(67) (2008), 115–126 , arXiv: 0903.0137

64. S. V. Kozyrev, “Wavelets and spectral analysis of ultrametric pseudodifferential operators”, Sb. Math., 198:1 (2007), 97–116  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
65. A.Yu.Khrennikov, S.V.Kozyrev, “Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space III: The case of general measure”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 378:2 (2007), 283-298 , arXiv: cond-mat/0603694  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 29
66. A.Yu. Khrennikov, S.V. Kozyrev, “Genetic code on the diadic plane”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 381 (2007), 265-272 , arXiv: q-bio.QM/0701007  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 49

67. S. V. Kozyrev, A. Y. Khrennikov, Dokl. Math., 74:3 (2006), 906–909  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
68. S. V. Kozyrev, “Ultrametric dynamics as a model of interbasin kinetics”, J. Contemp. Math. Anal., 41:5 (2006), 38–48  mathscinet
69. S. V. Kozyrev, “Ultrametric analysis and interbasin kinetics”, $p$-adic mathematical physics, AIP Conf. Proc., 826, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, 2006, 121–128  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus 12
70. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, “Coherent population trapping and partial decoherence in the stochastic limit”, Internat. J. Theoret. Phys., 45:4 (2006), 677–694 , arXiv: quant-ph/0303185  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 7
71. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Ultrametric random field”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 9:2 (2006), 199–213 , arXiv: math/0603584  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 32
72. A.Yu.Khrennikov, S.V.Kozyrev, “Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space I: replica matrices and functionals”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 359 (2006), 222-240 , arXiv: cond-mat/0603685  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 46
73. A.Yu.Khrennikov, S.V.Kozyrev, “Replica symmetry breaking related to a general ultrametric space II: RSB solutions and the $n\to0$ limit”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 359 (2006), 241-266 , arXiv: cond-mat/0603687  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 34
74. L. Accardi, S.V.Kozyrev, A.N.Pechen, “Coherent Quantum Control of $\Lambda$–Atoms through the Stochastic Limit”, Quantum Information and Computing, QP-PQ: Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis, 19, eds. L.Accardi, M.Ohya, N.Watanabe, World Scientific, Singapore, 2006, 1-17  zmath  adsnasa
75. A.Yu.Khrennikov, S.V.Kozyrev, “Wavelets and the Cauchy problem for the Schrodinger equation on analytic ultrametric space”, Proceedings of the 2-nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena 2005 (14–19 August 2005, Växjö, Sweden), AIP Conference Proceedings, 834, eds. B.Nilsson, L.Fishman, American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, 2006, 344–350  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus

76. A. Khrennikov, S. Kozyrev, “Contextual quantization and the principle of complementarity of probabilities”, Open Syst. Inf. Dyn., 12:3 (2005), 303–318 , arXiv: quant-ph/0310114  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi 4
77. S. V. Kozyrev, V. Al. Osipov, V. A. Avetisov, “Nondegenerate ultrametric diffusion”, J. Math. Phys., 46:6 (2005), 063302 , 15 pp., arXiv: cond-mat/0403440  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus 15
78. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Wavelets on ultrametric spaces”, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 19:1 (2005), 61–76  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 64
79. S. V. Kozyrev, A. Yu. Khrennikov, “Pseudodifferential operators on ultrametric spaces and ultrametric wavelets”, Izv. Math., 69:5 (2005), 989–1003  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
80. A. Yu. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “$p$-Adic Pseudodifferential Operators and Analytic Continuation of Replica Matrices”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 144:2 (2005), 1166–1170  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus

81. A. Khrennikov, S. Kozyrev, “The contextual quantization and the principle of complementarity of probabilities”, Quantum theory: reconsideration of foundations—2, Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 10, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2004, 723–745  mathscinet
82. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, “Superfluidity in the stochastic limit”, Discrete Dyn. Nat. Soc., 2004, no. 1, Special issue in memory of Ilya Prigogine, 3–17  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
83. S. V. Kozyrev, “$p$-Adic Pseudodifferential Operators: Methods and Applications”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 245 (2004), 143–153  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
84. S. V. Kozyrev, “$p$-Adic Pseudodifferential Operators and $p$-Adic Wavelets”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 138:3 (2004), 322–332  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus

85. L. Accardi, S. Kozyrev, “Quantum Boltzmann statistics in interacting systems”, Stochastic analysis and mathematical physics II, Trends Math., Birkhäuser, Basel, 2003, 1–7  mathscinet  zmath  isi
86. L. Accardi, S. Kozyrev, “Quantum Boltzmann statistics in interacting systems”, Quantum probability and infinite dimensional analysis (Burg, 2001), QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 15, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2003, 21–28  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa
87. A. Khrennikov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Noncommutative probability in classical disordered systems”, Phys. A, 326:3-4 (2003), 456–463 , arXiv: quant-ph/0211033  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 4
88. S. V. Kozyrev, “Rigged Hilbert Space of Free Coherent States and $p$-Adic Numbers”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 135:2 (2003), 642–650  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
89. S. V. Kozyrev, “The noncommutative replica procedure”, Foundations of probability and physics, 2 (Växjö, 2002), Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 5, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2003, 359–373  mathscinet
90. S. Kozyrev, A. Khrennikov, “Noncommutative probability in classical systems”, Foundations of probability and physics, 2 (Växjö, 2002), Math. Model. Phys. Eng. Cogn. Sci., 5, Växjö Univ. Press, Växjö, 2003, 375–383  mathscinet
91. L. Accardi, K. Imafuku, S.V. Kozyrev, “Interaction of 3-level atom with radiation”, OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, 94:6 (2003), 904-910  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 6

92. V. A. Avetisov, A. H. Bikulov, S. V. Kozyrev, V. A. Osipov, “$p$-adic models of ultrametric diffusion constrained by hierarchical energy landscapes”, J. Phys. A, 35:2 (2002), 177–189 , arXiv: cond-mat/0106506  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 168
93. L. Accardi, S. Kozyrev, “Lectures on quantum interacting particle systems”, Quantum interacting particle systems (Trento, 2000), QP–PQ: Quantum Probab. White Noise Anal., 14, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 2002, 1–195  crossref  mathscinet 31
94. S. V. Kozyrev, “Wavelet theory as $p$-adic spectral analysis”, Izv. Math., 66:2 (2002), 367–376  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus

95. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, “Superfluidity in the stochastic limit”, Infinite dimensional analysis and quantum probability theory (Kyoto, 2000), Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku, no. 1227, 2001, 1–13  mathscinet  zmath
96. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, “On the structure of Markov flows”, Irreversibility, probability and complexity (Les Treilles/Clausthal, 1999), Chaos Solitons Fractals, 12, no. 14-15, 2001, 2639–2655 , arXiv: quant-ph/9911078  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 10

97. L. Accardi, S.V. Kozyrev, “The stochastic limit of quantum spin system”, Statistical Physics. Proceedings of the 3rd Tohwa International Meeting on Statistical Physics. (Tohwa University, Fukuoka, Japan, November 8-11, 1999.), AIP Proceedings, 519, eds. M. Tokuyama, H.E. Stanley, American Institute of Physics, 2000, 599–610  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi 2

98. V. A. Avetisov, A. H. Bikulov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Application of $p$-adic analysis to models of breaking of replica symmetry”, J. Phys. A, 32:50 (1999), 8785–8791  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 128
99. V. A. Avetisov, A. Kh. Bikulov, S. V. Kozyrev, “Description of logarithmic relaxation by a model of a hierarchical random walk”, Dokl. RAN, 368:2 (1999), 164–167  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib 1
100. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “Non-exponential decay for polaron model”, Phys. Lett. A, 260:1-2 (1999), 31–38 , arXiv: quant-ph/9904084  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 6
101. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “Dynamical $q$-deformation in quantum theory and the stochastic limit”, J. Phys. A, 32:19 (1999), 3485–3495 , arXiv: math/9807137  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 7

102. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “The hot free algebra”, Recent trends in infinite-dimensional noncommutative analysis (Kyoto, 1997), Sūrikaisekikenkyūsho Kōkyūroku, no. 1035, 1998, 1–18  mathscinet  zmath
103. S. V. Kozyrev, “Free coherent states and distributions on $p$-adic numbers”, Infin. Dimens. Anal. Quantum Probab. Relat. Top., 1:2 (1998), 349–355  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 3
104. L. Accardi, I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev, “A new algebra in the stochastic approximation for the model of a particle interacting with a quantum field”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 116:3 (1998), 1050–1062  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus

105. S. V. Kozyrev, “Ultrametric space of free coherent states”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 110:2 (1997), 265–266  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
106. L. Accardi, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “Dynamics of dissipative two–level system in the stochastic approximation”, Phys.Rev.A., 56:4 (1997), 2557–2562 , arXiv: quant-ph/9706021  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 24
107. S. V. Kozyrev, “Nonarchimedean space of states in the model of polymerization”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 112:3 (1997), 1192–1198  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus

108. S. V. Kozyrev, “Isomorphism of stable and regular representations of the algebra of functions on a quantum group”, Dokl. RAN, 343:4 (1995), 445–447  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi
109. L. Accardi, I. Ya. Aref'eva, S. V. Kozyrev, I. V. Volovich, “The master field for large-$N$ matrix models and quantum groups”, Modern Phys. Lett. A, 10:31 (1995), 2323–2333 , arXiv: hep-th/9503041  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi 8

110. S. V. Kozyrev, “Exact calculability, semigroup of representations, and the stability property for representations of the algebra of functions on the quantum group $SU_{q}(2)$”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 101:2 (1994), 1269–1280  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus

111. S. V. Kozyrev, “Free motion of $q$-deformed quantum particle”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 93:1 (1992), 1138–1141  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Seminar 4. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 5, 2025 18:00
2. Seminar 3. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 26, 2025 18:00
3. Теория обучения как физика
S. V. Kozyrev

February 21, 2025 15:30
4. Seminar 1. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 12, 2025 18:00
5. Как объяснить гроккинг
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
February 6, 2025 11:00   
6. Amplification of Quantum Transfer and Quantum Ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
Mathematics in Quantum Technologies — 2024
December 11, 2024 12:30   
7. Гроккинг в теории обучения
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
November 27, 2024 18:45
8. Действие в физике, биологии и ИИ
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 23, 2024 18:45
9. Биология и вычисления
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 9, 2024 18:45
10. Теория обучения, физика и биология
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
October 3, 2024 11:00   
11. Теория обучения как физика
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
September 11, 2024 18:00
12. Геном как программа и трансформеры
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 6, 2024 18:00
13. Learning theory and population genetics
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 21, 2024 18:00
14. Трансформеры как физическая модель в ИИ
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
February 1, 2024 11:00
15. Трансформеры как физическая модель в ИИ
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 11, 2023 18:45
16. Модель типа Лотки-Вольтерры с мутациями и порождающие соревновательные сети
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 4, 2023 18:45
17. Population genetics and learning
S. V. Kozyrev
III International Conference “Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems, Infinite-Dimensional Analysis”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of V.S. Vladimirov, the 100th anniversary of L.D. Kudryavtsev and the 85th anniversary of O.G. Smolyanov
July 7, 2023 12:00   
18. Amplification of quantum transfer and quantum ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
May 10, 2023 18:00
19. Model of the Lotka-Volterra type with mutations and generative adversarial networks
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
April 19, 2023 18:00
20. Популяционная генетика и теория обучения
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 9, 2023 11:00   
21. Amplification of quantum transfer and quantum ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 15, 2023 18:30
22. Learning by population genetics and matrix Riccati equation
S. V. Kozyrev
International Conference Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Birthday of V. S. Vladimirov (Vladimirov-100)
January 13, 2023 15:30   
23. Усиление квантового переноса и квантовый храповик
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
December 29, 2022 11:00   
24. Amplification of quantum transfer and quantum ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
December 21, 2022 18:00
25. Amplification of Quantum Transfer and Quantum Ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
Mathematics in Quantum Technologies — 2022
December 5, 2022 11:00
26. Category theory and theory of evolution
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
November 23, 2022 18:00
27. Amplification of Quantum Transfer and Quantum Ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
International Conference "New Trends in Mathematical Physics"
November 8, 2022 11:00   
28. Vibrons in quantum photosynthesis and the Landau-Zener model
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 5, 2022 18:45
29. Теория обучения, популяционная генетика и матричное уравнение Риккати
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
September 29, 2022 11:00   
30. Learning theory, population genetics and matrix Riccati equation
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
September 14, 2022 18:00
31. On the Stark effect in quantum photosynthesis
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 16, 2022 18:00
32. Теория обучения и популяционная генетика
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
December 30, 2021 11:00
33. Landau-Zener formula and non-secular transitions
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
December 22, 2021 18:00
34. Temperature learning and laws of genome evolution
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
November 24, 2021 18:00
35. The Landau-Zener model with friction
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 13, 2021 18:00
36. The Landau-Zener model with friction
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
October 6, 2021 18:45
37. Quantum feedback control in quantum photosynthesis
S. V. Kozyrev
International Conference "Selected Topics in Mathematical Physics" Dedicated to 75-th Anniversary of I. V. Volovich
September 30, 2021 17:15   
38. Vibrons and quantum feedback control
S. V. Kozyrev
Mathematical Physics, Dynamical Systems and Infinite-Dimensional Analysis – 2021
July 9, 2021 13:00   
39. Seminar 15. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
May 26, 2021 18:00
40. Seminar 14. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
May 19, 2021 18:00
41. Seminar 13. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
May 12, 2021 18:00
42. Seminar 12. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
April 28, 2021 18:00
43. Vibrons and quantum ratchet
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
April 22, 2021 11:00
44. Seminar 11. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
April 21, 2021 18:00
45. Seminar 10. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
April 14, 2021 18:00
46. Seminar 9. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
April 7, 2021 18:00
47. Seminar 8. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 31, 2021 18:00
48. Seminar 7. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 24, 2021 18:00
49. Seminar 6. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 17, 2021 18:00
50. Seminar 5. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 10, 2021 18:00
51. Seminar 4. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
March 3, 2021 18:00
52. Seminar 3. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 24, 2021 18:00
53. Seminar 2. Quantum mathematical physics
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 17, 2021 18:00
54. Seminar 1. Quantum mathematical physics
V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin, I. V. Volovich
Seminar by V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin and I. V. Volovich "Quantum mathematical physics"
February 10, 2021 18:00
55. Genome as a functional program
Sergey Kozyrev
Workshop "New Trends in Mathematical Physics"
November 11, 2020 16:00   
56. Семинар 11. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
July 8, 2020 18:00
57. Семинар 8. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
April 22, 2020
58. Семинар 7. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
April 15, 2020
59. Семинар 6. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
April 8, 2020
60. Геном как программа
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 12, 2020 11:00
61. Семинар 5. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
March 11, 2020 18:00
62. Семинар 4. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
March 4, 2020 18:00
63. Семинар 3. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
February 26, 2020 18:00
64. Семинар 2. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
February 19, 2020 18:00
65. Семинар 1. Квантовая математическая физика
I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev, A. S. Trushechkin
Seminar by I. V. Volovich, V. V. Kozlov, S. V. Kozyrev and A. S. Trushechkin "Quantum Mathematical Physic"
February 12, 2020 18:00
66. Динамическая $q$-деформация и свободная статистика
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
October 17, 2019 11:00
67. Nonlinearity and quantum free statistics
S. V. Kozyrev
International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics dedicated to the 110th anniversary of N. N. Bogolyubov's birth
September 9, 2019 16:20   
68. Dissipative dynamics in quantum degenerate systems
S. V. Kozyrev
Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2018
November 21, 2018 12:00   
69. Model of vibrones in quantum photosynthesis as an analog of model of laser
S. V. Kozyrev
Internaional conference «Modern Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-95»
November 13, 2018 12:00   
70. Математическая модель вибронного усиления квантового переноса
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
September 27, 2018 11:00
71. Тёмные состояния в квантовом фотосинтезе и квантовый перенос
S. V. Kozyrev
Infinite dimensional analysis and mathematical physics
October 16, 2017 18:30
72. Тёмные состояния в квантовом фотосинтезе и квантовый перенос
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
October 12, 2017 11:00
73. О модели Ниеми конформаций белков и солитонах
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 9, 2017 11:00
74. Dark states and supertransport in quantum photosynthesis
Sergei Kozyrev
New Trends in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
October 3, 2016 11:00   
75. p-Адические числа и сложные системы
S. V. Kozyrev
Conference of Professors of the RAS in the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences
June 16, 2016 10:25   
76. Dark states in quantum photosynthesis
S. V. Kozyrev
The third Russian-Chinese conference on complex analysis, algebra, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics
May 12, 2016 17:00   
77. $p$-Адические числа и сложные системы
S. V. Kozyrev
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
January 21, 2016 16:00   
78. Some mathematical approaches to investigation of complex and biological systems
S. V. Kozyrev
Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2015
November 11, 2015 14:45   
79. Dynamics of degenerate quantum systems and quantum photosynthesis
S. V. Kozyrev
Mathematical problems of quantum theory of nanosystems and photosynthesis
September 17, 2015 16:30
80. Динамика квантовых систем с вырождением и квантовый фотосинтез
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 5, 2015 11:00
81. Quinary lattice model of secondary structures of polymers
S. V. Kozyrev
Random geometry and physics
September 12, 2014 14:30   
82. Thr stochastic limit of quantum multiparticle systems
S. V. Kozyrev
Fourth international conference "Mathematical Physics and Its Applications"
August 27, 2014 10:30
83. Модель кооперативного взаимодействия в решеточных полимерах и вторичные структуры
S. V. Kozyrev
Conference "Mathematical Physics. Vladimirov-90" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of academician V. S. Vladimirov
November 13, 2013 17:00   
84. Three level atom in the stochastic limit
S. V. Kozyrev
International conference "QP 34 – Quantum Probability and Related Topics"
September 18, 2013 10:30   
85. $p$-adic parameters in theory of complex systems
S. V. Kozyrev
Iskovskikh Seminar
February 14, 2013 18:00
86. Нелокальная решёточная модель вторичной структуры белка
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
June 21, 2012 11:00
87. Nonlocal lattice model of secondary structures of proteins
S. V. Kozyrev
International Conference "Irreversibility Problem in Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems"
December 8, 2011 11:00   
88. Точно решаемые нелинейные интегральные ультраметрические уравнения
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar on Theory of Functions of Several Real Variables and Its Applications to Problems of Mathematical Physics
November 9, 2011 16:00
89. Dynamics on complex energy landscapes, the Arrhenius formula and Morse–Witten theory
S. V. Kozyrev
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
January 27, 2011 16:00   
90. Математическая физика на Международном конгрессе математиков 2010
I. V. Volovich, S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
September 30, 2010 11:00
91. Фреймы $p$-адических всплесков и орбиты аффинной группы
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
April 2, 2009 11:00
92. Ultrametric wavelets and applications
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
February 22, 2006
93. $p$-Adic and ultrametric wavelets and spectral analysis
S. V. Kozyrev
Steklov Mathematical Institute Seminar
April 21, 2005 16:00   
94. Ультраметрические псевдодифференциальные операторы и всплески (продолжение)
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 24, 2005
95. Ультраметрические псевдодифференциальные операторы и всплески
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 10, 2005
96. Псевдодифференциальные операторы и всплески на ультраметрических пространствах общего вида
S. V. Kozyrev
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
November 18, 2004

Books in Math-Net.Ru
  1. S. V. Kozyrev, Methods and Applications of Ultrametric and $p$-Adic Analysis: From Wavelet Theory to Biophysics, Sovrem. Probl. Mat., 12, 2008, 170 с.

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