Образец цитирования:
К. И. Бабенко, Г. П. Воскресенский, “Численный метод расчета пространственного обтекания тел сверхзвуковым потоком газа”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 1:6 (1961), 1051–1060; U.S.S.R. Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 1:4 (1962), 1220–1234
A. V. Antonets, V. P. Marinin, “Calculation of the pressure on the side surface of bodies consisting of a spherical segment joined to an inverted cone in a supersonic stream”, Fluid Dyn, 16:1 (1981), 146
Maurice Holt, Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, 1977, 57
V. G. Voronkin, “Computation of the viscous shock layer on blunted cones”, Fluid Dyn, 9:6 (1976), 950
G. P. Voskresenskii, “Numerical solution of the problem of the flow of a supersonic gas stream over the upper surface of a delta wing in the expansion region”, J Appl Mech Tech Phys, 14:6 (1975), 798
A. V. Antonets, “Hypersonic flow of nonequilibrium air over blunt bodies”, Fluid Dyn, 9:2 (1975), 258
A. V. Antonets, A. V. Krasil'nikov, “Calculation of three-dimensional unsteady hypersonic gas flow past slender blunt bodies”, Fluid Dyn, 4:5 (1972), 94
V. V. Lunev, “Method of curved bodies in problems of unsteady hypersonic flow past slender bodies”, Fluid Dyn, 3:5 (1972), 42
A. V. Antonets, “Three-dimensional supersonic flow past blunt bodies with contour discontinuities, with account for equilibrium and frozen state of the gas in the shock layer”, Fluid Dyn, 5:2 (1970), 324