This publication is cited in the following 24 articles:
A. S. Mishchenko, “Maslov Index on Symplectic Manifolds Infinitesimal Lagrangian Manifolds”, J Math Sci, 2025
A. S. Mischenko, “Indeks Maslova na simplekticheskikh mnogoobraziyakh i infinitezimalnye lagranzhevy mnogoobraziya”, SMFN, 70, no. 3, Rossiiskii universitet druzhby narodov, M., 2024, 417–427
A. S. Mishchenko, “Notes on a Category-Theoretic Definition of Maslov Classes of a Lagrangian Manifold”, Math. Notes, 114:3 (2023), 412–414
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Lara Simone Suárez, “Exact Lagrangian cobordism and pseudo-isotopy”, Int. J. Math., 28:08 (2017), 1750059
Paul Biran, Octav Cornea, “Lagrangian cobordism and Fukaya categories”, Geom. Funct. Anal., 24:6 (2014), 1731
Michèle Audin, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 26, Contact and Symplectic Topology, 2014, 1
Sabloff J.M., Traynor L., “Obstructions to Lagrangian Cobordisms Between Legendrians via Generating Families”, Algebr. Geom. Topol., 13:5 (2013), 2733–2797
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Michèle Audin, François Lalonde, Leonid Polterovich, Progress in Mathematics, 117, Holomorphic Curves in Symplectic Geometry, 1994, 271
M. Audin, “Cobordisms of Lagrangian immersions in the space of the cotangent bundle of a manifold”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 21:3 (1987), 223–226
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