С помощью теоремы двойственности Фенхеля и преобразования Янга в работе построена операция свертки технологий и на ее основе исследована задача агрегирования модели нелинейного межотраслевого баланса с вогнутыми положительно-однородными производственными функциями. Библ. 9.
Н. К. Обросова, А. А. Шананин, “Двойственность по Янгу вариационных неравенств. приложение для анализа взаимодействий в производственных сетях”, Тр. ИММ УрО РАН, 29, № 3, 2023, 88–105; N. K. Obrosova, A. A. Shananin, “Young Duality of Variational Inequalities. An Application for the Analysis of Interactions in Production Networks”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 323, suppl. 1 (2023), S194–S210
Askar Boranbayev, Nataliia Obrosova, Alexander Shananin, “Technology of Input–Output Analysis with CES Production: Application for Studying the Kazakhstan Supply Chain during the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Sustainability, 15:19 (2023), 14057
Seyit Kerimkhulle, Nataliia Obrosova, Alexander Shananin, Akylbek Tokhmetov, “Young Duality for Variational Inequalities and Nonparametric Method of Demand Analysis in Input–Output Models with Inputs Substitution: Application for Kazakhstan Economy”, Mathematics, 11:19 (2023), 4216
Natalia Obrosova, Alexander Shananin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13930, Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research, 2023, 3
N. K. Obrosova, A. A. Shananin, A. A. Spiridonov, “Nonlinear Input-Output Model with Nested CES Technologies for the Analysis of Macroeconomic Effects of a Foreign Trade Shock”, Lobachevskii J Math, 44:1 (2023), 401
Anastasiia Rassokha, Natalia Obrosova, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14395, Optimization and Applications, 2023, 275
A. Boranbayev, N. Obrosova, A. Shananin, “Nonlinear input-output balance and Young duality: analysis of Covid-19 macroeconomic impact on Kazakhstan”, Сиб. электрон. матем. изв., 19:2 (2022), 835–851
Seyit Kerimkhulle, Natalia Obrosova, Alexander Shananin, Gulmira Azieva, “The Nonlinear Model of Intersectoral Linkages of Kazakhstan for Macroeconomic Decision-Making Processes in Sustainable Supply Chain Management”, Sustainability, 14:21 (2022), 14375
Shananin A.A., Rassokha V A., “Inverse Problems in Analysis of Input-Output Model in the Class of Ces Functions”, J. Inverse Ill-Posed Probl., 29:2 (2021), 305–316
А. В. Рассоха, А. А. Шананин, “Обратные задачи анализа межотраслевых балансов”, Матем. моделирование, 33:3 (2021), 39–58; A. V. Rassokha, A. A. Shananin, “Inverse problems of the analysis of input-output balances”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 13:6 (2021), 943–954
Seilkhan Boranbayev, Nataliia Obrosova, Alexander Shananin, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13078, Optimization and Applications, 2021, 321